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In Ju-V 9 mos ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

After the board was set, David took a pawn of each colour and shuffled them between his hands behind his back, before producing them hidden within two of his closed fists.

Sasha tapped a fist, and with a twist of his wrist revealed the white pawn lying in its palm.

He replaced the pawns and rotated the board so that the white pieces were in front of the Russian girl.

Alexandra was relieved to see that she’d be the one to open the match. It meant that if this boy was at least vaguely competent he’d be able to end this game soon and she’d be able to return to her initial plan of observing the rest of the attendants.

While the game might be over within a minute, given how she was about to open with a move that basically telegraphed that she was throwing the game, Alexandra did realize that she had to at least keep the farce up for the boy to not get suspicious.

“Name?” She asked her opponent without looking up from the board as she moved the King’s Bishop Pawn to F3.

He looked down at the board.

Barnes Opening. She’d played Barnes Opening.

It was one of only 20 opening moves. Played in disproportionately far less games than that. For obvious reasons.

Taking “random chance” out of the equation, there was only two reasons she’d play - anyone would play - Barnes Opening.

And both meant she didn’t respect him.

By the numbers white now had only a 33% chance of winning now. She’d essentially given away the advantage.

Either she respected him so little that she actually thought she could win from here; Grandmasters would sometimes do this - Devastating to lose a game against an opponent who starts out with Barnes Opening.

Or more likely… He kept one eye on King’s Knight Pawn, and the other scanning the rec room behind her.

”David. Yours?” He went through the motions and moved King’s Pawn to E5. His hand briefly went over to the right, before it returned to his side. He was used to having to hit the clock for games in organised competition.

She acknowledged his introduction with a nod before replying with a short “Sasha.” Alexandra could hear David sigh when she moved her hand to the King’s Knight Pawn. He shook his head as she picked the piece up before saying “Don’t do that…” when she put it down on G4.

David plays Queen to H4, with a hollow call of ‘Mate’.

”Really? Fool’s Mate?” He said to the inscrutable Russian who started to get to her feet opposite him.

”I’ll admit I know nothing about you, but the one thing I’m pretty damn sure of, is that I’m not sitting across from a fool.” He didn’t raise his voice to express his disappointment, and kept a very level temperament.

”In fact, that might be why I suggested this. I thought I recognised someone who similarly wants to be left the Hell alone, and to set a comfortable distance, whilst simultaneously scoping out what they’ve just got themselves in for.” He uttered, briefly taking his eyes from the events in the surrounding Recreation Room, to meet hers.

”So how about we start over?” He began resetting the board. ”And we’ll try something a little different. You can talk as much or as little as you feel comfortable. Question back and forth - but United Nations rules. Either one of us hits something the other doesn’t feel comfortable with, throw a ‘Veto’ in there, and another question comes. Sound reasonable?” Having finished resetting the board - there weren’t many pieces to move. He pulled one of each pawn again, shuffled them and presented his closed fists. Waiting for her response as she stood over him and the board.

”...and don’t feel guilty. I’d be very surprised if you’re the only one who drops a ‘Veto’.”

The Russian met David’s gaze for a brief moment, not uttering a sound as he explained his reasoning and idea for conversation to her. With it explained back to her like this, she realized how selfish and rude she had been to this young boy who apparently only wanted to help. It’s not like she had asked him to, or wanted his help to begin with. But he seemed genuine and if they had to live under the same roof for God knows how many years, it’d be a lot easier if they were on good terms.

After letting the silence hang in the air for a few more seconds the Russian girl nodded to herself and dropped back into her seat. Running her fingers through her hair, she looked off to the side before muttering softly. “I apologize, I did not mean to offend.”

She tapped his right fist, which once again revealed a white pawn. Alexandra took it from the boy’s hand and placed it back on the board, hoping that the initiative shown would help in expressing the sincerity of her earlier apology.

“Mind if I start?” Alexandra said as she reached for the King’s pawn. “Voluntary…” she began as she moved the pawn to E4 “...or forced?”

David smiled and immediately responded with the move of pawn to E5, if only for what it 'meant' and wondered if she'd pick up on the poetic reasoning.

An 'open game'.

"In my case, the two virtually blur without distinction."

David thought of an opener that she couldn't refuse. Non-threatening. Let her feel comfortable.

"As vague or specific as you feel comfortable with… where are you from?"

Alexandra thoughtfully nodded at David’s answer. In all honesty she probably would have given the exact same reply had he asked her.

Seeing David’s move, she responded by moving her Queen’s Knight to C3. Going for a flexible reply to his seemingly harmless opening.

“Rossiya.” She said with a grin as she folded her arms. “Many great chess masters come from my land. That doesn’t intimidate you, no?”

The Russian girl asked her next question as David finished his next move. She figured she’d ask a more innocent question to ease the tensions from earlier. “Your hair. Is cosmetic? Or related to powers?” Alexandra pointed at her own hair, mimicking the flow of the streak in the boy’s hair to emphasize what she meant.

Rossiya. He thought to himself. Definitely feels more comfortable with the vague then.

He drove his king's Bishop straight to B4. He appreciated the opening into the Vienna game. Perhaps it was a form of peace offering. A more patient type set-up than most, in stark contrast to the prior Fool's Mate.

Good. If nothing else it means she's paying attention.

"It's lack of pigment. So yeah. Not cosmetic. It's the real deal. And since it showed up around the same time, I'd guess it's likely related to them. Yes."

"How long have you been in the States for?"

“I see.” The Russian girl replied contemplatively. Whether that was in response to his answer or his move remained unclear.

“Less than week…” Alexandra moved her Queen to H5, a response that offered her much flexibility while potentially sacrificing a vital piece. “...more than a day.” she said with a nonchalant shrug.

