Avatar of Twystyd88


Recent Statuses

17 days ago
Current Finally made some progress on a story I've been tossing about in my head for awhile. It may never get done, but who knows. I haven't deleted it yet, so that's a good start! Lol.
2 mos ago
Hard to want to keep doing what I love when I'm taken advantage of for being too nice... Sigh.
1 like
4 mos ago
Apologies to my writing partners. I've had a mental breakdown and still on the mend. I'll reply to everyone asap!
6 mos ago
For those who have messaged me to try and get an RP going. I'm so dang sorry but my phone hasn't sent me notifications and to top it off I've been sickly due to stress. :(
2 yrs ago
Somedays I think I have it figured it out and it'll be okay. The next? Getting slammed in the face with reality and back at square one.


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I've come here seeking people to write stories with, to bring forth the magic and fantasy of the realms.... And I will be done with this intro as of now :p
Anyways, I do have some guidelines when it comes to writing or seeking out partners. I know it may seem like a lot, but as of late if I am not clear it seems people can ask me for things I didn't want. So...

1. I only write as a main female character. Side characters, like family, friends, etc I can write as any gender if they are a part of keeping the story moving along.
2. I'm a casual writer, but I do want some in-depth character building and lore. I expect at least 2-3 paragraphs per post, more depending can happen.
3. I don't necessarily write smut, I prefer fade to black in that regards. I like romance, the slow build up of feelings, getting to know each other and all that jazz. I prefer writing story over smut, so if that's what you're looking for, sorry.
4. I'm okay writing things that might revolve around abuse, drugs, sex and the like, but I don't want everything to revolve around just that. I want to work it into the writing without it being center of attention, I guess.
5. If romance is to happen, I only write that in pairs of female and male. Again, side characters can be a whole different thing, but the main focused characters I prefer being in a straight relationship.

I hope that covers most of it. Ask me anything if you need clarification or I didn't cover something here.
On to plots!
I much prefer writing things along the lines of fantasy, medieval, and at times modern, but I like to add supernatural elements. Think werewolves, warlocks, witches, vampires, shifters and stuff. I'm down for things like slice of life, drama, action and adventure. But anyways, I'll post some ideas below..

Idea 1- It's modern day. Humans have succumbed to living their life relying on technology to get through their days. But it always wasn't so. There was time humans could control elements of the world around them, bringing rain when crops needed to grow, raise or lower the earth to build, to control the raging storms that threatened homes. But as the years passed, fewer and fewer people were using their abilities. A group emerged, Spellbreakers, they called themselves, taking into custody any person caught using magic. Once they were taken in, no one ever saw or heard from them again. Is there more to the Spellbreakers, what secrets are they hiding and why is there a hunt to bring all magic users to an end?

Idea 2- A young vampire woman lands herself in a new land far from home. She's unsure how she is still alive, and spends weeks coming to terms with the new life she is forced to live. But, without guidance of how she is supposed to live, she leaves quite the trail of bodies behind her, which puts a target on her back. So, she takes it upon herself to go into business, opening up a rather exclusive club for people like her who can enjoy their pleasures in safety. For now, it seems the hunters are no longer on her trail, but she knows they're still out there..

I have a few other ideas, but nothing fully worked out yet. There's a Beauty and the Beast like story I wanted to toy with, one sort of like Sword Art Online, but a bit different. If you have some ideas, feel free to let me know, too!
Still looking for some partners to write with! Updated some characters on my site, feel free to look here for some pre-made ones, otherwise I'm open to make up something new!

Hello everyone!

It would seem I am yet again on the look for one or two more writing partners, and truly hope I might find some takers here.

I will preface everything that I am a mom, so real life stuff will come first before I reply to here. And, my normal times of replies will be during the week as weekends are set for family time or catching up on errands. And, if I know I will be taking a break from writing or just won't be available, I will do my best to let you know if it spans a long period of time. I don't expect replies every single day as I know we all do things outside of roleplaying, but I hope that communication will be key in letting me know if you won't be around for a time, or if you have grown bored of the RP and don't want to write anymore. No hard feelings if that happens!

