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11 mos ago
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HELLO! My name is Sausage Pat.
I am a female ginger with immense creative talent.

Most Recent Posts

Time: 3pm
Location:: Edin Theater
Interaction:: @Conscripts @FunnyGuy

Clouds in the sky… here an eye, there an eye.. The cloud looks like a fry! A fry with great big eyes! Ruby was looking up at a partly cloudy sky, focused in on a particular one. She used to do this for hours at a time when she was a child– just lying down on the ground with her brother Jack, looking up as the clouds drifted off to their new place in the world. She had quite the imagination when it came to simple pleasures, mostly out of necessity. As she was enjoying her cloud-watching session, her body felt a sudden jolt move through it. Whoa! What in the heavens above? She looked down at her sprawled out figure and observed her hands as she turned them side to side. She seemed to be okay. Back up toward the clouds she brought her eyes, but suddenly they started to fade and so did everything else.

A rough tapping on her cheeks struck her awake. Her dream felt so real that she had to take a moment to come about. After that, she fixed her wide eyes on the man kneeling in front of her. Good afternoon to you.. she gazed with admiration at the young man. What was he doing there? Should she ask? Or shall she accept the opportunity that has been presented to her? Ruby sat up in her seat, abruptly noticing that the play had begun. Did I fall asleep? Oh! The hat contest.. Waffle-man… I think I just won an argument? she thought, attempting to put the pieces back together. She looked over her shoulder to Lorenzo next to her, whose face looked rather vexed, and then turned back distractedly to the man. Ruby assumed that he was a high-class man judging from his tidied appearance, and great head of hair.

“Hello! Did you come to join a gal in viewing the inner workings of people’s minds?” the words came out of Ruby and she was not sure that what she said made complete sense, but it was an effort at mimicking a classy woman. She brought her hand over to the empty seat to her right, patting it. “Don’t worry, there’s a seat for you.” she smiled, nodding her head at the man. He looked a bit familiar, and for a second, the thought of a sharp knife came into her mind. But Ruby’s mind was in a bit of a fog still. The fact that he was handsome and presented without a foul smell was enough for her to welcome a stranger to join her.

Location:: Edin Theater
Interaction:: @FunnyGuy

As soon as Ruby heard the first words come out of the waffle-man's mouth, she knew she was in over her head. Pride always seemed to be an underlying motivator in Ruby’s actions, leading her to confrontations that she had no business getting involved with. But at the end of the day, it got her where she was now and that had to count for something.

It was not necessarily the words spewing from Lorenzo’s mouth that struck her, but the tone in which he said them that made her want to wail like a child being disciplined. Tears quickly filled her eyes. The theater was still dim and she was not going to back down from her argument, even with piercing eyes staring back at her. She held back her waterworks until the man mentioned his precious Crystal’s tragedy this morning. This hit home for Ruby, and she almost felt ashamed. That is until these words emitted from him,

“I’m afraid you’ll never know what it means for a perfectly bloomed flower to stand out amongst the others in its bed.”

The drool that was coming from her mouth had stopped completely, and instead she now felt like her mouth was made of sandpaper. She gritted her teeth and let out a deep growl, vibrating passed her closed lips. With the stomp of her foot she chose to retaliate.“Oh, I know full well what it means to be a perfectly bloomed flower standing in a bed!”she announced, knowing that she had no connection to the metaphor he was making.“And I am truly sorry about your almost-daughter, but this is not about bias, sir. This is about hard work and dedication– c-c-creativity! Sure, I could have easily thought of a horse hat to enter a contest right after a horse race. Instead, I used my imagination and brought vibrant colors to life through the nest of my head. That is art. If I simply had the means to create something of more quality, then I bet you would have considered me more readily. To the nether-regions with your… lack of bias!”

She stared down at Lorenzo, shaking in her shoes. Deep down, she knew that the horse hat was far better than hers. She was entirely jealous of it and unwilling to admit that she didn’t think of such an idea for her hat. Ruby saw a glimpse of sadness in this man’s eyes. He looks awfully rough.. like he’s been through several lives of loss and back. Ruby was rethinking her aggressive approach.

“But you did say that my hat could have secured second place?” she laughed nervously and with that took a seat next to him before she passed out.

Time: 3pm
Location:: Edin Theater
Interaction:: @FunnyGuy

Off to the next adventure for Ruby, and this play was just the kind of thing that interested her… dramatics. She heard about it during a moment of eavesdropping on someone at the race track earlier. Sure, it was a last minute decision, but she arrived with a whole minute to spare. The hat contest that followed the race still had her in a tizzy, so much so that she unthinkingly walked into the theater with her giant hat still on.

