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Casterly Rock

Collab with @Vanq and @Ruby

In the aftermath of a riot, Rhaena did not believe the rumors at first. It surely was just imagination run wild to say that not just one, but two, dragons were seen approaching the Rock with speed and urgency. Was it Balerion, she had asked quietly, a sudden fear and anxiety that her uncle had come to…to what? Or perhaps it was Vhagar? Her great aunt Visenya come to bring her back to Dragonstone or King’s Landing to be tucked away? No, they would only fly to the Westerlands for something grave, and her brother’s death had not been enough for that, so what could bring them here now? The answer to that only worried her, if the rumors proved true. And they proved true very quickly when she spied them herself from her rooms.

Even at a distance she was certain it was neither Balerion nor Vhagar, she had seen them in flight too many times to mistake them for younger, lesser dragons. Her heart leapt to her throat at the thought that it was Melyssanthi and perhaps Viserys; surely he could have bonded a dragon in her absence

Her feet moved faster than her mind, the decision to leave done without thought or knowing. The disbelief that had grown to fear had instead morphed to reckless, unbridled hope. Behind her she barely registered the disgruntled Ser Darklyn taking long strides to catch up. He yelled out orders to Lannister men as they passed, to assemble a guard. He had seen them too, he knew where the princess ran, he knew there would be no stopping her, only an attempt to protect her.

Had she had time to prepare, she would have worn riding leathers and a tunic rather than the embroidered dress she had donned when the day was intended to be nothing more than endless planning. All forgotten now as she pulled up her skirts upon reaching the stables and finding a horse prepared for…somebody…and pulled herself astride it, no time for propriety. The beast was urged on, through the rocky hall that broke free to sunlight and dust and the roar of dragons. They were still in the distance but her heart beat faster, her legs kicked into the sides of the horse. Faster still, she needed more from the mount. Behind her again, men assembled and gave pursuit, with no small amount of confusion with what to expect or what to do when the princes finally stopped.

At once, it was a shadow over her, a familiar heat and rush of wind of a dragon in flight above her. The horse stopped short, fear quivering in its muscles. Rhaena’s leg swung over and she stumbled the ground, knowing the horse would go no further. It couldn’t be. But it was, there could be no denying that it was her Dreamfyre.

She ran forward, up the rocky path to where the blue scaled beast circled and then landed, her head shaking as if in shared disbelief. Rhaena flung herself against the creature’s snout, tears in her eyes and for the first time in weeks, tears of joy and not of pain. Dreamfyre returned the embrace, as best as she could, head tilted into the tiny princess’s frame, a soft snort of hot air, a quiet growl as if to say, finally.

It was only then, when Rhaena finally let go and opened her eyes again, that she remembered the second dragon she had seen. “Did you bring a friend with you?” She asked quietly. “Who is it, hm?”

Vaera stared, blankly, at the young lady. It was the look of them that shocked her, or, rather, the disparity between them: the Targaryen looked like she rode a dragon, while Vaera, herself, looked like a dragonrider. All leather and chain armor, Valyrian horn, Valyrian steel, and the attitude of those who conquered creation. The Targaryen was all embroidery, finery, with undersilks, and vulnerability.
Vaera had never seen anything more gorgeous in all her life.

“Fuck,” was the only thing that escaped her, a whimper of a whisper caused by blaze inside of her body that threatened to leave every sentinel and landscape of her soul charred. Eyes the shade of purple found in sunsets darted off the south, instead of the westward direction the Targaryen had come from. A single sigh, and the Valyrian atop her dragon turned her back.
The Targaryen was still there.

Vaera still felt she might faint. Fuck. “We became acquainted over the western mountains on the way…” It wasn’t her, the tone she heard. It was sad, wistful, the sound of the last sigh before drifting off to dream about lost days and summer nights spent in courtyards chasing fire flies and temporary flings. It was up to Saeryx to roll its shoulders and roll Vaera’s body, the secret language between dragon and rider unmistakable in its meaning:

Go. Stop hiding.

The dragonrider didn’t bother with another sound while mounted, sliding off the dragon with the casual ease in which most people let their hair down. There was an entire city behind the woman. There was a Knight that she both saw and couldn’t, if she tried, recall a single detail about even as she looked. Before she realized she wasn’t floating, that she’d been walking, Vaera stopped just feet from the scene of the woman and her dragon reunited.

“She looked lost. She looked in need.” Does she realize I’m talking about her and the dragon? Again, Vaera looked away, this time with the longest blink in her life—an excuse to close her eyes and feel, for a moment, something she had no experience with. Vaera stepped forward without even thinking about it first as she looked ahead once more.

“I was compelled to help, I was compelled to…” Her eyes dipped to the ground, her armored arms slowly crossed, in self-defense, her head slowly shaking. “Anyway. Enjoy your dragon, Princess.”

Walk away. Walk away now.

Saerys tilted its head as Vaera Balaerys just began to walk off, alone, towards the city, head spinning and mind stunned.
Rhaena let go of Dreamfyre, looked beyond her, and felt hope die. It was not Melyssanthi. It was not home, it was not anyone who could share her grief. And yet, her mind raced to find any semblance of reason for how or why another dragonrider not of her kin was here and why Dreamfyre had arrived with them. In need?

Her lip trembled, not in anger or even in grief, but in annoyance at trying and failing to parse together the situation that unfolded now. “Where do you think you are going?” The woman made as if to walk by her, nothing to indicate why she had even been flying here in the first place - or - why she was even in Westeros. She bristled, but a nudge from the creature next to her recentered her thoughts.

She is returned to me.

No matter if the woman stopped to answer her original demand, Rhaena stumbled after her and caught her hand, her arm, without thinking, to turn her. To make her answer her question and a thousand more of what else she had seen and heard and knew that hadn’t been filtered through spymasters or censored. But what rose to the top, even without hope, was gratitude, pure and overflowing. Violet eyes betrayed her again, rimmed in red for the threat of fresh tears.

It wasn’t a conscious thought to throw her arms around the woman, little had been a conscious thought since she first caught sight of the dragons in flight. “Thank you.” Her voice croaked against the dragon rider’s wind roughened cheek. She tried to speak more, to explain how much it meant, but the words could not be freed from thoughts, just the warmth of another who she could only hope would understand.

The very sound of the woman made her wince. There was no debate, just her thoughts running their course as instinct resolved her to escape. The casualties of extremes filled her mind and made her body buzz and burn. Purple eyes peeked up, into the sky, upon the horizon, as if some great host of gods may hazard that horizon to save her from herself.

It was some mix of dread and jealousy that filled Vaera’s eyes when she walked by the knight and met his eyes. She had such incredible envy for the man she passed. There wasn’t a word from her pale lips, just escape. But it was there, in the mundane shade of his eyes that she saw it, like the escape of pre-dawn light over a high hill.

She was coming.

Vaera felt like a storm at sea was capsizing her mind, the mast cracking and leaving her stranded. When the hand hit her every part of Vaera froze solid as the Shivering Sea. Nothing scared her. She hadn’t known fear since the day her parents died…and that was coming to a swift, chaotic, change. Vaera had never been more afraid in her life then when the woman turned her, and forced Vaera to face her.

The blow was struck immediately, an unseen part of the plan, the properties of her defenses lowered, with the woman striking at will. The warmth of her, the softness of the way she felt, the smell of her…the very feeling of Vaera getting to hold the creature so dearly, so suddenly and abruptly tightly, desperately and dangerously close. The gentle weight of her head on Vaera’s shoulder…

The taller Balaerys stirred; to shed her gloves behind the beautiful woman’s back and tucked them away, her left anchored upon the woman’s right hip, the hardest moment of her life just leaning back enough to allow her bare right hand rise to the girl’s jaw. To trace her jawline for a fraction of a heartbeat before curling her index finger, and tilting it up just enough to tilt the woman’s face upward so that Vaera might see it. So that she might smile at her, and with her thumb wipe a trail of tear from her cheek.

