Avatar of Zarkun


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2 yrs ago
Current Sometimes you spend so long looking for peace in someone else, you loose sight of that peace you can give yourself. Don't forget that guys.
3 yrs ago
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. But today? Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." -Master Oogway
5 yrs ago
So many writing ideas, so little time to write. Being an adult sucks...
6 yrs ago
It's the most fattening time of the year!
7 yrs ago
There is a madness to my method. Or is there a method to my madness?
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Forests surrounding Rembrandt
April 13, X903
Suspicious Monster Sighting
@Cello@Lunarlord34@Sanguine Rose

As the group got ready to begin their trek to the beast's last known location, the Sergeant reached the top of the tree, where the platform and small outpost that resided in it were found. His spotter and second in command of his usual squad was already in position, communicating with the garrison as things progressed, though she ended the conversation when he arrived. "Sergeant, good to see things went accordingly." Monreu grunted as he started to set up his rifle.

"Almost didn't, as one of the mages wasn't too keen on the idea of a sniper watching their backs at first. Suppose I can't blame him, with relations with most of the garrison being what they are." His SIC snorted.

"They should consider themselves lucky that we haven't chased them and their bloody foreign guild out of Rembrandt already. Fiorans are no-" A cold look from the sergeant silenced Corporal Weaver instantly.

"You're a fucking member of the Pergrande Military, Rembrandt Township Garrison. Damn well act it. But we can discuss that outburst after the mission is done. Keep your rank and job in mind, Corporal." The way her rank was mentioned was filled with venomous ice and she could only nod and take up her spotting position, mentally cursing herself for her breach in protocol.

Road to the Outpost
April 13, X903
Urgent Delivery-Rendezvous
@Remram@Sanguine Rose

The Corporal opened his mouth to argue when a loud hissing roar echoed through the forest, reaching the group inside the mist and almost seeming to vibrate the very air. The swarm hissed loudly in response, still trying desperately to force their way past the plants, before they all faded away, assumably with disappointment. One of the guards dropped his visor over his eyes and it glowed briefly before he raised it with a sigh of relief. "Thermals are clear, the beasts pulled back. That was likely the Alpha we heard, calling them back. That...worries me..."

Corporal Nalen looked around, counting the heads of everyone present and nodded to himself before turning to Nolan and turning the radio back on. "I know we agreed to follow your lead, but kindly refrain from messing with our communications." He resumed speaking with whoever was on the other side, and the conversation quickly became heated again. PFC Tanson rode over to Nolan and sighed as he signaled they were all clear to the drivers as the two members of the Guard had their visors down, the glow from earlier that had been on Tanson's visor showing as to allow them to more easily see through the mist and foliage.

"Don't mind the Corporal, as he's the commanding officer for us Guardsmen on this, so he's getting a lot of heat. He'd been trying to get some artillery support or see if one of the officer's could call in a favor with some of their..." he hesitates and seems to struggle to find the right words before continuing, "some friends that could have helped quickly." It was clear there was information he was under either orders or oath to withhold, likely due to the sensitivity it had to keeping Pergrande's military secrets exactly that. "Now he has to pass off you switching off the comms unit as a brief malfunction on our end. Just...be easy on him. We're all stressed, especially since we know there's actually an Alpha out there..."

Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Rembrandt Train Station
@Cello@samreaper@twave@Joshua Tamashii@LunarLord34

As the group interacted, unbeknownst to them, another group of three had followed them from the guild hall, wearing combat armor from Pergrande, though it wasn't like that of the town guards, it seemed more advanced and the helmets enclosed the entirety of their faces. One of them spoke quietly into a radio while they observed them. "Aye, just some younger members and a couple of newer ones. They all pass the test on power, nothing too crazy, just like you'd expect." They fall silent as the voice on the other side says something more extensive and then sighs. "Sir, with all due respect, this is just an escort job, I doubt anything crazy will happen. A couple of the mages do look more than capable, so if anything does happen, we might not even need to intervene." Another tirade before they can speak again. "Of course, we'll maintain observation pattern and continue reporting back."

Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Rising Starborn Guildhall

It was several minutes after the group bound for the escort job had left that another mage approached the giant of a guild master, who was in the midst of arranging for a meeting with the town Garrison's commander to discuss steps to further repair relations between the town and the guild, a task that was proving monumental, though not impossible. When she spoke up, Jenna looked down at her and smiled warmly. "A pleasure, Miss Trinity. And I'd be happy to have you, though, I am curious as how you heard about us. I've heard mixed stories and always want to see what the latest gossip is."
Jason Connor

Jason listened to Celebi and Helga argue and felt more than a bit attacked when Helga said he needed to be humbled. I'm sorry, humbled?! He knew that she didn't have a very positive opinion of him, but he'd attributed it to the fact that he was both from Hoenn and didn't live what had happened with Cipher, but to hear she thought he was a total idiot...that was enough to anger him further. But he didn't get a chance to argue with the giant of a woman, who's size no longer intimidated the infuriated Hoenn native for the moment, because in response to the giant's last statement, the mythic Pokemon of Time turned to him and asked "What is it that you want to do?"