As she made her way in, Ruby gazed longingly at the red carpet underneath her feet. This was the life that she always dreamed of. Extravagance. She found her way to the end of the hall and made a left toward the theater. If she could never live a life like this, she would embrace it at least for tonight.

There were a fair amount of people in the audience, but still many open seats. Ruby’s excitement grew and she wanted to get the closest look at what was to come. She went directly for the front row seats, but caught a few grimacing looks and decided to head back a few rows. She was used to viewing things from a distance.

The spontaneity of her arrival meant that she had no idea what the play she was about to view was about. In her mind, she anticipated something heartwarming, or maybe romantic. She looked around the audience in an effort to pick up on an overall mood, to which she did not fully sense. There were a few familiar faces in the crowd, though.. Is that the man that publicly put my artwork to shame? thought Ruby, referring to the Duke that picked someone else for the hat contest.

“HEY!!!!” she whisper-shouted with hostility toward him while she pointed a finger. It seems that he did not hear her– although she did catch the attention of a few people nearby. Then, the curtains abruptly opened and she fixed her eyes on the stage. Ruby’s anger subsided for now.

The backdrop did not disappoint. Ruby’s mouth fell open as she doted upon the sights in front of her. As the play proceeded, Ruby realized that this was surely not a passionate love story. She chuckled a few times as she became enthralled by the storyline. It was one line in particular that sent Ruby into an unforeseen fit of laughter, just after books fell from the actress’s dress.

Act I finished and Ruby got a good laugh. As she waited on Act II and a break was commenced, something urged her to approach Lorenzo in the front row. She strolled up to him with her large hat weighing on her tiny body.

After approaching, Ruby put her hands on her hips and glared down at him with the force of a thousand suns. A bit of drool fell from her mouth onto Lorenzo’s left shoe as she decided to speak.“I know you remember me.” Ruby told him and flared her eyes open, “Look at my hat, waffle boy. …How could this not win? Just look at it!” She wiggled it a little and it almost fell off, but she managed a little swagger for once.

“I don't understand how you could make such a mistake,” declared Ruby. “I worked day and night to find scraps beautiful enough, from my own trash, to fulfill this very masterpiece.” she frowned, exuding disappointment from her voice. “I mean, I am sure you are a man of good judgment and all, but this time there must have been some specks of dirt in your eyes. That horse hat? A complete cliche!” Ruby finally expelled the last bit of her frustration. She stepped back a bit as she anticipated a response from this brooding fellow.

Location:: The Horse Race
Interaction:: @Blizz Lyra

Ruby awaited a response to her impulsive gesture, which was actually on the subtle side for her. She turned her eyes toward the champion horse, and her face illuminated.

"Ah... Thank you. Though, that is not her real name, despite the announcer's sense of humor.”

Before she could reply, the horse started to approach her, bringing its muzzle right into her hair. She felt a tingly sensation as the animal sniffed away and finally brought its head onto her shoulder. Its massive head nearly pushed her hat right off. Ruby softly patted the horse’s nose and giggled. If I had as much skill with people as I do with animals, my life would be far different thought Ruby.

She glanced back over to the horse’s keeper, noticing her extravagant hat and kempt appearance."Her name is Lady Avarice. And I believe she likes you."

You could have fooled Ruby, even with a name like Queen Tulip the Bitch Slayer. “Lady Avarice! A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I think we just became best friends.” she shouted, still infatuated with the creature. The woman then introduced herself to Ruby and that was when she noticed the sword by her hip.

General Carris of the Armed Forces.. A well-dressed lady with tact and presumably many skills. She did not know whether to feel intimidation or admiration toward such a woman. Something about her calmed Ruby.

“I don’t think we have [met]! My name is Ruby, Ruby Maeve. I am somewhat new in town. I just love events like this. Attended them all the time back home. Are you also entering the hat contest, or do you always look so fashionable while you ride?” Ruby look eagerly at General Carris. If someone didn't stop her from talking soon, they were both going to miss the contest.

Location:: The Horse Race
Interaction:: @Blizz Lyra

Ruby was nested in her seat as the horse race carried on. After the familiar waffle stand guy was done announcing, the crowd was quick to begin shouting as well. At first this struck Ruby by surprise. This event was something completely new to Ruby and although she was attempting to appear well-acquainted, nervousness made its way in. She jerked in her seat, accidentally dropping the last bit of her corndog snack and it went flying into the air.