“Interests?” She chuckled to herself before cracking a smile to the young boy. “Besides playing chess with strangers?”

"Quite like Risk. A good book. I grew up on football… OUR football, even if I wasn't much of a player myself…"

Pawn to G6. A defensive counter anticipating a Queen's aggression. If nothing else it would shift the point of attack.

Less than ten yards behind Sasha's shoulder there was some kind of wheeler-deal going on. Between the redhead who'd fallen asleep on the bus and the boy who'd been watching everything. He lowered his eyes and attempted to re-focus on minding his own business.

"What you're wearing… military background or family hand-me-down?"

He couldn't remember what it was called. But he remembered seeing her striped garb in numerous movies.

This was a question that made Alexandra consider using her veto on. So didn’t want to divulge too much about her past, in fact she’d prefer it if she didn’t have to share anything about her past. But she remembered her conversation with Lynch earlier and figured that her clothes would have been brought up by someone eventually. So, after biting her lip in contemplation she replied as vaguely as possible.

“Technically neither. But your guesses came close enough.”

She noticed David looking over her shoulder to something that was happening behind her. The Russian girl took a short glance to whatever seemed to have grabbed his attention and saw that it was the conversation between the redhead and whoever that Calculus kid was. While she didn’t have to wonder what he wanted from the girl, she was curious about what he had to offer her. Even if they hadn’t been warned by the young girl earlier that guy would still give Alexandra the creeps.

But that was something for later.

She shortly made eye contact with David, as if to mutually confirm their feelings on Calculus, before bringing her attention back to the conversation and the game.

“You said earlier that you’re here both voluntary and forced. Is it family? Did they talk you into joining program?”

In her mind there was only one move she could do. It would allow her to go straight for the jugular, and draw first blood to boot as well. Picking up her Queen, she moved it to E5, capturing David’s pawn while simultaneously putting his King under…


A wry grin crossed his face. He'd anticipated this with his previous. Castling was off the board now, with his king having been in check.

He had a choice of two different moves. He could either play it safe and block with his Knight. Or…

"I'm gonna 'Veto' that one."

He moved his queen to E7 to block.

If nothing else, he'd learn something.

So discussion about family was off limits. Alexandra gave an understanding nod. Seems like they had that in common.

“Very well, how about this?”

She moved her Queen to H8, seizing David’s Rook while evading his Queen.

“You mentioned books. What do you read? Fiction? Non-Fiction?”

There was a satisfied look on her face as she placed the captured Rook down next to the board. It seemed that, despite the earlier lack of motivation, she was finally getting into the game.

He cut her space, moving his King to F8.

"A little of everything I can get my hands on, I suppose. Don't mind mystery stuff. Some older works. I like the atmosphere that Ellroy sets in his L.A. Quartet."

He smiled. "Maybe not terribly high brow, but it's a welcome respite from the stuff I'd have to read for school."

"How about you? What do you actually look to do with your time when you're not dragged into boring chess matches against your will?"

The blonde girl nodded appreciatively at his answer, as if she made a mental note to check those books out at a later date.

“I train and I study.” she said matter of factly as she calculated her next move.

“I make sure to work on improving my skills at Sambo and build the strength it requires. They have good gym here, yes? You will probably find me there often.”

Alexandra moved her knight to D5, forcing David to choose between his Queen and his Bishop.

Her lips curled into a smirk. “As for study, it's mostly history and philosophy. I am especially interested in the great people of history. Those who achieved eternal fame and glory by risking it all and coming out on top at the end.” She fell silent for a few seconds as she cast her eyes down. “Those who gave everything for their country, for their people.”

Quickly tapping her fingers on the tabletop, the Russian looked back at David, trying to meet his eyes.

“What is your goal? In program, I mean.”

He moved his Queen to C5, to maintain a clear and present threat on the troublesome Knight, as well protecting his Bishop.

He considered another Veto, but with Sasha having not used one since his first, she had applied social pressure.

"To be done, through and clear, and back to my normal life."

"Sambo. That's kind of like judo… jiu jitsu, yeah? Grapples, holds and throws. Wrestling based." His eyes lifted from the board momentarily to take in her size and stature. She was a sizable specimen. Particularly compared with himself. "Probably won't see me in there too much. I struggle to put good weight on no matter what I do. Take care of yourself in there." He voiced concern whilst looking at the two boys who had targeted other girls. "Your powers. Have you got a decent hold over them yet?"


A look of frustration briefly flashed on Alexandra’s face as her attempts at an easy piece capture were thwarted.

"Correct! I am surprised you know of Sambo. You did not seem like martial arts person to me." She quickly looked him over as if to confirm the boy's statement about not going to the gym that often.

The blonde girl's expression notably hardened when David asked about her powers. This was a piece of information she was adamant about not sharing. Knowledge is power, and this particular bit of knowledge would be very powerful indeed.

"Veto." she said as she finally decided on her next move. Moving her pawn to A3, putting the Bishop that had been a thorn in her side within striking distance. Soon it was going to be hers, it was only inevitable.

"Power related questions are off limits." The Russian said bluntly as she locked eyes with David.

David chuckled. "I know enough to not confuse it with a dance, and it's basic origin." The curled edges of a smile daring to carry his demeanour to tepid. "I'm not about to cut a path through the MMA world, leaving bodies strewn in my wake."

He thrust his Bishop into the Pawn at D2. She wants the Bishop? Fine. It would be on his terms.

"Smart." He replied. Impressed at her decision to withhold on powers. "Fair enough."

"What are your plans for after the program?"

A soft chuckle came from the girl. She hadn’t expected him to launch his Bishop into a doomed charge, but she admired the effort. She quickly responded with her own Bishop to D2, mercilessly striking down the charging piece.