The sun rose in Vaera’s eyes, light and warmth, radiant and glorious. “You’re not alone anymore. I’ve got you.”

The smile grew, wider, fearless, as Vaera took a step back until her left hand was back to her side, and the right slid like a sigh from the woman’s face, held out for her to take. “C’mon,” was the only word she spoke, even if it felt like Vaera had just said infinitely more.
Rhaena blinked slowly in response, a softest of touches that broke her embrace and a look on the woman’s face that she finally saw who she was speaking to, who Dreeamfyre had found, a name she knew but had never thought twice about. The feeling of being crushed beneath a giant boulder, a feeling that had oppressed her for weeks, felt lifted, just a little at the confident statement. To not be alone, the princess didn’t know why she believed it, but it felt good to believe it, so she did.

She took the offered hand with a small smile of her own. Behind her she heard her dragon grumble, hungry likely, and silently wished her a good hunt. Soon enough, she’d be calling on Dreamfyre for more. It changed everything, and already her mind turned it over, of flying to Oldtown, of the look of the High Septon’s face when she would land and watch him burn…But the hand that encompassed her own, warm and rough and pulling. She was brought back to the present, to reality, and to Ser Darklyn staring at them.

“Princess, it’s not my place to admonish, but -” He had ventured closer than the Lannister men who stood about unsure of what had taken place.

“It’s not. Have someone tell Lord Loreon he has a guest, have rooms readied for her.” She paused, knowing how reclusive the Lannister had been, no matter how well she understood that desire. “And if he does not answer or seem moved, tell Mistress Kinvara. Maybe she will convince him.” Rhaena resisted trusting the woman, but for reasons beyond just dislike of a paramour.

“The riots have only just been completely quelled, it was not safe for you to do this.” Darkrobin looked reticent at saying it in the presence of the visitor, but worry creased his face.

Perhaps it was too many things gone wrong in a short amount of time, but outside of the immediate fear in fleeing the riots, it seemed minor compared to everything else. But how must this sound to Vaera? She glanced to her side, “I’m afraid you are seeing already the distressing times here in Casterly Rock.” Would she turn and run immediately? Rhaena would, she thought, if their roles were reversed. “Lord Lannister’s sister and uncle were murdered. Riots erupted when he announced his…our…engagement.” She swallowed hard at that, a lump in her throat, and her hand squeezed Vaera’s. “It was the Faith -”

“Princess.” Darkrobin spoke again as if to interject and thought better of it halfway through. “Perhaps let us return to safety first?”

Vaera chuckled, behind a dirty grin, “Mistress Kinvara? Hells, I remember when it was just Kinvara.” When she spoke of Loreon, Vaera listened with intent, happy for every word. Until the word became ‘marriage.’ It stopped her where she stood, the wound at her side rearing hot and angry all over again, “Gods…dammit.”

It was the pain of the wound, Vaera told herself, as a sigh the sound of grief emptied from her mouth and nostrils, her body forcing itself to start moving with the Princess once again, processing everything. Murder and riot, marriage. Well, mostly marriage. The sound of it was strange, queer—Vaera rolled it over her tongue once, twice, before speaking it aloud with no lack of amusement. Or bemusement. “’Lord’ Lannister…yes, Loreon and I know each other.”

The woman stopped, and blinked, so Vaera stopped…shifting uncomfortable weight from one foot to the other, looking off to the Knight, her tone loud and irritated, like a waking dragon, “Yes, we heard you, Ser. She’s safer with me than she is with you, anyway…”
The last part she stopped speaking loud enough for him to hear, half-way through it, anyway. But the point seemed to be taken, as he showed them his back, and walked towards the big walls, even if just the wait. Everything irritated her. Everything was sore. The shift was visible…but when her eyes went back to the woman’s eyes, her lips refused to do anything but smile.

“I’ve traveled more of Creation than anyone you’ve ever met. Seen more of Sothoryos than the damned Summer Islanders,” she said, with a snicker, as if she knew how much it would annoy the Summer Islanders, “Bone Mountains, Jade Gates, Shadowlands…Loreon and I adventured together. I’ve saved his life. He’s saved mine. That’s why I came this way…marriage?”

She asked, squinting, for a moment, before she tried to laugh, and instead just squeezed the woman’s hand and, finally, continued walking, announcing to the steel shadow, “WE’RE MOVING TOWARD YOU AGAIN.”

Just to be friendly.

Back at volume only she would hear, Vaera continued, “I’ll look into the deaths. It’s what we adventurers do. I think Dreamfyre and Saeryx will calm the rest of the city down. As for the Faith…I come from Oldtown. I met Lord Tyrell, and his High Marshall, Lady Vittoria. I was going to say goodbye when the Faith ambushed Vitt and some of her Knights in the city,” she said, just ‘Vitt’, a clear indication she knew the Lady, “they shot her with a bolt, close enough range. I was too busy trying to kill the shit that shot her to see if they got her away alive but knowing her like I do…” Vaera just grinned and looked at the walled city that stretched like a man-made horizon in the distance.
Even for an adventurer and dragonrider, Vittoria Tyrell was something to see, “That’s just going to make her stay alive to spite them until she can run them down on the field of battle. Saeryx and I got out just in time. I saw the two hosts when we left the Reach…one of the Faith, one of the Reachmen. Heading east. Nothing east worth a march but King’s Landing.”

There was a pause, as Vaera walked, and tried to imagine just how what came next might sound, “It’s…madness, but I met a man in the mountains. Dark hair, real…cold bastard. Dangerous man. Said Loreon’s sister was his boss. Said the uncle sent someone to kill her. Said the sister sent him to kill the uncle right back. Any of that sound possible?”

She could barely keep up and though there was an annoyance with that, there was something else. An overwhelming familiarity, a warmth, a closeness. It buoyed her above the shit, a chance to breath, to see the sun. It was enough, apparently, to make Rhaena giddy. She resisted it at first, the laughter within that tugged at her lips, begged them to flick upwards. It grew within her until she could contain it no more as this visitor ordered her kingsguard around. Poor Ser Darklyn, she thought, but it did not stop the sound from bursting forth. A giggle, a sweet sound but unladylike and near childish in her glee. She was reminded of being a little girl trying to order about her father’s guard.

“I want, I need, to hear these stories.” A pang of jealousy flared, not of this woman having spent time with her intended, but at the freedom that must have been. “I’d barely seen anything except Dragonstone or King’s Landing before…” As well informed as Vaera was, Rhaena assumed she knew of the rest. She didn’t want to speak it and invite back in the sorrow and pain. “Marriage yes, an army for me and House Lannister can one day claim Valyrian blood into their line.” She couldn’t help the frown. Whatever the long term implications of such a match, it was something far more personal that spurred her hesitance, her fear, her disgust. She hoped not all of that was so easy to read on her face.

“The Faith marches on King’s Landing?” She stopped abruptly, felt her arm pull forward, but would not will herself to move. But beyond that, the allegations that it was Loreon’s uncle? Her frown deepened. “No. No that’s impossible.” She was certain of it to her bones, to her core. “It sounds like you met Lady Lorelai’s guard, Keano. I met him…” What felt like ages ago with how much had happened. “But that can’t be it. The Faith killed Loreon’s wife and uncle as revenge for justice on them for killing my brother.” She was certain of it and her tone said she’d heard enough on the matter. “You’ll investigate, and you’ll take me with you for it. You’ll see I’m right, after what you saw in the Reach, you must see that these men of faith,” the words curdled off her tongue, “are nothing but dogs.” She’d never met Vittoria Tyrell, but she’d heard stories of the woman all the same. If the Faith could turn against the Tyrells, well, surely that would make people see who the real enemy was.