The flying corn dog made its way to the front of the crowd and bounced off of a blonde woman’s head. You have got to be kidding me! Ruby thought. This was just her luck to look like a fool at such an upper-class festivity. She swiftly turned her head away and acted like nothing had happened.

She then glanced out at the race that had everyone in an uproar. Duke Lorenzo had begun calling the horses out by name as they sped by. She attempted to catch the interesting names of the runners, but it soon slipped out of her mind. One horse in particular did capture her attention, though. As the man called out, “Empress Victoriaaaaaa!”, Ruby clasped onto her hat with one hand and threw her other arm into the air. She had not even bet on any horse, but for some reason felt a surge of competition run through her.

“Victoria, you go get ‘em! COME ON, ‘YA RASCAL!! DON’T LET THEM TAKE YOUR VICTORY!” She pointed at the horses surpassing hers.

These beautiful creatures were enticing Ruby and she wished to have one of her own that she could ride away on. Maybe one day.

More names continued to be called, but Ruby now had other things on her mind. She remembered what she really came here for– to win the hat contest and become the most desired gal in town. She set her excitement for the race aside and began looking around at all of the wealthy townies’ hats. “Pshh.. Who let these people dress themselves?” She quietly muttered in astoundment. No one could compare to her homemade, garbage-thrifted hat— that’s what she told herself anyway.

It was her time to hunt people down and grab their attention. The race came to an end and the winner was announced. She looked around for a mind to impress. What better than to speak to the winner of the race herself? She noticed Lyra as she got off her horse and walked into the stands. Ruby shuffled her way through the noisy crowd, nearly hitting several people along the way. She tripped over someone’s foot in the crowd and launched forward, catching herself midway.

“Scuse me! Coming through!”

Hoping that Lyra didn’t see this display, she walked up to her in a scurry.

“Hi! Congratulations! Your Tulip Queen Bitch slayer really stole the show. Amazing.” Ruby struck her with a big, awkward smile. She cringed at her own attempt to make a friend.

Location:: The Horse Race
Mentions:: @FunnyGuy Lorenzo

As Ruby waltzed into the area of the horse race, she scanned the area with utmost curiosity. She was still in her lavish dress, but now had on a huge hat she had custom made herself days prior of hearing about the horse race with materials she had collected over time or found in people's garbage. Ruby had come to win.

She had never been to such an event before. Ruby usually had stayed in, but had felt inclined to attend due to the hat contest. Unsure what to expect, she decided to first buy a hotdog from a stand. Soon, she found herself looking upon the horses as she gnawed on her new snack. That was when suddenly a loud voice caught her attention and she jumped, stubbing her toe on a rock and letting out a yelp that startled those around her.

What in the Gods of Eromora?

Her eyes shot up to the speaker, who, fervently yelling on about the upcoming race, which reminded her peculiarly of the tang of a tasty waffle. The man from the waffle stand line! She thought. She started to chew faster as he shouted. Ruby made haste as she climbed up the stands. Once she had a good seat, she awaited for the race to begin with anticipation

Location:: Ballroom
Interaction:: @Helo Callum

As Ruby was on her way out, she felt upset that she did not meet her goal of finding a money-bag prince to fulfill her needs. The twist of events led her to question everything and she began to ponder whether this could work. In a scurry, Ruby tried to get out of sight, yet wanted to take a second look back to see if she could rectify her foolishness.
To Ruby’s confoundment, she turned back and saw several others staring at her, as well as Cal eyeing an onion on the floor.

She froze with fear. Is that… my onion? Ruby did not realize that she had dropped it, but she knew that it was hers. She glared at Cal, who had now picked up the onion from the floor and was taking a bite into it. Before she could contemplate what to do now, she heard a loud voice across the ballroom.

"GUARDS! Get that onion woman away from my sons! NOW!"

As the guards came toward her, Ruby’s head was distracted by her lost prince eating her onion. When the guards grabbed ahold of her, she jolted out of surprise.
“Wait! What is my crime? I simply provided a young prince with the pleasure of a raw onion!” she said, gesturing toward Callum. The guards were silent but did not back down. No prince will ever want me now.. she thought, aware that this scene was not easily ignored.
Ruby’s final words before she was officially escorted were aimed at the onion eater. “I will never forget you, onion man!!!” she shouted.

Location:: Ballroom
Interaction:: @Helo Callum

Although Ruby was nervous about presenting her measly pot to this prince, she felt pleased when he looked at it with interest. She leaned on the table to watch with wide eyes his every move, completely enthused. No one had been so interested in her creations. She knew it wasn’t much, but it was one of the few things she could do.