She briefly considered vetoing this question too. Alexandra wanted to keep as much of her personal life hidden from her peers as she could. But she also imagined that if she was too secretive it would lead to people viewing her with suspicion which might actually encourage them to dig further into who she is and what her history was.

Letting out a sigh, she replied in a terse manner. “Go back to home country. Reunite with friends. Have accounts to settle.”

“How about you? How does ‘return to normal life’ look like to you? Ambitions for university? Or you intend to get job?”

No sooner had her hand lifted off of her Bishop, David had driven his Queen straight into her Pawn's rank with an aggressive strike to C2.

"As unfair as it might seem, asking a question which I'd have no intention in answering myself, I'm gonna have to Veto that one."

"But in the spirit of keeping some kind of openness and transparency, I'll answer my own previous one for nothing, before you ask your next. I have a decent handle on my own powers." He leaned back from the board slightly, daring to raise his eyes a little and taking in some of the room around them.

"Don't want you worried that you're sitting across from a human bomb or anything. I'm non-volatile." His lips again daring to curl into that same half-smile from earlier.

Alexandra seemed to be taken aback by David’s aggressive move. She silently observed the board for a few seconds, as if to calculate several moves and their possible outcomes. As she contemplated her next move she met his half-smile with her own, mostly out of amusement that he vetoed a question he basically asked himself.

“I appreciate attempt at trying to put me at ease. However, I cannot give same guarantee.” Her smile widened as she finally made her move, placing her Queen down at D4. She felt comfortable in playing more conservatively to clean up her backline before pushing for the initiative again.

“Why me? There are plenty of others who look like they want to be left alone.” She cast a glance at some of the girls who picked books from the shelves. “Why me specifically?” The blonde girl said as she leaned back into her chair, her fingers tapping the table top with a slow rhythm.

"More than fine." He looked at her move with some confusion. "A gesture is just that, a gesture. Not an expectation."

He advanced a pawn to C5. Applying pressure on the Queen.

"It wasn't just wanting to be left alone. Circumspect. Looked like you'd be looking to quietly assess. And if I'm honest… you're…" He fumbled, considering the right words. "...traditionally aesthetically pleasing. Consistent with the other two they dropped on the second we walked through the door. I gather you're observant enough to know who I'm talking about."

"I might not be some white knight charging headlong into danger on his steed, but if I can do something good for somebody else without putting myself at risk. I'm not against it."

"Those friends you mentioned… A half dozen? More? Or less?"

“Traditionally aesthetically pleasing…” the Russian repeated in an amused tone as she leaned forward, supporting her slightly tilted head with her right hand, while she had a grin plastered on her face. “I’ve been called many things, but this is a first.” She did realize what David meant when he referred to the other two girls, the one with the tattoos and the one from the 50s. She wasn’t going to admit it, but Alexandra was grateful that someone seemed to care enough about their fellow peers to do something to keep them safe.

She casually moved her Queen one space, from D4 to D3, offering the piece up while putting the black Queen at risk of being struck. Mutually assured destruction with barely any escapes left.

“Just a regular group of friends. Don’t really see reason to go in detail to someone I just met.” She said nonchalantly, trying to make her answer sound as inconspicuous as possible.

“How about you? You have people waiting for you after program?"

David chuckled under his breath at her non-answer.

”If you don’t want to answer, a ‘veto’ is fine.” His hand hovered over his queen. ”Unless you’re worried about another question?” His face dared to flash a smirk, before it fell just as quickly.

His eyes raised from the board to meet hers, but got distracted by movement behind her right shoulder.

As David had reached to grab a piece, it appeared someone else was doing likewise.

He lowered his head slightly, hoping to obscure himself, but his eyes held firm. A low grunt as his thumb and forefinger separated slowly and as if there was a great resistance between them. Having achieved this, a subtle third finger joined the clawed hand as he held it over his Queen. Contorting his face, as if in consideration of his next move. He tried his best to mask his actions, and anyone not at the table would almost certainly not have noticed the subtle movements. Hiding it from Sasha, who was paying him closer scrutiny, would be another thing entirely, though.

He opened his mouth to answer in some fashion, when Hell broke loose.

The boy with the predatory grin was thrown into an invisible wall by the force of an explosion, a shower of splinters in his wake, before crumpling and sliding down in an untidy heap. A guard erupted from his position in one corner, started barking orders, telling everyone to put their hands behind their heads, walk to the nearest wall and put their foreheads against it.

The large boy, didn’t seem to hear any of this, or hadn’t yet responded to the guard’s demands. He began to run in the direction of the initial violence. Before the spray hit him, followed by tazers. The doors flew open and a half dozen more guards rushed in. Four attempted to bring down the large boy, whilst the other two continued to talk the rest of the attendees into compliance.

David swore under his own breath at his own stupidity in taking any kind of action.

Alexandra cast a quick glance over her shoulder to observe whatever chaos was unfolding behind her. An amused chuckle escaped her lips as she saw the creep from earlier collapsed on the ground. “So much for not being human bomb.” She said as she turned back to face David with raised eyebrows and an entertained half-smile on her face.

“What did you do?” The Russian girl asked as she slowly got to her feet in compliance with the shouting of orders, delaying slightly so she could hear David’s reply.

”Probably a mistake…” He muttered in reply.

David barked a hushed whisper to her whilst the guards were still addressing other concerns.

”If they ask… the administration, the guards. Don’t lie. They won’t ask you anything they don’t already know. Don’t get in trouble with them over this. But if the kids ask… you don’t know what the Hell happened.” His eyes pleaded, whilst his voice seemed sharp. Harsh.

Alexandra looked down at the boy with a furrowed brow. “What do you mean?” she replied with feigned confusion. “All I saw was you getting cramp in hand because stress of losing game.” A self satisfied grin curled on the girl’s lips. “And I don’t have eyes in back of head, so I don’t know what happened there. We were only focused on game, yes?”