“I need to stop them, I have to stop them. I was going to sail to Oldtown but now…” She glanced behind her towards where Dreamfyre and Saeryx stayed, still watching their riders. “Well, now I have something nearly better than an army.”

She unrooted herself from the ground, eager again to return to the castle. Something devious pricked at her and she gave a sly glance towards Vaera. “I may be in this ridiculous dress.” She pulled at the crimson velvet skirts for effect. “But if we’re quick about it, we’ll be back in Casterly before my white shadow can catch up.” A silver eyebrow shot up with a look of the challenge offered. “Race you?”

Rhaena wouldn’t give Vaera a full chance to reply, she dropped her hand and balled up some fabric of her skirts in her hands to clear them of the ground, and took off, with a wild yell down the dusty, rocky path, to small entry she knew was not made for men on horseback.


In the hallways of the Rahl villa

Collab with @Almalthia & @Vanq

There was one benefit, meager as it was, to the heat. The water that caused her dress to both drag against the floor and twist about her legs was quickly dry as she wandered down corridors and through rooms that she didn’t recognize. Her mind was a blur of anger, of disappointment, of fear, and, most worrying, of regret.

She stopped at last, her feet nearly coming up short beneath her and she rocked on the balls of her feet. Sharra knew she had not been alone in her journey, not just the servants who had tried to delicately catch glimpses or whispered softly to one another. How could her nephew do this to her? Sell her to some unknown family on the opposite end of the world from…from a family she barely felt a part of.

The defiant bird turned to wait for her pursuer to approach, a sign she knew he was there, she hoped he was there and it was not all imagined. She scrubbed her hand quickly across her face, brushing away a few errant tears that fell down her cheeks. Her eyes were reddened, glossy with the tears she blinked back.

“I am sorry for the trouble my nephew and I have now caused for you." She spoke only when he was close enough to hear her soft voice, but still, she took a step back as he approached. “But I will not do it, I will not agree to this match, surely I cannot be forced, it would be…indecent, yes?" She pleaded, her voice pitched upward over the roughness of choked back anger. Her hands fell to her sides and twisted in her dress, the fabric at her thighs twirled through her fingers. She would find passage on her own if she needed to, steal away in the rancid heat of the night aboard a galley. No matter the pirates or storms or…her mind raced through the calamities she’d rather endure.

Softly strolling behind Sharra watching the sway of her hips Aster found himself hypnotized by her fluid movements; like those of the small falcon, Tethris, that Cassie begged their father for when she saw him. Tethris was small but graceful and swift. Sharra reminded Aster of the falcon. Tipping his head with a calm expression on his face he let her retreat and plead her case.

What she didn’t realize was that she wouldn’t have to be forced into the match that her idiot nephew procured like she was some toothless old hag. Aster had been compelled by her beauty at first but that paled in comparison to her mind. She was truly wasted in Westeros. “I, and my family, are in agreement with you. But remember we are Valyarian, Volantine, and Essosi. We do not think like Westeros." He advanced on her, backing her up to the wall and crowding her. His slate blue eyes like the waters farther out deep and intense. He didn’t touch her but leaned over so that his words were spoken directly to her ear. “But my motives are less than heroic. I would prefer that you would want to stay with me. I have become quite attached to the way you defend your point. That fire that sparks in your eyes…”

Leaning back before he did something that really scared his falcon Aster smiled at Sharra. “I would have it be your choice though. As much as it would pain me to watch you sail away I would let you. This I promise you… for a little while at least. I think I would have to come after you. Sad is it not?"

Her heart climbed her throat and threatened to burst out. Each breath worked to steady herself and keep her upright, her hands clenched and twisted the fabric of her dress further. What madness was this? She couldn’t think, the heat enveloped her and suffocated her until she could see only Aster hovered over her. His words echoed, slow and delayed from when his mouth moved to form them. A moment of joy followed by new terror, what was he suggesting to her?

Sharra sighed as he stepped back, relief and regret at once to have space between them. Her heart thudded still in her ears but her vision expanded again. “I…I…” The maiden stuttered, her thoughts incomplete and dueling. A cruel thought took the fore and she frowned. The stories her septa had told her, the warnings from her mother, of the dangers of men - particularly foreign men. “You do not think like Westeros. What happens when you grow tired of me as your plaything, is marriage so easily set aside as marriage alliances here?"

“Marriage alliances here? Plaything? My Lady do you think so dishonorably of me that I would set you aside were I married to you? Rahl marriages are for life." Aster sighed and stepped back farther, dropping his hands smiling sadly. “Where do you get the idea that we set aside women? Is that not what Maegor has done? Seems more a Westrosi tradition than an Essosi tradition." Aster shook his head. “I know not what I said that offended you, I offered you a choice. I will always offer you a choice. That is how I was raised. I can call you a guide back to your rooms if you wish."

The words hadn’t fully fled her mouth for the regret to set in at giving in to the fear. He had been nothing but kind to her. Sharra’s hands released her dress at last and covered her mouth as if to prevent herself from saying any other foolish thing. She shook her head, and croaked out a soft no, muffled behind her fingers. What did she want, a choice in the matter? A choice other than to hide away, a choice other than to remain the Maiden of the Vale?

She didn’t know the answer to her questions or his. “Nothing you’ve said nor done since rescuing us from the docks has been offensive but…” Her words trailed, her hands dropped to her sides, blue eyes searched for anything but his face to focus on, her hands looking for anything to occupy themselves other than to twist again into the fabric of her dress.

Sharra eyes met his, a mistake for the flutter it set off in her stomach. “Don’t send me away, please." She spoke of it in response to his offer of a guide - and in the complex of his home, she was lost - but a deeper meaning lurked under the surface of her words.

“I would sooner send my baby brother to Asshai than send you away if you do not wish it. Perhaps this is all too much right now? Perhaps the friend you've made these weeks merely wishes to let you know he respects you. That he can understand that the road looks rough but he would gladly walk it with you. But ultimately he respects your wishes and needs if you let him know." Aster's voice was soft and husky with emotion. His slate blue eyes intense. “Your friend would do much for you just to see you smile."

Her mind rushed with thoughts, some of which she chided herself for in the moment they flickered into existence. “I have never met anyone like you." She whispered, a soft quiver to her voice, a throatiness she has never heard from herself before. Sharra took a step to close the distance he had given her, and boldly in her own way, searched for his hand with hers. Skin met skin and her fingers pressed between his. Warm and comforting, her lips parted in a bashful smile. “Walk with me now, if it pleases you to see me smile a little longer?"

As she linked their fingers together Aster smiled tenderly. His eyes caressed her face slowly then rested on her own and looked deep into her and replied. “As you wish."
Casterly Rock

Collab with @Apollosarcher

Old gods or new gods - Rhaena didn't know who to curse or thank for what had unfolded. A widow of barely weeks and she had agreed to wed again. The marriage agreement was a small price to pay…if she ever had to pay it. Meraxes save her, did she even want to return from Oldtown?

The thought sank like a stone, down to her gut. Her ladies had grown distant, even when they joined her in the evening and held her as she sobbed in her sleep. She did not shed tears while awake but at night, in deep unconsciousness, the princess was inconsolable. Come the morning, they scattered to corners of Casterly Rock to prepare and plan for her wedding.

Loreon would announce it at his Triumph, where Rhaena would already be on display. They had scoured her surviving trunks and seamstresses had worked day and night to have a dress for her fitting the occasion. The princess had wanted to wear her ceremonial armor but had, finally, been convinced otherwise.