“Oh I can’t wait to return to the worms.” Ruby said, going along with his sentiment. Ruby had not truly thought about it this way.. her worm theme simply came from a game her and Jack played in which they included the first thing they saw to their pots.
After hearing Cal talk about the theme with curiosity and meaning, she saw that he was a relatively thoughtful one, Not like I will ever be... Ruby responded with subtle excitement that escaped through her eyes, “Precisely! Most people want to look at the bigger picture of life, but they don’t think about the little guys at work.” She smiled, giggling humbly at his appreciation. “ You are very welcome. You can keep it if you like it that much

As Ruby’s head grew bigger, she felt flustered and her nerves began to look for an out. She thought Cal was kind and interesting, but something did not feel right. As she looked away in fear, she replied, “ Oh, I strongly disagree. You can make anything you’d like! As thoughtful of a man as you are… I trust you will whip something up special." Ruby’s plan to seduce a man and take all his assets was too successful (he was totally falling for her) and now she had second thoughts. He seemed to be a nice person. Could she really do this to a nice person? A worm appreciator?

Ruby began to sweat and her ruse could not be held up any longer. She had to find a different prince, a less thoughtful, blander, and ruder prince that would not challenge her in this way.

“Oh no! I have to go! The onions-I mean-Um-”She panicked for a moment before chaotically trying to scramble up from her chair, only to trip loudly over the leg of her chair with a loud thud that echoed through the ballroom. She was horrified and attempted to play it off, unknowing that others had begun to stare. She slowly drug herself up off the floor in a slithering fashion, dropping an onion out of her bag by mistake. It started to awkwardly roll across the floor , but she was on her way elsewhere.
Whew, that was almost bad.

Location:: Ballroom
Interaction:: @Helo Callum

Ruby gave Callum a huge smile. She took his hand and shook it vigorously, snorting a bit as she did this. She kept shaking his hand. Ruby knew she had to pounce as soon as Callum admitted his opinion of pottery. “I’ll make you like ten pots. Or more. I can make you more than that. How many pots do you want? What color pots do you want?”

Then Ruby decided to regard his final statement about that goofball father of his. “Oh let us not be concerned with the king’s babbles, my dear.”Ruby blurted, attempting to redirect his attention to her. She put her hand out, half-expecting him to kiss it like she imagined prince’s did for elegant women. Ruby gave it a little wiggle as she held her down-faced palm toward him. Then she batted her eyelashes. “Let’s talk about pots.”

She could not believe she was really talking to a prince right now. If he liked her, this could finally be the key. Jack and she had never been lucky before. She was tired of constantly losing and today she was going to win. It wasn’t like these noblemen had any hearts. She had been well warned that rich people were cold, evil people who greedily hoard money while everyone else struggled and starved. All she needed to do was stay on his good side and she could wiggle her way into the royal world. Ruby thought, I just have to keep my stupid feelings out of this and forget about Kazumin for now. He wouldn’t like a girl like me anyway.

As she faded out of her thoughts and back to the prince, she remembered that she had pots to impress him with. She took her hand back and reached into her bag excitedly. Ruby pulled out a miniature teacup pot and showed it to Callum, holding it with her pinky in the air. “This was one of my first creations! Do you see the intricate design on the side, it looks like a little worm? Well that was the theme—worm pot.” She inspected it with uncertainty. Ruby had no idea what the design was. She had truthfully forgotten. Reluctantly, she offered him the pot with an open hand. It had a bit of dust on it, but she loved this pot because she made it with Jack several years back. She smiled and wondered if Jack still had his.

Location:: Ballroom
Interaction:: @Helo Callum


Ruby wasted no time moving in front of the other girl and taking a seat in front of the handsome prince with luscious dark hair. She had thought she was going to have to wait in line all day to finally have a chance to talk to these pretty money-bag boys. Ruby decided to delude herself into thinking that Prince Callum had invited her personally to sit down and also to completely ignore his indifference. ” Thank you for choosing me to speak with yew.” She neatly pressed down her skirt like she thought all the rich noble women did when they sat down.

” I sincerely hope that yew did not take yewr pick until now. Those other girls are wonderful, but do they know about making grand pots? I, personally, have created many exquisite dishes for one to eat out of…. Woooould yew like me to make ya one?” Ruby blushed as the words quickly rushed out of her head and she sat there silently for a moment. There was an awkward pause as she digested that her words could be taken as strange by some. She could still save this though. ” My name is Ruby. I come from a family of culture and social status. I am refined, dignified, rich, and exquisite.“ She lifted her chin up and gave him a charming smile, at least in her mind. She was utterly pleased.
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