With all of the mess happening around them she had to at least keep some semblance of focus on her powers so they wouldn’t accidentally trigger. But nevertheless, Alexandra extended her hand to David. A gesture to help him get to his feet, and one to signify her willingness to abide by his terms.

He'd have smiled at her reply, if his mind wasn't already spinning, considering the possible ramifications from his latest act. He took her hand, before the pair knitted their hands behind their heads and walked to the nearest wall.
In Ju-V 10 mos ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

Interactions: David
Mentions: @Hound55
Location: San Francisco, Alcatraz, Recreation Room

Having dealt with the earlier altercation, the Director signaled for a guard to move the group out of the court and to whatever place they were supposed to be going. Seeing the guard fumble around with keys in front of a door prompted a smirk from Alexandra. She had expected a more advanced security system in a facility like this, like a retina scanner or something. Hell, a card system at the very least. But those old fashioned keys? It almost seemed quaint.

Then again, even if there were high tech security measures in place, nothing was going to stop inmates like these from eventually breaking through it. So it kind of made sense to not invest more than the bare minimum in it.

Eyes still stinging from the spray earlier, Alexandra had been trailing at the back of the group. They were herded into what seemed to be a generously stocked rec room, at least compared to the ones she was used to back in Russia.

Alexandra noticed there were other program attendees already present in the room, acknowledging their presence wasn’t an immediate priority for her. First order of business was finding a way to rinse that damned pepper spray out of her eyes. It had already taken a lot of restraint on her part to not give in to the urge to rub her eyes. Luckily there was a water fountain close to the door they had all entered in. While not ideal, it was good enough to get the job done. It didn’t seem too dirty either, which was definitely a plus. As she got to work clearing her eyes of the spray something felt off though, as if she was being watched. It made a chill run down her spine.

That, or it was the girl who froze that seat back on the bus.

Finally having dealt with the irritant substance and quickly wiping her face with the bottom of her shirt, Alexandra rejoined the group as they were being given a sort of welcome tour by a child who sounded much older than her appearance made her out to be. She was just in the process of getting the new arrivals up to speed on the longer serving Ju-V attendants.

The introductions got interrupted mid way by an older boy yelling out at the redhead that boarded the bus at the same stop that Alexandra had a few hours ago. The heavily tattooed girl seemed intrigued about whatever it was this guy was offering her and so she parted from the rest of the group. To Alexandra it seemed overly naive to be so trusting of strangers offering anything you’d find interesting according to them. She’d heard enough stories from the Velikiye Volki veterans who had served time in Russia’s prison system to at least know that much.

Alexandra was only half listening when the little girl continued her introductions, refocusing again when she brought up the boy, or Calculus as she called him. She made it sound like he ran the place, and given how another boy, Fingers, jumped through hoops to get to him, it seemed like that assessment wasn’t too far off. It made her glance back at the redhead, hoping that she knew what she was getting into.

The rest of the group of new arrivals took the departure of their redheaded member as their cue to split off as well. Taking a page out of Calculus’ book, Alexandra picked an isolated table from which she could observe most of the room. Here, she thought, she’d be able to monitor not just the older Ju-V peers, but also her fellow newbloods. And given how it was in a corner, she hoped that no one would really bother her.

Unfortunately, that idea proved to be too optimistic.

Out of all the tables in the room the boy with the colored streak in his hair approached hers. She remembered him from the bus ride, he had been mostly busy with his own thoughts back then. Honestly, out of all the people to approach her, he had been one of the last she expected. He held a board game in his hands. She didn’t have to guess which, as the first word she’d heard him speak immediately gave it away.

Alexandra looked up to him with a frown. Why her? Why not anyone else who obviously didn’t go out of their way to avoid people?

As if on cue, the boy explained his reasoning behind picking her. Seemed like he didn’t want any undesired attention either. Or maybe there was a bit more behind it. Sitting back in her chair, she narrowed her eyes at him as she tried to look for an ulterior motive. He certainly didn’t look like he had one, but one could never be too careful. That’s another thing the veterans had taught her.

“Fine.” Not wanting to cause a scene, she acquiesced by gesturing to the seat opposite hers. As she was carefully observing the boy while he was setting the game up, Alexandra remained quiet, never taking her eyes off him. The silence might have been uncomfortable to some, but that was just the way she liked it. Only when the boy finished the setup and took his seat did she finally break the silence.

“How are we deciding colors?”

I would like to request the deletion of this post please.
In Ju-V 10 mos ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

Mentions:Noah, Sunita, Natsumi, David, Zachary, Rex, Haven, Zelda, Holt, Frederick
Location: Russia, San Francisco, Alcatraz

Russia! Russia... Everything in you is open, desolate and level;
your squat towns barely protrude in the midst of the plains like dots, like counters;
there is nothing to tempt or enchant the onlooker's gaze.
But what is this inscrutable, mysterious force that draws me to you?
-Nikolai Gogol

“...a few more minutes until we’re at the rendezvous.” Alexandra slowly opened her eyes, having to squint through them as they adjusted to the artificial light that illuminated the back of the truck. Little Dimitry sat next to her, the 15 year old boy was holding a large and blocky GLONASS device in his hands to track their progress. He’d been like this ever since they set off from the basecamp two days ago, eyes constantly glued to that little screen.

“Cut it out Dimitry, Sasha had just fallen asleep!” Vasily hissed at the boy, who made himself as small as possible by hunching over his GLONASS device. It was surprising to hear him snap at the young boy as he’d always been more of a jolly fellow back at camp. But after one quick glance was enough to reveal the obvious anxiety that he was feeling and the whole idea of this insane operation. They all were anxious of course, but Vasily seemed to take it particularly harshly.