She stared at herself in the full length looking glass. The gown was beyond compare, though Rhaena could not find joy in it. It was deep crimson silk edged with black lace along the sleeves and neck. The top of it was rigid against her chest and abdomen, made to look like armor but with none of the protection. A farce, a lie, but effective nonetheless. A deep golden cloak was clasped on one shoulder with a golden lion and the other an ebony dragon. She'd had a metal worker fashion a slim crown of dark steel and had it set with a trio of rubies. It was a delicate balance between supporting her uncle’s claim to the throne and reminding the Lords that she was the former king’s eldest child. It was a game she hated being thrust into but she was no child who thought she could win by not playing. She'd bide her time, play this role, and destroy those who had gutted her heart and left her broken.

Or die trying.

It was time to take her place at Loreon’s side in the procession. She wasn't sure what had swayed him to this, nor did she mind that his companion, Kinvara, joined them. Let the woman see to his needs and leave her be. Rhaena did not trust her though, there was a keenness to her eyes that the princess found unsettling. The crowds they passed through were boisterous in the celebration though it was immediately clear not all celebrated. Rhaena could not help but be reminded of the angry eyes and whispers she had suffered with Aegon. It was here too, just below the surface no matter the food and wine and coin that flowed the streets and uplifted lords and smallfolk alike.

The mood turned, Rhaena thought, surely from more of the traitorous Poor Fellows who must have infiltrated the crowds and urged them to violence. When the dam broke, it broke in a fury. Darkrobin whisked her away with no mind to how the Lord Paramount would escape. It was not the kingsguard’s concern. The escape was a blur, he had grabbed her, hard, around the waist, when a man in the crowd below their dais had thrown mud - she told herself it was mud no matter the smell - though it had missed and instead splattered against her slippers and Loreon’s boots. There had been only time enough for her eyes to connect with Loreon’s before she felt herself pulled away. An apathetic fear took hold and Ser Darklyn needed to handle her roughly for her feet to move before he gave up and picked her up. She thought she had heard him apologize. When they were at last safely behind Casterly’s walls she was astonished to see her skirts in shreds. Her slippers were gone, her stockings filthy.

The Mercenaries had arrived at Casterly hours ago, encamping but on alert the Company of the Rose were known to have fought for Dorne, Targaryens, and more over the years. With men and women of all faith in creeds serving side by side in the company they were rarely greeted with open arms in the Kingdoms. With the tension in the air they had set sentries and kept the men on alert, peasants across the countryside had been moving about with Septons preaching to their flocks. Branwyn and Alyswyn were wearing their full regalia as Northern nobles of house Stark here to give condolences. The pair of the oldest Stark children towered above most of the soldiers in full armor with house sigil on their cloaks and the symbol of the Company of the Rose on their tabards Branwyn a few inches taller than his sister but both cut an imposing figure, Alyswyn with her bastard sword at her side and shield on her arm. Branwyn with Ice upon his back as they watched the arriving nobles.

Their arrival had of course foretold but with the events of the day and preparations little notice had been paid to the coming of the mercenaries who had come to pay respects to Rhaena loss while searching for work. While Branwyn had not known them personally it would save his father the trip and of course perhaps help him learn about the coming rulers if he was to one day rule the North. However, upon the sight of Rhaena’s arrival he could frown at how the people here had treated her, leaning towards his sister he spoke softly. “Seems the town is worse than we thought... Throwing shit at Princess... They say we’re barbarians, at least we don’t bother throwing our shit at people, we just hit them.”

Alyswyn turned her head and covered her face a bit at her brother’s joke, flushing herself shaking her head before knocking him in the shoulder. “Don’t be an ass...” She spoke with a soft smile at her brother. “Now let’s get ready to make introductions.” They spoke as they started to move towards the recently arrived Princess, a handful of their officers behind them. Barthor and Artyn had been sent out into the city to learn of the goings on and find them information, spies and scouts were good for that sort of thing not to mention they knew how to play the part of whoever they needed to be to get the information they sought. So long as you reminded them the whoring and drinking came after the fighting.

The Kingsguard had been calling for ladies to see to Rhaena’s health and needs when he saw two figures approaching. He'd known that noble mercenaries had arrived. The Princess would have needed to meet with them had all of this not happened. Now though? While his charge had been spirited back to safety? He trusted no one. Seven, he hated this realm.

“No closer.” He barked out with a mailed hand held up to stop them. No matter their house, no matter who they were, in this situation he'd draw his sword if pressed.

Alyswyn couldn’t help herself. “We are of House Stark,” she gestured at the cloak with the direwolf sigil as if he were blind. “Perhaps you have heard of us? Pray to old gods, beat Southern armies at the neck, smart enough to not fight dragons?” She took another step just to prove she could as she gave a wink at the Kingsguard. “We came to give condolences... Though it seems like you might need our sword arms instead.” Her teasing unending it seemed, she enjoyed riling up knights and nobles few knew how to take a lady in armor seriously.

Branwyn shook his head and pulled his sister back a step, praying they weren’t about to get into more trouble. “Branwyn, heir to Winterfell and that loud mouth is Alyswyn Stark, Ser knight. My sister is correct though I have come offering condolences and if you request it... The services of ten thousand men and women, for the right coin of course.”

He took two steps forward in response, a hand on the hilt of his sword. “Respectfully, my lord and lady, I don't care who you are right now.” He blocked the path towards the Princess and scanned around him for any of the Lannister castle guards. Men had poured out past them in raising a response against the rioters.

Ladies had come running to attend to Rhaena, but she pushed them and their ministrations away. She was alive, still…yet. “See Darklyn, that's enough.” Her voice was hardened but she softly touched his elbow in her approach behind him and peered around him towards the Starks.

What a mess she was, her locks that had been pulled and tousled to nest the crown were wild now. She felt the slim thing slip around and pulled it out, her fingers gripped it at her side. “You and your men are well rested I take it? Here.” She tossed the crown at their feet, it thudded lightly against the ground. “A down payment for your services. Ensure my betrothed is escorted back to safety, quiet the smallfolk, and find me the instigators. They are, undoubtedly, men of the Poor Fellows or septons who encouraged this violence.” She frowned deeply. “I don't think House Lannister men will be much help with finding those men of faith.”

Alyswyn before could finish scooped up the crown and stepped close to her. “We don’t take payment till the work is done. Second, it looks better on you than on the ground.” She stepped enough to place the circlet back in her hand. As Branwyn sighed, turned towards the gate, then his men who had come with him.

“Right you layabouts! Find the Lion Lord and get him home safe. Corwain and Gwain, get your arses back to the camp and get the men together. Show these overdressed and over paid boys in red what professional soldiers can do!” Shouts came up, as the officers and the warriors of Alyswyn’s wolfpack moved to mount their horses.

The lady warrior who had a moments ago handed back the princess her crown gave a whistle a great black charger pulling alongside her even in armor she gripped its neck and threw herself up onto it in a single motion. “You can sort out the Lannisters to pay for this while we get it all under control... It’s why you keep him around right? Reason us ladies with brains and spirits keep these lads around right, do what we want and pay for what we want.” Branwyn tossed her a helmet and pulled on his own.

“Get the damn gates open, Wolfpack to the front!” Branwyn commanded as they watched Branwyn unsheath Ice, a massive hunk of Valyrian steel in the shape of a sword as the mounted mercenaries with Alyswyn at the head took up shields and arms. “We will be back before sundown with the heads to show for it.” He spoke, normally he would bargain but Lannisters were always good for gold and Targaryen’s tended to expect things done when they asked for them.

As evening turned to night and then to dawn, Rhaena received word at last that Loreon had returned safely as well as his lover and his kin. She did not rush to meet him. The riot had been quelled but streets and alleys had run with fire and blood before it was put down. The Princess had not slept, but spent the night pacing her rooms. If only she'd had Dreamfyre. With this much unrest, she grew concerned that the men she had been promised would be pulled back or that she'd be told to wait. There was no time, she needed to act.

