Avatar of Zahrale
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  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
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    1. Zahrale 9 yrs ago


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Welp. . . Let's see if anyone sees this, Shall we?

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It's not fancy, It's not super special, it's not overly well done...

God i need to just be beat with a 50 lb mallet.
Warlord Vannoth Mors

Interacting with; Kuki Aho

Raised a brow and gave a slight smirk- to make the man smile would have been impossible, but to coax a smirk from him was easily done. "I am Warlord Vannoth Mors... I don't really mind what you decide to call me. You'll find me easy to deal with- until you give me a reason to be harsh. Now then. Come with me- we can talk more privately at my rooms. . . If you're going to be stuck with me, you might as well know who I am." he actually offered to walk with her, to lead her to where he intended, rather than what most people would have assumed the massive brute would have just scooped her up and hauled her away to be violated in brutal fashion. Few would know the truth behind what he was Really doing- including Zevi and perhaps the princes. Vannoth was the nicest of men when trying to see who you are- then he finds you and all kindness goes out the window, unless he's impressed of course.

Warlord Vannoth Mors

Husband of Kuki

Vannoth Mors was not a very flashy man, no incredibly fancy clothing, no shining armor. He stood in these chambers as a silent statue of a man. Any rage, manliness, strength or power that radiated off him was out of sheer pain. His shoulder had been killing him since watching the tournaments, and being jostled in the crowd that was there was almost enough to set him off in the stands themselves. He was beyond unwilling to show this rage before the princes, that would surely be a death sentence as berserk warriors were frowned upon.

He had spent the rest of that day distracting himself in private, and even up until this meet he was loathe to do anything but truly attempt to relax. It was found to be hard to do, as one of the warrior he had brought to the city had decided a lapse of judgement would be safe and clapped him over the shoulder, planning to state "You should have fought, my lord!" . . . It became a viciously bloody mess in the street. One does not simply harm and touch Warlord Mors without dying. It was poor taste, and not something that needs to happen in the presence of the princes.

In this room? He was a grim statue. Standing there as if he were about to receive orders or a command. He had a great fur and cloth cloak along with what everyone could clearly tell was his "Sunday Best"... pristine, clean, never been worn before. He hung on every words spoken, and lightly examined all that were there. No one here was a push over, or undervalued... and there was a fair number. To be one of them was a honor he took in stride- however, it came with an attachment. He couldn't help but find that Zevi and his new bride were, for lack of a better statement, small and cute. Then it came to His turn. He gave the prince a bow hindered bow- with his shoulder acting up, he was not keen to move too much. As the gem was brought to him he looked her over. To his surprise he found her somewhat attractive- though he restrained himself to say it was more like finding a flower beautiful, or having a craftsman's trade and found a beautifully made piece of work. He waited until the princes were done speaking " So. I find myself wondering. Am I dealing with another spitfire, or are you content to cower in fear?" Any who had seen his training sessions would know this question. It was dangerous. It changed how he treated you- defined your next few days, would it be hell or would it be survivable? How would it apply to this poor gem was anyone's speculation. Only time would reveal the answer, that and the gem's choice. As they were "dismissed" He would lead his newfound prize to his rooms, his minor estate. Small, simple with a yard and a singular guilty pleasure. A garden. Private, clean, and outside of the glances and bustle of the Drakken crowds. Something he and, as he thought, his new bride could certainly be happy for an escape from.
Was mid post and it just randomly decided to turn into tornado weather

Excuse me while I go panic and freak out like a child in the corner.
Posting Sooooooon
*Flails Arms Rapidly* Curse you Writers Block!!!!!
Well it seems, Melody, like I've now got a reason to step up my typing and how frequent I post!
Kinda relieved, truly.
that day when your friend for 8 years ditches you permanently... and you don't care so much that you sit there looking at a RP wondering "... should I just stop because I don't Do anything?"
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