Suddenly the truck rocked violently from side to side, eliciting exclamations of obscenities by the passengers in the back as they almost fell from the benches. “It’s fine Dimusha, that would have woken me up anyway.” Alexandra tried to put on a reassuring smile to the young boy, hoping that the annoyance in her voice wasn’t too noticeable. Dimitry’s eyes briefly left the screen as he glanced at her, a cautious smile forming on his lips before returning back to the display.

Getting up from the bench, Alexandra carefully made her way to the back of the truck, pulling the rear flap away to check what caused the violent shaking. It turned out to just be another of the many potholes that covered every road in Russia outside of the capital Oblast. The money that should’ve been spent on fixing the local infrastructure had likely been siphoned away by at least one oligarch, three different government agencies, six local officials and ten private contractors. The idea of those leeches living in luxury at the expense of the Motherland made her stomach turn in disgust.

Or maybe that was just the thought of her father, that perfidious traitor who had robbed Russia of its saviors for his own selfish gain.

The image of her father left her mind as quickly as it had come because the truck turned to go off the road. A few minutes later they would stop in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. “We’re there!” Dimitry exclaimed with excitement as the worn brakes squealed in protest to the halting of the old vehicle. The passengers got up from their benches, picked up their duffle bags and then leaped out of the back of the truck, Alexandra being amongst the last to leave.

Looking around it seemed like they were a couple kilometers away from the Vladivostok International Airport. Almost on cue to emphasize where they were, a large passenger plane flew over them at low altitude as it was making its approach to land.

There was no time to admire the sight though, as Alexandra could hear the cabindoor of the truck slam shut. The group turned to face the man approaching them. A giant of a man wearing military garb that seemed to be twenty years out of date slowly made his way to the group, a somber expression on his face.

The man took his cap off, revealing his shortly trimmed gray hair. He made sure to make eye contact with every single one of them, remaining quiet for a while as he collected himself, clearly fighting back the tears. Clearing his throat The Captain’s booming voice finally made itself heard. “Listen carefully children, and listen well. You all know the details of what to do but let me repeat the bottom line of it just to be certain. Make sure you go to check-in desk 5 where you will meet Anatoly Preobrazinsky. He will make sure you’ll get past security without them properly inspecting you. Make sure to keep your barcodes hidden from anyone out there, as it will out you for being a metahuman! Keep a low profile on the plane until you can see the Space Needle on the horizon. That structure shall mean salvation from the Government for all of you.”

He then addressed Artyom, the most senior of the group. “It’s time Artyom, make sure you guide these kids safely to freedom.” The slender boy swallowed before saluting The Captain and getting the kids ready to set off.

With Artyom leading the way the group started walking in single file towards the airport. Right as Alexandra was about to set her first step she felt a hand fall on her shoulder. Looking back she saw The Captain, his lips in a sad smile that was partially covered by his trademark bushy mustache. “There’s one final thing I want to give you Sasha.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his stainless steel flask. It had the Russian double headed eagle neatly engraved on it and a crimson star emblazoned on the top. Holding it out in front of her his smile widened. “I think you’ll make better use of it than this old sod.” Alexandra’s eyes widened. “I can’t take that sir! I know how much it means to you, it was your-” The old man raised his hand to silence her. “It was, yes.” his smile faltered for a brief moment and Alexandra could see the tears forming in his eyes, much as they were welling up in hers too. “But now I entrust it to you. Just remember to not get spotted with it before you’re 21 out there, those Americans are such prudes when it comes to alcohol.” A chuckle escaped from both of their lips.

Alexandra gratefully took the flask from The Captain, gazing at it for a moment before looking back into his sad blue eyes. “I promise to hand it back to you when our paths cross again!” She made sure to put an emphasis on that they would, in fact, meet again in the future. This got another chuckle from the old man. “I’m sure you will kiddo.” He firmly put his hand on her shoulder one more time. “I’m sure you will.”

Alexandra felt the sweat trickle down her forehead the moment they left the air conditioned airport lobby. It was obvious to any onlooker that the Russian and the Californian summer heat did not mix at all. The Seattle weather had been so nice in comparison. This however? She imagined this must be what hell felt like. She almost immediately dropped her duffle bag on the ground once she reached the bus stop so she could stow her hoodie away.

“I told you it’d be hot.” Alexandra shot a glance at the source. It was a sharply dressed man who had been following her from several feet away. This man was her handler, an Aegis agent by the name of Thomas Lynch. He had done most of the arrangement of getting her and her Cell over from Russia and now he was here to make sure she would adjust well to her new environment. A smug grin was plastered on Lynch’s face. “But would you listen to me? Noooo, of course not.” It was almost enough for Alexandra to put her hoodie back on just to prove a point. But then she thought about whether that point was worth getting a heat stroke over and she decided against it. Lynch chuckled as he adjusted his Ray-Bans. “You’re as stubborn as a mule. You’re one of Boris’ students alright, there’s no doubting that.”

Alexandra let out an annoyed huff as she quickly stuffed that infernal hoodie into her duffle bag, before hoisting it over her shoulder once again. She then fished her flask out of her back pocket and took a big swig out of it. Despite him wearing aviators with mirrored glasses Alexandra could just feel that Lynch was judging her. “Is only water. Is fine.” He skeptically raised a single eyebrow to which she responded by extending the flask over to the older man. “Try if you don’t trust me.” Lynch raised his hands in defeat. “Fine, fine. I believe you.”

After returning the flask to her back pocket Alexandra glanced back at Lynch, looking him over with an amused smirk. ((“You know, you dress quite conspicuously for someone who’s supposed to be an ex-spy.”)) She said in Russian, knowing he spoke the language almost as well as a native like her. ((“Only thing missing is the newspaper with the eye holes cut out. I thought the whole point of joining the program publicly like this instead of going through the backdoor was to draw as little attention as possible.”))