She'd argued with Ser Darklyn about the Stark company. He didn't like that she'd paid them to act on the riot, didn't like the idea for her to hire them to go to the Reach. He didn't say it so directly, but his attempts to divert her attention from it or to caution patience told her how he really felt.

It didn't matter, she'd made up her mind. As the morning wore on she sent word to have Branwyn and Alyswyn Stark brought to her in a large study she'd been offered to use for any official capacity. Her eyes were dark from lack of sleep but she'd changed into a simple but fine black gown and had her hair simply plaited with the crown Alyswyn had returned to her. It was not so odd to see a woman geared to war. Not to Rhaena at least, who grew up on the stories of her grandmother and great aunt’s exploits. But it seemed odd to see any other house be so at ease with it. Perhaps the north really were a different sort of people.

She waited for them to arrive, the Darkrobin stationed behind her and just as sleep deprived. More pointedly, she had not notified Loreon, perhaps it would be a first sign of how their marriage would be, but she cared little for that. She should have sent word back to Dragonstone or King’s Landing, but that could wait as well. She played with fire and knew it.

The pair entered in armor still, an evening of violence and a night of hunting had given the company plenty of trouble yet they stood here uninjured though she could tell they had not yet slept. Alyswyn folded her arms as she leaned on the wall, as Branwyn entered and gave a bow. “We have cleared the Poor Fellows out from the mob. Skillfully avoiding a massacre if I do say so, they seemed to form the backbone of the riot. While the Septons were preaching we had to detain and haul them away... They gave little resistance after we smashed their soldiers.Turned them over to the guards to hold in the dungeons... We thought you’d prefer to deal with them yourself.” Branwyn stood upright now coming up from his bow as he looked at the Princess.

“After we cleared the streets and sent most of them home we let the Lannister men take over. Seems they may be good for more than decoration after all.” Alyswyn added as moved to stand beside her brother. “At least fifty dead soldiers of the faith and a couple dozen Septons locked away.” She smirked, clapping her brother on the back.

“And in a moment we will discuss the matter of the bill... And whether this is going to be a continuing contract. We can have it formally written later but for now... I have brought you something. Not as a mercenary... But as someone who knows the weight of the loss of family, and whose family is loyal to your house and name.” He turned and opened the door, two young men entered carrying a vase with blue roses, winter roses had only ever grown in the north. “Barthor and Artyn, my brothers were sent north to fetch these and meet us here when it was done. They are a gift from House Stark... One rose from each member of the family. I wanted to present this first as the reason we came was first and foremost to grieve and pay our respects.” He spoke as the two men, clearly his brothers and even Alyswyn moved forward all four taking a knee before her.

“House Stark, the men and women of the North who Aegon spared when two men showed great wisdom instead of great violence. We all offer our sincere condolences for the death of a good man who ought to have lived.” He spoke slowly and carefully, though she could feel the pain in his voice. “We... We have all known the pain of losing siblings too soon, ones we cherished and loved.” He added before all four rose, she would note tears welled in each sibling's eyes yet they did not shed swallowing it back down.

Rhaena winced at the gesture but quickly regained a more stony expression. It erupted in her mind though, unbidden and unwelcome memories of the attack and of his dying breaths. Aegon, her heart ached, her stomach turned. “You have done well.” She managed at last, her voice squeaking through it to avoid the hitch of emotion. “And I thank you for this gesture.” The princess paused, her youth briefly on display as her bottom lip caught between her teeth. Her fingers delicately ran over the flowers, tenderly, a moment longer in thought of what her father would have done and the frown returned.

“Stand.” It was a soft command. “House Stark were loyal and true supporters of my family and I am glad to see that is true still, no matter that you are for hire. You must have heard that my uncle has taken the throne.” She paused, eyes intensely on the four wolves before her, though she lingered over Alyswyn. Brash and bold, perhaps it was necessary for any woman who chose to don armor. “The Faith seeks to destroy us and everything we have built. In the North, you must feel this as well. Their…disdain for your old ways and beliefs. We,” she paused again, as if to second guess speaking for her uncle, her king, but pushed on, “we have need of your services still. Lord Loreon will need his men and some of yours to maintain the peace here a while longer. I will need you and your men for my journey to Oldtown.”

Alyswyn nodded first as she looked at Rhaena a moment before looking at her brother. “I’ll go to Old Town with you. I am a good commander but better fighter, never met a man I couldn’t leave in the dirt bleeding. Branwyn is who you want for thinking and planning things, never had the head for it.” She offered to step closer to Rhaena as she smiled, the girl reminded her of her younger sisters trying to keep it together even when they had not the years to know what all they should do.

Branwyn sighed and nodded. “I can work with Lord Loreon here if that is what you need... However...” He noted the young woman’s exhaustion and he’d caught the pain in face and couldn’t help sighed. “I won’t take advantage of your youth, your exhaustion or your grief by negotiating prices while I have such an advantage. The lowest I can do is thirty-thousand golden dragons enough to resupply my soldiers and pay them enough for what has to be done. As long as you’ll pay that much we can hold these talks when you are rested. For now, our band is yours here in the Westerlands and to travel to the Reach.” Barthor and Artyn stood and grabbed at the brother, thinking it madness but he silenced them with a wave of his hand before they could protest aloud.

“So please, rest well and when you are ready we will discuss terms with both you and Lord Lannister for full payment, terms, length of service, and more.” He paused for a moment and then added. “Should you need more than we could offer, I can reach out to Winterfell, though I would caution it may take time to organize the troops you need.” He explained as he gestured for the others to leave.

As they began to file out, Alyswyn who had been watching Rhaena closely slowly stepped forward to the desk and opened a pouch on her belt drawing out a vial. “Here, Dornish sleeping tincture, used to take a lot of these. The heat was murder trying to sleep in.” She spoke, setting it on the table as she turned to start towards the door. “Call on us any time after... We're paid for now.” She spoke, of course mentally she knew it wasn’t about the heat that she’d need the medicine for... It was to stop the nightmares, over ten years of fighting and traveling she had seen things she might never forget, sometimes that tonic was the only thing that kept her from awakening dagger in hand.

Raulf Tully

Raulf is of average height and slimmer but solid build. He keeps his hair cut shorter as it tends to unmanageable curls when allowed to grow out, much like his sister. He keeps his beard neat, if only to hide the childish baby-face when he is clean-shaven. Raulf has an easy and disarming smile, with a loose and relaxed demeanor that makes him approachable to most.


Family, duty, and honor - his house’s words - are nearly a prison to the young lordling. In combination they keep him trapped to his family’s lands, unable to pursue his idealistic dreams, forever restless in a land full of strife and pain.

His youth was normal enough, no matter that his family’s fortunes and station were unexpected. He spent his time in service to House Mallister as page and squire, though he had little natural aptitude for any martial training. He worked hard at it, but never seemingly for the right reasons. It was other squires or young knights who caught his eye and for whom he put on displays of prowess, such as they were. He saw Prince Aenys on one his first royal progress tours, a stirring moment for the young man who swore himself to his training so that one day he could serve the ephemeral prince as a kingsguard. It was not to be, and Raulf was never knighted, nor caught the attention of the prince beyond shallow pleasantries.

He was, however, well-read and well-spoken. While some would call him cunning or even devious, he proved an excellent mediator. Charming and warm, he was able to get himself out of trouble even when he was the cause of it. His father saw promise in those traits and sought to make a good match to secure the Tully hold of the Riverlands. First to a Frey, though the girl died of an illness before any agreements could be finalized. Second to a Vance, though it publicly fell apart due to scandal. Few in his family or highest advisors had glimpses of the truth. The match was offered only has a way to break an unfavorable (to House Tully) match between houses Vance and Mooton. Raulf, conniving indeed, laid the groundwork for a scandal that ended the hopeful match between any of their parties. Lady Vance was discredited and the agreements between Vance and Mooton little more than hushed whispers of what could have been.

