Avatar of Sewer Rat
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 984 (0.41 / day)
  • VMs: 4
  • Username history
    1. Sewer Rat 6 yrs ago
    2. ██████ 6 yrs ago
    3. ███████████████ 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current biggest regret was not making a whole ass folder for all the shitty OCs i made here kms
1 like
3 mos ago
wow, i forgot i had this account. anyways
1 like
4 yrs ago
wow, i forgot i had this account, lol. guess im back
4 yrs ago
My New Years Resolution is to actually be active in RPs, there are so many goods ones that I bail out of it hurts my heart.
4 yrs ago
Everytime I ditch a good OC because I'm busy, a little part in my dies.
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Most Recent Posts

Old sheet, might make some changes:

Good to see you reboot this, I never really got to get Surles an intro yet. Consider me in.
Consider me interested.

1.Aged cast. Most of the small town-esch roleplays I've been in have been with a the young/ teen cast, I'd like to freshen up from it and actually have an adult in the mix.

2. I'd rather like the One Experience thing, I completely agree with Karnee's statement that it'll establish relationships from the start and I'd like to see how the different characters have their portrayal and understanding of what just happened.
This may only be me, but I do have some helpful advice from my experience on lurking on this site. You should have actual plot to this thread, or some kind of hook. The people like shiny and cool pictures, perhaps give them a nice drawing or picture of a barren wasteland, overall just be very appealing here, that's what get's the number's rolling. Even if you don't want to put in a whole essay for what I'm assuming is a joke RP, you should add it on the Free Roleplay section on this site, and it really fits in with your quite short description on this roleplay. Other interest treads are a bit longer and in my opinion are a bit more serious. This is all just friendly advice though, you do what you want.
There it is, a juicy squelch sucking sound from the Denny's dumpster. The neighborhood was alerted to check the street. They felt that Chinese people had entered their cul-de-sac. The paparazzi wanted to steal photos implicating that Steve ate the Chinese food dogs paste with worms, communists, vagina hair, and other pubic squirrel fetus parts. Seventeen year old, George the chronic meth
Interested, I'm currently looking through your Doc, and I see you put a lot of work into it. I hope this doesn't die off- quickly, at least.
Might make a sheet this week, pretty busy and this seems very promising.
Still accepting new people?
There it is, a juicy squelch sucking sound from the Denny's dumpster. The neighborhood was alerted to check the street. They felt that Chinese people had entered their cul-de-sac. The paparazzi wanted to steal photos implicating that Steve ate the Chinese food dogs paste with worms, communists, vagina hair, and other pubic squirrel fetus parts. Seventeen year old, George
There it is, a juicy squelch sucking sound from the Denny's dumpster. The neighborhood was alerted to check the street. They felt that Chinese people had entered their cul-de-sac. The paparazzi wanted to steal photos implicating that Steve ate the Chinese food dogs paste with worms, communists, vagina hair, and other pubic squirrel fetus parts. Seventeen year
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