That comment elicited a chuckle from the older man. ((“If I were you I’d be more concerned about my own attire than that of an older gentleman.”)) Alexandra frowned at him. ((“What’s wrong with my clothes?!”)) she replied, clearly his comment had struck a nerve with the young girl. ((“Well, for one if you took a look around you’d see that your style doesn’t really mix with current American fashion.”)) Lynch said as that annoying smirk across his face again. ((“And talking Russian right in front of a busy airport probably doesn’t improve things either.”))

Alexandra knew he was right of course. It’s not like she had a large wardrobe, all she had was the stuff she had in her duffle bag and the clothes she wore on her back when she left Russia. And while they had been in Seattle for a few days, she hadn’t gone out to buy new clothes. Today she had been wearing her telnyashka below her hoodie, but the striped undershirt probably wouldn’t have been that out of the ordinary on its own, nor was the ponytail in her hair a real eye catcher. The kamysh pattern trousers on the other hand, that was a different story. And the worn out combat boots probably didn’t help either.

Lowering her head in defeat, Alexandra muttered a short “I see your point.” under her breath, which earned another round of her handler’s amused chuckles.

As they were making their way towards the bus stop Lynch would explain the nature of the Ju-V program to Alexandra. Again. It had practically been the only thing he talked about ever since they met. About how it was there to help Metahumans in a society that reviled them. How the language used to describe Aegis and the program were much harsher than what they actually meant due to public opinion and all that. All that sort of stuff that Alexandra honestly couldn’t care less about. She was just happy to not live with the sword of Damocles called the FSB hanging over her head all the time. If that meant living a couple years on a glorified prison island, then that's fine by her. Anything beats a lifetime in the corrective labor camps.

Or an unceremonious end in a muddy ditch.

Seeing her bus approach in the distance Alexandra was about to make her way to the platform when she felt Lynch’s hand fall on her shoulder. Turning towards him, she half rolled her eyes as she expected to see that stupid smug smile plastered on his face again. Instead she was met by a stone cold mask. “One final thing. As I said before, I won’t be accompanying you on the journey to the facility. But I will be keeping an eye out and regularly check up on you. And while I, for the sake of our shared acquaintance, have your best interests at heart, I should stress that my duty to society comes first. You’ll have to keep in mind that if you get involved into too much trouble there will be only one punishment waiting for you: Repatriation. Have I made myself clear?”

Speaking of a sword of Damocles…

He knew exactly what repatriation would mean for her. It would have to be publicly sanctioned by the government, which of course meant that the government would learn of her existence in the first place. In other words, it would be a death sentence. With those words pervading her mind, the only thing Alexandra could manage was a meek nod.

Lynch’s lips curled back into a smile as he tapped her shoulder. “Good girl. You best hurry along now, because your bus is almost here.”

Nodding once more as a goodbye, Alexandra turned around to face the platform. She noticed that there was another girl making her way there, a redheaded girl who had a guitar case slung over her shoulder and wore an equally as eye-catching attire as Alexandra’s, but for completely different reasons. Most striking were the girls' tattoos, which made Alexandra conscious of her own back tattoo being mostly covered up by the telnyashka. She thought about commenting on them, trying to make a good first impression. That’s what Americans did, right? Talk unprompted to anyone? But the bus stopped in front of them before either of them could interact besides the customary nod, so any chance of small talk was lost. Besides, the girl was wearing headphones so it probably would’ve been wasted effort anyway.

Entering the bus, Alexandra was greeted by four other program inductees. Literally in the case of a small South Asian girl who almost as quickly as she said “Afternoon” returned back to her notebook. It prompted a frown from Alexandra, why start a conversation if you don’t plan on saying anything? Continuing on there was a Japanese girl who seemed to be bubbling with positive energy. Too much energy for Alexandra at the current time, so she walked past her while only acknowledging her with a curt nod. She quickly scanned the rest of the bus, trying to see which seat was the furthest removed from any of the other occupants, a boy who seemed to be more concerned with himself than his surroundings and another boy who seemed to be a handful for the guard behind him, before going for the one that suited her the best.

For most of the busride Alexandra stared absentmindedly out of the window, trying to take in the sights of San Francisco. Sometimes she noticed tents in some alleyway, or weird spikes below bridges or on ledges. Sometimes she saw the disheveled looking individuals who lived in those tents. It seemed that even in the supposed most wealthy and powerful country in the world there was still a massive inequality gap. She almost felt like she was back home in St. Petersburg.

Her train of thought got interrupted when the bus rocked from side to side. Looking up at the entrance Alexandra didn’t have to guess twice about who was responsible. A walking piece of concrete made his way down the bus, the noise of stone grinding on stone clearly audible to the rest of the inhabitants. Or at least so she thought, but no one seemed to really bat an eye. Except for the bus’ suspension, which groaned in protest at the sudden increase in weight.

Alexandra tried to let her mind wander off again, but it came to no avail as the next passenger boarded the bus. This time a girl entered who looked as if she had walked straight out of Norse mythology. The wings on her back were mesmerizing to look at, and it took Alexandra a few seconds to realize she was staring. Slightly embarrassed she quickly looked out the window again trying to take her mind off it.

It didn’t take long for her attention to snap back to the bus, as a small girl in a hoodie had just entered. While there was nothing particularly suspect about her except for maybe her hair color, the moment she touched the seat in front of Alexandra the girl in the hoodie had all her attention. “Черт Побери!” She hissed beneath her breath as she saw the girl turn the back of the seat into ice. The hoodie girl quickly took the seat behind Alexandra, who had a chill running down her spine for the rest of the trip.