For the second time in the last twenty-four hours, someone had asked what it was he wanted to do. Looking at the time travelling Pokemon and, without missing a beat, he answered. "I want to help. I want to prove I'm strong enough to stand alongside Adriane and protect not just Evig, but other regions. I want to see this region recover, and I want to help it happen." He fixed Helga with a hard look. "I didn't realize that made me someone who needed humbled because I dare to fucking dream of making a difference."
Jason Connor

Jason nods after a moments consideration. "Yeah, I did. Did the thing that flame apparition was imitating come from it?" Every region had it's crazy rumors and stories and unsurprisingly, Evig was no different, but something like holes in the sky was...pretty crazy. He vaguely remembered someone on a forum he used to frequent saying Alola had some crazy stuff going on, but he'd never paid it any mind, didn't even read the thread.
Jason Connor

By this point, Jason had recovered enough to stand back up after the memory jacking and he listened to Celebi, the quintessential deity of time, explain that here in the Evig region, it had essentially been told to fuck off and not try. However, before he could even speak up, Helga did, protesting his involvement further than had already happened. Celebi, in classic fashion, retorted logically and reasonably, however, the aspiring champion's mind was finally finished processing everything said up to that point and, before all else, he rounded on the Amazonian woman, anger flashing in his eyes. "You already involved me by keeping the truth of what this whole thing was to yourself and planning to club me over the head if I lost. I've already come this far, I might as well see it through." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose and started to ask if Celebi had any ideas and then froze as one of the rumors he'd heard on his way to Starbor came to mind.

"Wait, could it be tied to something I heard on my way to the forest? Some kid fell out of a crack in the sky is what it's saying."
Jason Connor

If he wasn't so shell-shocked by having his memories jacked and forcibly resurfaced with essentially no warning, Jason would have been more than a bit angry with Helga. After all, gambling both his and his Pokemon's lives like that on the possibility of a loss was not OK in his book, but right then, he felt more woozy and dizzy than anything, having to lay back for a minute, he didn't immediately respond to the mythic Pokemon. Many of those memories were from his infancy, which, to the aspiring champion's knowledge, no body remembered, or at least so few that the number was basically zero. But others, well, they brought a smile to his face. Some of it reminded him he had been slacking on his training and, when he was done helping Helga and talking to...oh right, Celebi had mentioned something was wrong. Sitting up with a groan, Jason then stood up, Lucha helping him balance the best she could.

"Right, you said something was wrong. I...how is it wrong? I know Evig was...well, basically destroyed by Cipher, but...it's healing right? Unless you mean something else."

(Lucha and Murus will be passing on their new moves.)
Jason Connor

For the time it took him to pull the flute piece from the apparition's chest, all he could feel was extreme pain as the fire scorched the skin on his arm. But he didn't bask in the flames like an idiot, he quickly ripped it out, and watched, albeit with a heavy grimace, as the green flames scattered. Before the pain set in, he began contemplating the intelligence of reaching into a flaming effigy of any kind and cursing his impulsiveness that, most likely, would strike again later. For the first couple minutes once it did, however, his mind was largely pain and the smell of seared flesh, his flesh, and he could barely think of much else. The intensity and pulsing nature of it caused him to feel light headed and he fell to his butt as Lucha rushed over to look at her trainer's arm, panic in her eyes. "Halucha! Ha!" The trainer himself was barely registering anything around him as the pain started to take over his mind as it crawled its way up his arm.

He barely even registered the voice in his mind as it asked about a new champion. If he was honest, in that moment, he was about ninety-five percent sure it was a pain induced hallucination. Jason muttered a yes in response, trying to say he had been selected by the current to run the region's league challenge. The light began coalescing as Helga ran in, asking him what had happened. And then he was face-to-face with a green...pixie? He still thought it was a pain induced hallucination right up until it healed his arm and removed both the feedback loop of pain and the scarring he'd earned for his efforts. At which point, he blinked in surprise when he realized not only was it real, but Helga saw it too. His Pokedex beeped at him about a lack of a picture and he kinda acknowledged it out of habit, and it quickly took one. Jason, however, eventually stood and moved his arm before his brain caught up to what the Pokedex had said. "Wait, wait, wait, did that...you're...I'm...Celebi?! I...I'm honored. And...kinda surprised."