Lord Rhobyn however, has raised the issue yet again. The kingdom was not stable, cracks that had never filled in completely threatened to widen, and House Tully needed stability and security to survive whatever came next. Raulf cannot disagree with the state of the world and his family words compel him to comply, but he wishes for anything but that.
House Tully Placeholder - will fill in with everyone's characters and actual house sheet

The Swords and Stars

with @Ezekiel @Vanq @LadyRunic @Thayr @Almalthia

The city had been in turmoil since the return of the dragons.

Shadows that stretched across a whole district of the chaotic city had been cast from the sky as Balerion and Vhagar had plunged from on high, sweeping low around the steadily rising towers of the nascent Red keep.

Many had cheered, but many others had known fear or outrage, perhaps both. When Maegor had set his standard upon the hill, much of the common folk had flocked to the King. The people of King’s Landing tended towards those who had benefited most, either in prosperity or simple survival, from the conquest, and so few had sour feelings for the banner of the red dragon. For many, concerns about the brutality of the then-Prince in far off Essos, and memories of his work as Hand of the King, were instead cause for hope. A strong hand, or a fist, to quell the times of trouble that had swept across the continent.

The noble manses of the young city were notably lackluster in comparison, even those who had little reason to chafe against the rule of House Targaryen might indeed have much to protest about what some had already called a usurpation, in complete contradiction to the laws of the seven which had governed inheritance in Westeros for thousands of years.

Maegor’s stance was clear, just as Aegon had forged an exception for his marriage, Maegor had forged an exception for his inheritance. The realm could not be governed by children, when it was so threatened by treason and banditry.

Those who did not accept this, and especially those who worked against the continued rule of House Targaryen in its whole, were not so easy to placate. Little more than a day after the King’s arrival, the representatives of the Seven within the city had called for Maegor to relinquish his crown, and when they did not, they had called for their most sacred trial as recompense. The Trial of the Seven. Seven swords against Seven swords, to decide the fate of the realm.

Court, or at least, what could be considered it, had assembled to hear the King’s response. He had not deemed fit to give proclamation from the relative privacy and security of the Red Keep, but instead the sprawling outer slope of the hilltop, exposing both nobility and small folk to matters of state.

“Who then, will fight for your King?” The King spoke with a voice which carried over the hillside, with an easy sense of volume which did not turn his words into a desperate shout, a cold fury in his eyes boring into the assembled nobility that he addressed. When silence was his response, beyond weak shudders and the turning down of eyes, something close to amusement wormed it’s way onto his face. How dreadful they must think me.

“I will, your grace.” A voice rose from the crowd, but not from the assembled nobility, instead, further away from the King and the mount. A common voice, articulate, but bearing no sign of formal education. There was a murmur of shock, a few gasps, and perhaps a few laughs, as a man stepped from the well drilled lines of the House Targaryen footmen.
“I been a king's man since I was a boy. I mean to die a king's man, if so be it.” The man continued, as he knelt on the ground before the King, offering forwards the simple sword he carried.

Maegor regarded the man, in the red and black of his household, for a handful of moments, before the grim visage of the King nodded in acceptance.

“This bean shames us all! Are there no true knights here? No leal men?” A voice rose up from the ranks of the Kingsguard, as one of the white cloaks stepped forwards, likewise, coming to a knee before the King.

One of the more stoic onlookers of the events took a step forwards from the crowd of nobility. A towering man of great stature, the Lord of House Baratheon had not been cowed by the presence of dragons, for he had spent much of his life in their company. Durran had waited, so as to not swing matters on the merit of his own name, but to delay further would be close enough to renouncing the close bond his own house had with the Crown. He was already dressed in armor, a fine suit of dark metal broken up by the flowing tabard of his household. Durran had not been long in the capital, for matters had held him in the Stormlands, but now that his son was seeing to local matters, he had deemed it more important to represent himself at court, a decision that now seems prophetic in its timing.

“House Baratheon stands with the throne, and so I shall stand with you, your Grace.” He did not fall to his knees as the others had, but bowed his head to the new King, the severity of his gaze clear for all. Victory was not a sure thing, and there were more gasps and murmurs than even at the volunteering of the lowborn, for a Lord Paramount to risk his own life for such a trial, but there was little that could be done to ignore the blood shared between them.

The Warrior of House Arryn had spent days laid out in recovery from the harrowing events that grew in absurdity each time he retold the tale. Until, blessed by the Seven undoubtedly, word reached him in his sick bed of the true dragons’ return to the city. He watched the scene unfold, Prince Maegor - King Maegor - challenged before him. He whispered too loudly an uncouth remark about the first who pledged his honor. But it was Lord Baratheon who spurred him forward to action.

He briefly considered his brother’s disapproval, the warnings he had been given and largely ignored anyways. No, Osric was certain that his grim brother would come to see the benefit of being decisive here. And, perhaps the newest woman to steal his heart would take heart as well. And if not her, certainly her father would find him a worthy match for his daughter. His eyes scanned the crowd for a moment, unable to find her in the mass. He would find her later, when he would be bloodied but victorious from battle.

“Ser Osric of House Arryn stands with our king.” He pushed his way forward to stand beside Durran Baratheon. It wasn’t enough to just offer his sword. “You brought justice to the Vale, an act we will not forget. My sword-arm for you!” He turned, exaggerating his search again through the crowd. “And in victory, my Lady Rhoelle, I will pledge myself to you.”

The scene laid out was one that would be told again and again, songs would be made of those men who came out victorious. Horas felt his father’s hand on his shoulder, restraining him from taking that fatal step forward. He did not know that his father planned to step up himself, while no longer keen with a sword the Lord of Harrenhal had his duty. Maegor, now their King, was also their family by marriage of a sister and a daughter to the Harroways. The House could not just let this challenge to him go without an answer. Yet that answer could carry a high cost.

So it was with the youthful impression that he was immortal that Horas shrugged off his father’s hand and drew the sword at his side. Though only a squire, he stepped forward and drew his sword. His father behind him looking grim. His sister’s faces polite masks, though Jeyne’s eyes were daggers into Horas’s unguarded back. “Your Grace! My sister wed you. Though I am but a squire, I will not let this insult go unpunished! Through Fire and Flame, I’ll see these dogs meet the Stranger.”

The Lord of Harrow’s hand, once clasped on his youngest son’s shoulder, now dropped to clasp Hanna on hers. It was all he could do. This was going to be a melee and brawl to the death and his youngest. Not even a knight was stepping in to do battle where stronger men would pause. With luck, Maegor would refuse Horas’s the honor and if that blow fell heavy. His boy would be put out of the way of danger. It was a father’s failing to want to see his sons grow tall.

Damon the Devout wanted to sneer at the bootlicking that was going on, but kept his face passive. The Warrior Sons, his fellow brethren, his brothers in arms were blessed by the Seven to take down the vile usurper. Maegor would find his end here and a more worthy man would rise to the occasion to lead Westeros into a faithful era. Directing the Warrior Sons chapter in King's Landing had been his pleasure and to have Maegor crown himself and demand things like a child was a bit of a surprise. He had thought Maegor would be less childish about this, but no the polygamous ungodly usurper was intent on getting his way and if it took attempting to cut down the whole of Westeros; Damon believed he’d do it.