Suddenly someone exclaimed a cry of incredulity. Looking down the bus, it wasn’t hard to see why someone would be shocked. An otter entered the bus. A fucking otter. Sure, there was a walking statue here and what basically amounted to a valkyrie. But the otter truly stole the cake of being the weirdest thing to enter this traveling carnival of freaks. Not like Alexandra had much room to judge, but at least her Meta-ability’s quirks weren’t visible to the naked eye.

The rest of the ride was, thankfully, uneventful. Having made their way to the ferry the group was split in two. Alexandra counted her blessings that she wasn’t in the group with the human anchor. As the ferry was in the process of making its second trip she took in the sights around the bay, being especially in awe at the Golden Gate Bridge. ((“Dimusha would have loved this.”)) she muttered softly to herself. She then shifted her attention to the island that came ever closer.

The infamous prison island of Alcatraz. Her new home.

They were greeted by a group of guards who confiscated their belongings to check for contraband. Alexandra handed over her duffle bag to one of the guards, who clearly underestimated the weight as it plopped down on the ground the moment she let it go. To Alexandra’s annoyance she also had to give up The Captain’s flask. “Is just water!” she almost yelled out for the second time today. Alas, no matter her protests, the flask had to go through the inspection. She gingerly handed the flask over to the guard, but not before looking him straight in the eyes. “No scratches, or I find you.”

Next the entire group was gathered in what seemed to be a sports court. They were greeted by the man who turned out to be the director of this facility. He held a short speech about how they had to act like a community and all that. It reminded her of what Lynch had been talking about too. Their duty to society. It was good enough for her, not overly long and it got the point across. She was ready to move on to whatever the director had planned next.

Unfortunately, not all of her peers seemed to be in agreement with her.

Michelangelo’s David had some choice words for the director, needlessly antagonizing the man who held all of their futures in the palm of his hands. Obviously amused, a girl who seemed like she walked straight out of a 1950s propaganda picture joined in alongside Bricks-for-brains. And to add even more fuel to the fire, the otter seemed to be making encouraging noises too.

“You’ll have to keep in mind that if you get involved into too much trouble there will be only one punishment waiting for you: Repatriation.”

Great. Wonderful even.

But as it turned out, none of these would risk getting her into trouble.

One of the late arrivals, a guy who looked worse for wear, suddenly plucked a feather from the winged girl and seemed to have turned it into a blade. The guards, already on edge due to the rebellious trio earlier, wasted no time in taking the guy down with tasers. This had a domino effect of the Japanese girl to suddenly completely disappear right in front of everyone’s eyes. She apologized immediately and wanted to explain something, but one particular guard seemed to have had enough and turned his pepper spray on the poor girl and the immediate surroundings. Surroundings that included Alexandra.

With the pepper spray burning in her eyes and a riot on the brink of breaking out within five minutes of setting foot on Alcatraz, there was only one word Alexandra that could summarize her feelings on whatever was happening:


Fortunately the Director stepped in before things escalated any further. He gave another speech which hopefully called everyone down and made the rebellious trio more amicable to him. Overall it was a pretty good speech.

Unfortunately the pepper spray kind of limited its effect on Alexandra. But then again, the Director can’t win them all.

In Ju-V 11 mos ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

Alexandra “Sasha” Nikolaeva Kuropatkova February 21 (19) Female
“Some are touched by greatness. Most will only leech off it.”

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

“It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness.” - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy
◼ HEIGHT | 185cm - 6’1”

◼ WEIGHT | 55 kg to 86 kg - 121 lbs to 190lbs

◼ BUILD | Emaciated to buff

◼ HAIR COLOUR | Blonde



◼ OTHER | Barcode tattooed on the back of her neck and her right wrist. Russian double headed eagle tattoo on her back.

Due to the nature of Alexandra’s Metahuman abilities her appearance is not something that’s easy to nail down. If she, by her own words, hasn’t “fed” in a long time she will appear very pale, sickly and on the brink of starvation. A gaunt face, sunken eyes, straw-like hair and barely any meat on her bones would be clear giveaways that she’s very low on her charge. On the contrary, when Alexandra is high on charge she has an almost perfect physique. Her face will appear fuller as her skin gains a much healthier color, her hair will regain its volume and her physical build becomes much more powerful.

Alexandra likes to wear baggy clothes that cover as much as possible. Hoodies and cargo pants are her go-to attire. She pretty much always wears a telnyashka whenever she has the chance, as a reminder of where she came from. Alexandra also has a thick Russian accent due to her only leaving her home country very recently. She keeps her blonde hair at a relatively modest length, reaching down to her upper back, and usually styles it into a bun or ponytail.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"The more comfort you have the less courage there is."
Alexandra Nikolaeva Kuropatkova was born into a life of great wealth and privilege. She was after all the only child to one of Russia’s many oligarchs, a lesser one called Nikolai Ivanovich Kuropatkin. Not that she saw him much, as he blamed her for the death of her mother, who died during childbirth. Something Nikolai would never fail to remind the little girl of during the rare times he visited her. Alexandra grew up in a highly protective environment in St. Petersburg, as her father insisted that she’d be homeschooled by private tutors and have nannies to constantly watch over her.

While her early childhood was fine, Alexandra would develop a lot of health related issues when she hit puberty. Her constitution became very weak and she would often be bedridden for extended periods of time due to a lack of energy. These issues only exacerbated as she got older. At some point her body started to reject all types of food, no matter the shape, no matter what it consisted of. Doctors couldn’t find out what was wrong with her until, on her 16th birthday, an incident occurred.

The bedridden Alexandra had to be made presentable for her birthday, her father demanded it. So one of her nannies, Maria Petrovska, came in to check on the emaciated girl. However, as she reached out to check Alexandra’s temperature, something happened that would change Alexandra’s life course forever. Maria screamed out in pain as she touched Alexandra’s forehead, who looked on in horror as she saw her old nanny paralyzed by a sudden pain. But what shocked her most was that she felt… good? Better than she could remember ever feeling. Another caretaker intervened as she tore Maria away from her. She barely looked like the woman she’d been mere moments ago, frail and weak, much like how Alexandra looked. That was when she noticed that her vision had become sharper, her grip in her hands stronger, her ailments gone. And most notably; her hunger was finally sated.