He looked down at the flute piece and then remembered what the fairy had said before. "Wait, you asked about a new Champion. What...what did you mean?"
Jason Connor

There was only a moment's hesitation for the aspiring champion, but that was it. He knew that Lucha was hurt from the Ember, though not how much, and Sable and Murus needed to get healed up. So he did the one thing he could, lunging forward and plunging his right hand into the fiery form's chest and wrapping his fingers around the flute piece, even as Lucha watched and was stuck between awe and concern at her trainer's willingness to hurt himself on their behalf. "Time to go back to sleep, you piece of history!"
Jason Connor

"Lucha, use Detect and keep up your attack! Don't let that bastard breathe!" The fact it was dimmer after that super-charged Ember gave Jason ideas, but he didn't want to risk Lucha absolutely having to tank another one if he could have to. And while Detect was a potent move to aid in evasion, there were only so many times she could use it. "Mix Aerial Ace in there as well, keep it guessing!"
Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Suspicious Monster Sighting-Briefing
@Cello@Lunarlord34@Sanguine Rose

Sergeant Monreu chuckled at the as-of-yet unnamed mage's statement, but he did respect the intent. As he lead the group outside to where there were four horses with armor waiting for them at the main gate. The ride was uneventful as they set off into the forest. The wildlife seemed to be making its usual sounds, but after about 45 minutes, the Sergeant signaled a halt and dismounted, approaching a large tree with a ladder ascending it. "This is my post, got a view of everything for about a fifteen or twenty mild radius. The last known position is a massive clearing about two miles north of me. I'd dismount here unless you think you need the extra mobility, approach on foot. We don't have any real understanding of what this thing is, so...yeah. All I can do is advise an approach, final decision is yours. Good luck."

And with that, he started his ascent up the ladder, his sniper rifle smacking against his back as he went. This left the three mages to discuss amongst themselves how to handle their own approach for the mission, whether they'd thunder in on horses or sneak up on foot, or if they could even attempt to be sneaky, as for all they knew, it would smell them long before they saw it. What would the three mages do?

Road to the Outpost
April 13, X903
Urgent Delivery-Rendezvous
@hatakekuro@Sanguine Rose

As the tornadoes hurl towards the Asterin rushing the mages, two of them manage to dodge around the vortexes, hissing as they land and then resume their charge. The third, however, was not so lucky, getting caught up and slung through the air, where one of the PFCs gunned it down without issue. The creation of the Water Canopy was timely as a group of six of the large lizards bounced off of it, scattering amongst the branches. Another wave rushed forward, 12 in total, but the combination of magic and tactical prowess that the soldiers had made it easy to deal with. However, more could be heard and it was clear the group was surrounded. "Hey Corporal," PFC Tanson called, "think there could be an Alpha? There's way more than a normal pack has." The corporal didn't reply right away, instead busy speaking into the radio and seemingly arguing with someone. One of the drivers poked his head out of their window, looking around carefully as he did so.

"What, uh, what's the plan, people? We can't afford to turn back, that outpost needs this." The driver with Damian looks at him and the Lord of Fire and Steel shook his head.

"They're more than capable of dealing with Asterin, even an alpha. I'm sure it'll be fine. And if not, I'll step in. But this is supposed to be for the guild, not me. Everyone, mostly, knows and trusts me."

Rembrandt Township
April 13, X903
Rising Starborn Guild Hall
@Cello@samreaper@twave@Joshua Tamashii@LunarLord34

Directing the group to where the job would be beginning, the Rembrandt train station, Jenna watched them head out the door, waving until it closed and then silently praying that it would be as peaceful as it was supposed to be. Rumors abounded of all kinds of things happening in the world, including new monsters, and it made the Guild Master worry for the safety of her guild members. For the group, they would arrive outside the train station and, when inquiring about their intended escortee, be informed they hadn't yet arrived but should soon.
Jason Connor

Jason's perception of time seemed to slow down as the Ember was launched at Murus. His Golett was a big, beefy fella who could take a hit and keep going, but he'd been hammered by that fire spin and letting him tank the clearly empowered Ember was a bad idea and he had one, but...it was a gamble. "Murus, return!" He called back his wall and dove to the side, trying to avoid getting hit by the ball of fire as well before he pulls out the Pokeball he didn't think he'd end up using. "Lucha, hit the bastard with Wing Attack! Dodge and keep hitting it with Wing Attack!"
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