One of those who stood in the ranks of the watching nobility was, much to the chagrin of those standing about him, not like the others. Of course that's what every noble might think, but it was quite true. A smile grew across the man's face, one hand grasping hard at his blade nestled in scabbard, his long locks wispy in the hill's wind. He was Ironborn and, quite simply, he felt truly alive with the proposition laid bare before him. It was a moment of history brought on by chance, by his pulling into port for cargo. When he saw the dragon above, he knew it was history before him. The tall reaver's breath came ragged at the thought. Smallfolk and even a riverlander to say their support before he, though? It was nearly intolerable. Harlan Smokestone cried out, gruff islander tones a far cry from the formalities of those before as he stepped forward in the crowd to draw his blade in salute. "What is dead cannot die! King Maegor, I know you. I know the screams of the Dothraki widows from your justice, and it was beauty. I will kill these snakes who pretend to be men for you."

The King surveyed the increasingly vocal crowd before him with an intensity that was unwavering, the deep violet glare leveling equally on those who swore their swords to him, to those who stood by and those who would draw against him with equal unyielding judgment. He would remember it all. Some of those who's voices had joined their cause to his he felt little point in committing to memory, he didn't not expect them to last, but spattered among them were notable warriors he considered a boon to have. The Baratheons were a towering lot, the martial skill of his father's bastard brother with the sturdy build of the Durrandon's. The Ironborn was the closest thing to a true surprise however, and already some of the crowd murmured in discontent. This was a sacred rite of the faith, yet a follower of their Drowned God had volunteered himself to fight.

"Men of all lands understand their duty." Maegor finally spoke, his vision set on the Ironborn. "No greater sign of the folly of their treason could be present, those who fight with me assure the victory of our righteous cause. Those who stand against us, the Kingdom will know as thieves and traitors." With his words, Maegor dismissed the wider crowd, the men at arms of House Targaryen working to disperse the smallfolk even as the nobility made their own way. Those who had chosen to fight for their king were permitted to remain as they prepared for the fight to come.

Maegor paced some way from the others for the moment, looking out across the city. His city. The moment of solitary thought passed however, as the armoured form of his mother appeared beside him. Without speaking, Maegor removed the studded crown of his father from his temple, handing it over to Visenya, who clasped it in both hands as she had when she first passed the Kingdom to him.

"I will crush them." His voice did not carry, but nor did it boom across the landscape as it had before. He did not speak the alternative, such was his conviction, but still he carried on. "Rhaena, take it to her, let her burn it all, be queen of whatever ash remains." Visenya nodded, on this she was agreed. She wouldn't have entertained the idea of the trial, burning the traitors instead, but she was not her son, and she knew he would never abandoned the chance to show his strength and his cause. She had little hope for the rest of the potential heirs, but the young dragoness was the least terrible option before her, should her unthinkable fear happen.

She stood in her own silence for the moment, before simply adding. "Kill them all, then burn their nest."

As the crowd began to disperse, the Knight of the Vale, the Warrior’s chosen vassal if he believed his elder brother, took in the gravity of the moment. No matter the bravado he displayed, and he thought he did so flawlessly, beneath it he also knew the danger that lurked. He had only just returned to sparring after the unfortunate incident with the dragon lady. Misfortune turned to highest fortune once they were victorious. He looked to Maegor Targaryen, first of his name, a swell of respect and longing in his chest. What fortune indeed to prove himself to king and faith.

He knew only some of the other men who had stepped up, and while he had at first been intrigued by the man called Bean, it was the Ironborn that drew his attention most. No true knight, a heathen, it was not so long ago they would have waged war against one another in the riverlands. With one last look to the King and no sign of Rhoelle, he approached the man instead.

He would have clapped the Ironborn’s shoulder, but as he drew closer he was thwarted by just how large the man actually was. Unusual, nearly a giant of a man, Osric wondered if it would be an aid or a hindrance on a battlefield - or their trial. He instead opted to clap the man’s elbow and was pleased it was only soreness and not sharp pain that traveled up his arm. If Maegor accepted him, then who was he to disagree? “Have you ever fought a proper melee, Ser…” Osric drew it out. “Well, probably not a ser, eh? Which isle will be naming all their sons after you when we’ve won?” The smile was easy, though hints of fading yellow bruises were visible yet on his skin.

Harlan turned, looked down at the knight, his mind rolling through which one of the crowd the man actually was. One of the Riverlanders, that's who it was, and the colors on the man's tabard gave the Ironborn pause to wonder which, exactly, the man was. Wait a damnable moment…, no he wasn't a Riverlander. The accent didn't match, the more he talked, and now he could see the man's true colors. He bore Arryn's, as plain as they may be compared even to the half-moon of Smokestone. Of all the things to approach he it would be an Arryn, Harlan thought ruefully, though he gave but a narrowing of the eyes to the shorter knight.

"No such thing as a proper melee. Nothing proper about butchery, be it pigs or men. But yes, Arryn, I have." He gave pause to the second question, meeting the smile of the Valeman with a snort after a breath's moment. "My house doesn't know I’m here. Not precise, anyways. It'll be a time before the Iron Isles knows, another time still before word reaches Lonely Light, and time still before it reaches home. White Rock will feel pride, maybe…but no. I don't think they'll name sons after me. No matter whether I stand beside Maegor or the Drowned God himself, they'll not name sons for me, not for killing a few men of the Seven. It'll be a fun day, though. A good day."

He looked back to the Arryn, away from the misty thoughts that had seemed to strike him. The man seemed bruised, somewhat, yellowed and issued. A strange thing to choose after having a tussle, that was for certain. "I am Harlan, younger brother to the Smokestone."

“Never heard of it.” Osric spoke with a snap, but not dishonesty. He had never been one to pay attention to memorizing the details of small houses or realms. "But after today, friend, I’m sure your name will be sung. Even if your people don’t!” The grin remained, toothy and accompanied by a gruff laugh. His brother would surely turn purple when he learned that a drowned god heathen supported Maegor to victory. Perhaps it would be enough to return home himself, a task he’d avoided for too long.

“A good day indeed but probably no need for killing. We’ll knock them around good, no doubt. No doubt at all. The Faith will take it as a sign that the Seven smile on our King, and we can get back about our business.” He nodded to himself as he spoke, full of confidence. Perhaps some would die, there was always a risk, but he was sure that much of this was for show. The Faith bent before, they would again. He didn’t need some rough sellsword like Harlan of White Rock instigating matters worse.

His gaze fell at last on a woman in the distance, unmistakable in her form. “And when this is all said and done that woman will be in my bed to melt away the pain and bruises, no doubt.” He arched a knowing eyebrow up towards the Ironborn. He’d make good on his declaration, but after a taste first.

The Smokestone man gave pause, half smiling to himself at the nature of the man. He seemed to think they would only beat the others, and force them to yield honorably. There was nothing exactly honorable about fighting though, not in Harlan's opinion. "Don't lie to yourself. Maegor wants to kill them; he's not a man to make meager efforts, nor leave his challengers alive to remember their failure. Remember…I pledged to kill the snakes and the King did not correct me. And as for the others…they want to kill Maegor. They understand how dangerous he is, how angry he is. Letting him live would mean they would die later. No, Arryn…there'll be dead men. It will be a good day."

He chuckled a little, then, a rough chuckle deep in the chest. "Hopefully your woman can stitch your wounds, too."

Osric shook his head but pressed his lips tightly. Perhaps a few dead, the ones who were barely more than farmers. He was certain of it and even more certain now that while Harlan’s sword arm would be beneficial, he was beneath the Arryn knight. Afterwards though…”We’ll put some coin on it, how about? When the dust has settled and you see I have the right of it, you can buy me another roll with the one they call the Flame of Lys.” With a deep breath and a long exhale, he gave one final look to the man. “I’ll bet an additional stag that we’re in the whorehouses with our enemies singing and drinking. And after all that, my woman can tend to me.” He grinned and clapped his ally’s elbow once more in departure. He was bored of the small prattle, best to not allow himself to think too poorly of a man he’d be fighting beside, best to leave before his opinion grew worse.

