Avatar of SporkoBug


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1 mo ago
Current Hubs figured out why I like Sassy Robotic Companions and It just happens to be because of Portal. GLaDos and Wheatley my beloveds.
2 mos ago
Not the worst birthday but i just felt like every other day...
2 mos ago
Its birthmas
4 mos ago
Mental health has tanked, might be distant for a couple days. Sorry to my partners.
4 mos ago
I need to stop injuring my right leg. Thats the third time this YEAR.


Hiya! I'm Sporko!
I'm a Gender-Fluid Novelist and Roleplayer from New Zealand! (They/Him Pronouns please)
I roleplay many different genres and Fandoms; I'm very ready to start new friendships and new roleplays here!
I prefer to roleplay in the mature sections of places because I have a tendency to get pretty wordy when it comes to violence and language.
I do not write smut due to trauma, I will do gentle foreplay up until fade black.
If you wanna try and start up a roleplay with me, just flick me a message!

I have a Link Tree!

Most Recent Posts

Sara gave a small nod to Marcs words, her panic was starting to show now, her hands started to tremble. She couldn't really start to speak anymore, she was scared that if she opened her mouth, nothing would stop the sobs that were forming in her throat from falling out and into the air.
She was strong, she had to be, she didn't want Marc to think she was as weak and feeble as any other patient here. She turned to go find where Benjamin was as Marc went to do his research. She hoped that he wouldn't raise suspicion, she didn't want him to get in trouble from things she told him. She also didn't want Vivian making his life a nightmare the way she did hers... However it was that she was able to.

Ari looked to Dia before looking to Benjamin with a small nod. She didn't want to come to terms with her losing her physical form, but she was glad Dia kept hers. She tried to breathe in, but of course, no air moved as she did so; it was odd, maybe she got too used to having her solid form back from then, but now she was back to being incorporeal.
"Okay." She said with a nod, "Just point me where I need to go." She looked to Dia, who gave her a gentle smile to her friend.
"You've got this Ari, I believe in you." Dia added gently.
They puppeted the shadows around them as they slowly stepped towards Benjamin, they could tell by his movements that he had noticed something was wrong, but he had stopped his jogging. They felt their hair on their neck prickle gently as they maneuvered themselves to leap at him, calculating the speed and strength they'd need to knock him into the nearby shadows to capture him completely.

A grin slowly appeared over their face before they pushed themselves off the wall of shadows they had built up, using that momentum to slam into Benjamin and tried to get him into the shadows on the other side, using her shadow weaving skills to attempt to cover up Benjamins' mouth before he could try and get any sound out.

Harriet got to the tearoom not too long after Mike, she had a small carry bag filled with different things that she had over her shoulder. She slowly moved to push the door open and walked over to Mike as he had seated himself at an empty table and moved to sit across from him, gently placing her bag on the ground beneath the table and between her legs.
"Has the morning been good?" She asked, trying to start up conversation between the two of them before Benjamin appeared, which neither of them knew what was happening to him.
Niccia looked over to Saruya as she spoke to her, giving the Arcanine a gentle smile before she leaned against Michael softly as she finished off her food. She breathed out slowly as she closed her eyes for a moment. Today had been a lot, at least the confrontation with Necrozoma didn't turn too dangerous. She was glad she could de-escalate the things rather easily.
She was rather glad that she was able to get Eros to come with her, the poor thing deserved more than just staying around his father in a field of nothingness all day.

Gavin glanced to Andy slightly as he sat down beside him, he stayed quiet as he ate before he looked to the sky to see if he could see Frosiien anywhere, there was still no sign of her. He couldn't help but furrow his brow, but he'd go to find her if he needed to.

Soul bowed his head silently to Bear as he was given more food, moving to eat happily with a sway of his tail. He occasionally looked up to Missy and Sparky as they ate and play-fought. Harry gave a bit of a yawn as he had eaten his fill, moving to stand up so he could stretch his body out properly.
Damien left Jeremiah to his own things as he headed to his bedroom to change out of his work clothes, since they weren't doing any work today. He headed to his office as Vez hopped off his back and headed off to her perch in the office as Damien closed the door.
He pulled open his laptop and started it up as he moved around to grab some things, he grabbed his home notebook and placed it by the laptop, he needed to figure out something for dinner for the two of them, did he ask Jeremiah if he had any allergies? He'd ask him later on, letting him settle in before pestering him with questions.

Once his laptop turned on and he logged in, he moved to quickly grab his notebook before he started to order what they needed from the supermarket. While Axemouth seemed to be vaguely behind the times, at least it had delivery in terms of supplies and food.

He was glad to have gotten dinner and groceries done the night before, he allowed Jeremiah to eat wherever he wanted; he wanted the man to be as comfortable as he could, and as long as he followed the simple rules of not going into the places that were marked with the X, they would be on good terms.

It was morning, and Damien was up before sunrise. He had walked down the basement stairs early on; if Jeremiah was awake he'd be able to feel a pulse of old old magic. Damien didn't stay downstairs for long, coming up quickly to have a shower after locking the doors.
He showered and dressed quickly, back into his work clothes with his large jacket over his body.

Once he was finished with his shower he moved to the kitchen to boil the jug, enough water for two cups of coffee or tea, if Jeremiah wanted anything when he woke up.
While the jug boiled, he moved to the fridge as Vez coiled around his legs. "Yes, hold on." He said down to her as she swayed her tail with a small bell chime, Damien moved to grab a small cut of steak- before he was able to put it onto her plate, Vez hopped up with a flap of her wings and grabbed it from Damiens' grip and quickly ran out of the room with it; a small bell-like laugh eechoing in the air. "Asshole." Damien said with a chuckle as he moved to wash his hands and start making himself some bacon and eggs for breakfast.
We can jump to the next morning yeah!
Damien didn't seem to notice Jeremiahs' shock for a moment before he spoke again, he gave a small smile as he stroked Vez's head gently. "She's a Faecat." He said gently, "She was a gift when I first came here. She keeps the house guarded while no one is here." He continued before he smiled as Jeremiah added that he should go unpack. "Of course, you should get your things out." He said with a small nod.