Anyways! I'm trying not to be terribly picky but I do have some standards and rules, and hope they can be respected, so...
1. While I do enjoy romance in my stories, I much prefer to be focused on plot. This means I may not write a lot of smutty scenes, if at all. And on the note of smut, I'm really not into a lot of the weird fetishes/kinks and don't want them included. We can certainly discuss more if need be.
2. On the note of the romance.. I will only do straight male/female relationships when it comes to main characters. If side characters are other orientations, that is perfectly fine. But when it comes to me and my main, only straight. Which rolls me into adding that I will only main a female character for our writing. I am fine playing as other genders on the side if needed, but my main will always be a female.
3. Now, I know I am not perfect. I make mistakes when it comes to writing, but... I am asking you to have some effort in double checking for mistakes, especially spelling. Punctuation errors I can let slip by since I know I miss some, too. But please, just put in a little extra effort so your replies can be read without too much issue.
4. Continuing on from there, I would like someone who can easily put out 2+ paragraphs in their replies, with some details. I will not one-line and nor will I give any response to them. If I am going to make the effort to give a few good paragraphs to read, then I expect the same in return. I know some cases may only call for a few smaller ones, that's fine. But I just want the same effort I give.

I think that should cover the major things! Now, I do have at least two ideas I wouldn't mind messing with and perhaps writing something with them, but I am also happy to hear if you have ideas or cravings, too. So, if you are interested, PM me and we can certainly discuss things. Thanks for your time reading, and hope to hear from some of you!
I've been really, really wanting to write lately and just clear my poor head of stuff that's jamming things up in there. BUT. I've been so blah the last few weeks (thanks depression) that I haven't had much time to sit down and flesh out some characters or ideas. I mean, I have a few older rp ideas I wouldn't mind refreshing, I have some characters sort of thought out, but nothing solid.
So, I was hoping this is where someone who is super duper cool, patient, understanding steps in and rescues me from this hell? Lol

And, because I know it will be asked if I don't mention some stuff....

-I prefer my partners to be male or at least comfortable playing male characters (especially if romance will be involved)
-Someone who can be a bit more dominant and take the reins once in awhile when it comes to moving the story along. I am more than happy to help, but I also do have a tendency to not speak up about ideas (sue me! but also please don't, all I have is like a box of pancake mix you're getting lol)
-Someone able to play multiple characters when needed as like side people to add more dimension and help with more story building and the like
-Someone that takes an extra minute or two to proof read their stuff. I am no perfect, I don't expect it, but I try to make sure I have few mistakes. Deciphering a paragraph for an hour to understand what is going on will quickly lose my interest
-And someone who can get a few paragraphs per post in. I try to aim for at least 3 good ones, more if able to. So, just try to match energy and we will be good!

If you have more questions, want to brain storm some ideas and what not, don't hesitate to message me!
Hmm, I could be interested depending. Send me some details of what you're looking for?
Hello again, fellow writers!
I'm back again with another search thread. Seems I have a little extra free time I can dedicate to one or two more stories, depending. So, here I am!
I will try to keep my basic rules short and brief, so.. ahem..

-I play female lead characters only, the ones the story really revolves around. As for side characters, or NPCs that are in place to help move things along, I am completely fine playing those if needed. I know trying to write something with just 2 characters can grow stale and boring after a time.
-I do enjoy some romance, but I am not entirely up for writing smut scenes. Fade to black is the way to go for me, so take that as you will.
-As far as writing is concerned, I do prefer my partner to be able to get in a few paragraphs per post, no one-lining. I know at times, especially during dialogue, replies can be short, and that I can be okay with. But don't expect me to write several lengthy detailed paragraphs and only get one in return. I just expect some effort on your end. Same goes for spelling and grammar. Mine isn't perfect, I don't expect yours to be either. Mistakes happen, but again. Effort. Double check it all before sending.
Also, I do have a list of some pre-made characters I've had sitting about. A few of them I'd love to write with and get a story going, so click on the link below and see if anyone might catch your interest. If not, I am more than happy to create a new character for something else entirely.


I think that covers most of what I am expecting. Any other questions can be directed to a PM and perhaps we can work on something together? Thanks for your time to read and checking things out.
Bumpy bump!!
Still open for some writing partners! I updated this site a bit so please feel free to check out my pre-made characters. I am happy to make new ones as well, just let me know
I've got a spot for one, maybe two more people. Let me know if you'd like to work something out
Still open for an writing partner or two!
PM if interested
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