“As you galavant about which whores you mean to see to, I mean to declare myself a Ser after this.” The young Horas Harroway strode to the two. His all too common brown hair and eye forgettable as his sharp face was like that of a common fox had a wicked flicker in his eyes. “A knight for defending my sister’s husband and King? You both will get pity from the whores for a night, I’ll get the glory for the rest of my life on this side of the Narrow Sea and beyond.” For surely Damon would take the Ser KingsShield, or whatever nonsense was given him, across the sea and on his many travels. It was something as a point of pride with the younger Harroways to follow the example of their Captain brother. “But you, Arryn. I know you. My father spat your name a few times over that incident. How does the water of the Bay taste?”

“Bah,” Harlan spat on the ground, chuckling just a bit deep in his chest, “I won’t get any pity from the whores in this town. I’ll garner my satisfactions from Riverlander women, pup.” He loomed just a tad over the young Harroway, smiling though it rarely touched at his eyes. Harlan could sense something in the air, though he wasn’t sure of what exactly it was. “Would you know of any fresh ones, Harroway?”

Osric’s attempt to leave was cut short. “Watch your tongues.” He spoke to both but with his eyes on Harlan. Harroway was barely more than a boy by his estimations, and a surly one, but he was the King’s kin by marriage. The Ironborn, that one didn’t understand the way of things. He had no standing to speak that way. Whatever cause Harroway had over his recent…adventure…was a concern for after the trial. He just needed to prove himself here and any rumors or unhappiness would be put to rest. The Arryn knight ignored it, mostly. “Bay water is refreshing, nearly as much as the air rushing around you while on dragonback.” He gave a toothy, confident grin. “Nothing either of you could relate to. May the Warrior favor you as much as he has me.” He was done with their jostling and set off to prepare for the coming trial, daydreams of his future good luck playing vibrantly in his mind.
The room was empty but for the slight figure of a young woman and the hulking figure clad in white. Her body visibly quivered and shook, her arms wrapped tightly around herself, fingernails dug into her skin leaving harsh half-cresent marks.

She was alone except the protector who had done little to protect her from anything. He had failed her, failed her brother, and father, failed the realm. He had been taken to task for his failure and offered nothing in his defense. He had failed, no matter the reasons, death had surrounded the princess. It had pursued her relentlessly and still seemed unfinished. Now they stood in silence. Ser Darklyn, stony-faced but eyes reddened, and Princess Rhaena attempting to compose herself.

The other ladies had been denied entry to her chambers, and though they fretted, nothing had changed their princess's mind. Her decision to separate herself from them had been an impetuous, subconscious desire to spare them from her curse. Melony Piper had been found dead but Rhaena's horror at the matter was all too quickly washed away by dark words on dark wings.

Her father dead and her uncle proclaimed king. It has been madness when the news was read. The princess had stayed unmoved for so long that when the initial chaos subsided all eyes had turned to their royal guest. The girl in mourning. The girl who had burned their Septon. The girl, who many quickly surmised, could be their queen. The silence had turned to whispers, overlapping and shifting in turmoil as the men in the room began to plan.

It should have felt like a greater moment. But she whispered it at first. No. She did not want this. She had barely wanted to be Aegon's queen even when that had felt decades away. She wanted to fly, she wanted to be splendid room, in a bed piled high with soft pillows and gentle friends, with her dear brother alive and well and Melys to tell her new gossip. It's what she had wanted.

Then she had wanted the men to stop. The same rage built within her, like when she had held the torch to the old man. The whispered no turned to an angry wail. "Let my uncle have the crown. I want blood." She had left, turned her women away, had tried to turn away Ser Darklyn, and closed herself away.

She needed her dragon, but even in her rage she knew that little Dreamfyre was not enough to take on the whole of the Faith. She needed me , she needed ships. She needed Lord Loreon and she hated it. Rhaena could feel the men looking for ways to use her, her status, her blood. They were fools. The Faith had to be dealt with and Viserys was of fire and blood but a child with no dragon. She feared her uncle, but so would the traitorous septons. If they were fools, they would learn to with their dying, tortured last breath. At night she dreamed of fields of burning men, clad in their rainbow cloaks or dirty gray robes.

Self-imposed seclusion did little but to deepen her anger and she lashed out at the only one there to bear it. Until even that was interrupted. Rhaena tried to turn them away, the incessant knocking at her chamber doors. They did not leave no matter what Ser Darklyn demanded. He opened the door and exchanged terse words that Rhaena could not hear. The door shut and she could hear him approach.

"Lord Tytos is dead. Lady Lorelai is dead."

Rhaena, twisted and released herself from her grasp, a fresh wave of horror across her face. It had not been so long ago since their odd encounter in the abandoned mining town. Now she too was gone? And Loreon's uncle? Surely it was the Faith's doing. Pity and sadness she pushed to the side, if they wished to use her, she would use them.

"I'll see Lord Loreon, now."
<Snipped quote by HellHoundWoof>

So, your best bet would probably be to hit up either Zeke or Ruby, our GM and co-GM, respectively. They should be able to hook you up :)

I am hurt
I have been made a prisoner by my own flesh and blood because of you.
Right this wrong.
– Your Jehar

She had written, torn, and re-written the message countless times that day. It pained her to put words to paper and beg that man for help. She tasted bile at signing the name that he had given her when, briefly or not, he had seemed besotted or at least consumed by a lust for her. She hated seeing it in black ink, the way it glistened wetly in the dim candlelight. Her hands trembled above it, wrestled with the impulse to shred it once more and burn every scrap as if she could burn it all out from her memory.

But she had no friends here. Locked away by her brother, for protection he swore to any who questioned it. Ceryse knew better. She had been a play piece for her uncle and they sought to use her again. Gods, she hoped she would live to see them understand how grossly they overplayed their hand.

It hurt more that there were no whispers of what Vittoria or House Tyrell were doing. Had they abandoned her too? Or did they fight to retain their control of the Reach over the machinations of the High Septon his lordly family? It was those questions that at last gave Ceryse pause to roll up the missive and secure it in it’s waxen holder rather than set it to fire once more.

She had already wasted days in blind fury. Her bedchambers looked as if they had been looted after a siege. Gowns were still strewn about from her initial protest and refusal to go the sept for quiet reflection. Ceryse had at least allowed the maidservants to clean away the broken glass and pottery from when she had upended a table in a moment of rage at being barred from exiting without the escort of half a dozen septas. Hideous women who tutted and tsked at her for thinking to defy a most holy knight of the Warrior’s Sons.

Beneath the anger loomed the fear that gnawed at her in the quiet hours of night until she passed into fit-filled hours of restless sleep. If half the rumors were true, the heir dead and king dead or dying, then the peril was great. Maegor would not waste such an opportunity. What good was she, having already been discarded? Ceryse slammed her hands to the desk and muffled a cry of anger. If Maegor received her message, and if he decided to act on it - surely his pride would not allow him to ignore it no matter if he loathed her, she would make him pay for hell she had traversed because of him.

When morning came her escort was surprised to find the princess dressed conservatively in a simple gray and pale green dress, awaiting their arrival. Ceryse’s eyes passed over them, nonplussed at the suspicious glances they shared between them. “I would like to go to the sept for prayers. Then a walk in the garden for better airs and quiet reflection.” Her voice was flat, void of the anger of previous days. She hoped she sounded broken. They were right to be cautious and the princess knew if not that day, then the next or the one after she would at last find a way to get her message sent on to Dragonstone. The consequence of it being intercepted was not lost on her. She would let them think her meekened, be the dutiful daughter of Oldtown once more and bide her time.

Ceryse had been made a play piece to move about a board long enough. She had learned the most important lesson from her husband, to take what was hers.
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