His smile was more neutral than friendly, Vez moved out of his arms and over his arms and up onto his shoulders with a stretch- her wings fanning out slightly as she looked towards Jeremiah gently, as if studying him with knowing eyes. There was a look in her eyes that was much wiser than a simple domesticated companion, but she swayed her tail and climbed down the back of Damien with a dingle of her tail before she moved to tug slightly at Damiens' leg.
"I'll feed you soon, keep your tail on." Damien said with a frown as he looked to Vez, who seemed to want to retort before she headed off towards the kitchen. Damien looked back up to Jeremiah as he gave another faux smile, "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me, let me know if you have any allergies to any sort of food." He said calmly and turned to follow his Faewild companion.

"Another partner?" A small voice came into Damiens' head as he entered the kitchen, moving to grab Vez' bowl and started to clean it out from an earlier meal. He simply gave a nod as he continued, moving to go to the fridge and grabbed a large bit of steak. "So soon after they disappeared?" The voice sounded worried, but not unaccepting, "Hopefully this one lasts, He seems to have a good head on his shoulders."
"I'm worried mainly." Damien said quietly, Vez waited patiently behind him by the fridge for her food. "I just hope he's not too curious."
"Wouldn't it be nice to let someone in?" The voice chimed in again as he turned to place the bowl down with the sliced up steak. "Having someone on your side when things go sour?"
The figure waited silently for Benjamin to come back out of the building and onto the street for his run, hidden in shadows with their grey eyes narrowing slowly as they watched him exit and start his jog. Running prey. The thought made their toothy mouth twist into a smile before they lowered themselves and scuttered quickly through the shadows towards Benjamin.

They kept close to Benjamin but always out of grasping reach, there were too many people around at the moment to notice someone just disappearing into the shadows and Benjamin might scream; and the figure wasn't sure if they could cover his mouth quickly enough not to stop him.
And they'd hate to gain the attention of that fucking Alien, no one else controlled the shadows before she appeared, and now her line of work was in danger. She sneered at the thought and headed forward towards Benjamin.
Damien glanced over to him with a calm, neutral expression before he nodded. "The marked rooms are my rooms. My office and my room." He said calmly, "If you need to find me, you're free to knock on the doors, or you can ask Vez to fetch me if I don't answer." He said with a small smile. He, himself, seemed to also ignore the door at the end of the hall.

The sound of a small bell dangling echoed around as Damien seemed to look towards the lounge. "Ah, speaking of." Damien said as he moved to kneel down and pick up a small, soft blue creature. The creature in his arms was the size and shape of a domestic cat, but with short blue fur; bright yellow eyes and a pair of small, folded up bird-wings. "This is Vez." He said softly, "She's... Basically my security system in a way, but she's also a friend."

Vez watched Jeremiah gently, her tail swaying softly- giving off the faint sound of a bell again. She moved to groom her front paws quietly. "She will stay out of your way of course, she knows how to act." He finished that sentence before his brain almost tacked on, "around humans."
Damien glanced over towards the car drove up and parked in the driveway, he took a long drag before breathing more of the smoke out- which caused more to linger around him before he moved to wave the smoke away slightly as Jeremiah exited the car. He looked over to his garden as he noticed that Jeremiah seemed to be looking it over too, but he didn't say anything as he spoke to him.

He moved to crush the top of the cigarette with his fingertips before he shook a head with a bit of a smile. "Nah, We'll get you all settled in." He said as he moved to push open the front door. The door opened to a hallway, four doors on the left side- Two of which had large red X's on the door, indicating not to enter; while there were 4 doors on the other side, and at the end of the hallway, a single door with another large X on it.
The door at the end of the hallway, if looked at for too long, had a strange feeling coming from it. An ebbing, living almost breathing aura to it.

"Your rooms the first on the left, the office, if you need it, is the next one along." Damien said calmly as he entered, "There's a bed and a set of draws," He continued, "The office has a desk, a lamp, and everything else you need. Don't worry about needing to get anything, just let me know and I should be able to get any furniture we need." He gave a bit more of a smile before he motioned with his head to the right side, "This side you have lounge, kitchen, bathroom and laundry." He explained.
Harriet sent a thumbs up to Benjamins' text as she walked along, she stretched her arms out slightly before she headed into a small shop she had spotted.
"Hello!" The person behind the counter called out, catching Harriets' attention. "Welcome to my little shop, what are you looking for?" She asked with a smile. "We have things for everyone; spell books, parchment, ward items, potion ingredients."
Harriet raised her eyebrows as she looked to the female speaking to her. "You're a witch." Harriet said calmly, the worker chuckled before she offered her hand out to Harriet.

"Marie." She said gently, "Don't worry, I'm for a Fae." She said with a wink, Harriet smiled and moved to shake Marie's hand.
"Harriet, but you can call me Harry if you need." She replied with a laugh, "I didn't expect to find a witch this far into the city."
Marie waved her hand slightly with a smile, "Better money here, plus I'm not a woods witch anyway. Not exactly a city witch but this place has customers."

A figure followed Benjamin as he left the library and split up from Mike.
>Target moved away from friend. Should engage?
They texted off to Lily, waiting in the shadows carefully.
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