As would later turn out, it seemed that Alexandra’s Metahuman ability appeared to allow her to absorb the life force of other living things. The downside was that this also seemed to be the only thing that could sustain her from this point on, as regular food would immediately be rejected by the body.

Ever the opportunist, Nikolai Kuropatkin wasted no time in exploiting this newfound Metahuman asset. As it turned out, Nikolai had connections everywhere, including in extremist circles who wanted to cleanse Russia of its corrupt and decadent government by any means necessary. Amongst them was an organization called Velikiye Volki (The Great Wolves), which aimed to achieve this goal through the use of Metahuman attacks on Russian society. Nikolai curried favor with this group by offering up his only daughter, as a symbol of his dedication to the cause. And the meek Alexandra went along with it, happy to finally be given this opportunity to make her father proud.

Based near the city of Vladivostok, the next 2 years Alexandra - together with a group of similarly aged metahuman patriots - would be mentored by Boris Ilyich Suvarov, a former FSB officer known as The Captain. Under his tutelage she would learn the basic capabilities of her powers and eventually she’d learn to make physical contact with living things again without immediately absorbing its lifeforce. Besides helping her with her powers, The Captain also taught her basic military training which included things like bivouacking and sambo, a Russian martial arts form. He also instilled in them a great pride for their cause: To rid Russia of all the corrupt traitors and instead bring respect, honor and glory back to their beloved Motherland.

For the first time Alexandra could remember she finally felt wanted somewhere. Amongst the Velikiye Volki she felt like she finally belonged and she saw her fellow Volk comrades as the family she never had.

Things were already set in motion by the time Alexandra reached her 19th birthday. Some of the other Velikiye Volki cells across the country had started some of their attacks, causing panic in the country. Branded Metahuman terrorists by the government, they swore they’d do whatever it takes to root out the Metahuman threat. And they would greatly reward anyone who helped them crackdown on the Velikiye Volki. Alexandra’s cell hadn’t been called upon to do their patriotic duty yet. They were deemed too young to risk their lives. Even as they lost contact to the other cells, there would be no call to arms. The Captain forbade them to do anything risky.

Alexandra was called into The Captain’s tent on a stormy night. A night that would stick with her for the rest of her life. He calmly explained their situation to her. It turned out that there had been a traitor in the Velikiye Volki. That traitor was none other than Nikolai Ivanovich Kuropatkin, her father. He had used Alexandra as a bargaining chip with the Velikiye Volki to learn the location of every cell’s base of operations, pretending to be a supplier of much needed goods that his conglomerate could procure. Now that the price offered by the government was big enough he had decided to cash in and gave up all of the known cell locations. It was only a matter of time before the Vladivostok cell would be hit as well.

But The Captain had a plan. Nikolai wasn’t the only one who had connections. He had made contact with an American colleague Thomas Lynch, a former NSA officer who went into the private sector to work for some organization called Aegis. Lynch could guarentee the kids of the Vladivostok cell safe passage into the United States on one condition:They would have to be separated upon their arrival on American shores and be processed into their Metahuman Rehabilitation program, the so called Ju-V program. The Captain, however, would stay. For now at least.

With false passports in hand, the last remaining intact Velikiye Volki cell of Russia snuck out of the country, right under the government’s noses. Waiting for them in Seattle was Thomas Lynch, who would give each of the cell members a new ticket and a personal Aegis handler for the trip. As faith would have it, Lynch had been assigned to accompany Alexandra.

Destination: San Francisco.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"Let our noble wrath boil over like a wave."
Alexandra is confused about her current situation. All she had known before was either her sheltered life at home or the supportive environment of the Velikiye Volki basecamp. Now she is cast into a foreign country with a culture that seems almost alien to her. This is why she’s trying her best to keep her head low and attract as little attention to herself as possible. Due to her current status of being on the run she is very suspicious of strangers, especially those who seem to act selfishly. Reacting in a sort of “Why are they nice to me? What do they want from me?” way. But while keeping her head down is her immediate priority and her current situation is still messy, her long term goal is crystal clear: To avenge her comrades and put her father’s head on a spike.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Your pain is my gain."
◼ Life force absorption | Alexandra can absorb the life force of any living object, as long as she has physical contact with said object. In fact, she completely subsists on this life force. The more powerful the living thing, the more “sated” she will be. In theory she could absorb entire acres of grass to survive, but a few seconds of Metahuman lifeforce would yield far more “energy”. (And it’s tastier too). The absorption is not instant, but Alexandra can regulate the speed at which she absorbs the life force of something. This speed ranges from barely noticeable to the subject, to extremely draining where regular humans will wither away before your very eyes. Needless to say that the latter option is extremely painful for the subject. Feels like taking a warm bath to Alexandra though.

◼ Physical Boost | Alexandra can apply this “energy” in a multitude of ways. While the primary one is obviously remaining alive, there are some party tricks that she can pull. The more energy she has, the more her strength and reflexes increase. While she won’t be juggling cars around or dodging bullets, it would still be clear that her feats would be very hard for a non-metahuman to rival.

◼ Healing | Another trick she has up her sleeve is channeling the life force to a specific area of the body. While this is a rapid drain on her life force reserves, she is able to greatly accelerate the healing process of most injuries. The usage of this ability is not just limited to her own body, as Alexandra is able to use her own reserves to heal the injuries of others.

◼ Sambo | Best described as judo with boxing and a bit of wrestling, Sambo is a Russian martial art that’s also officially adopted by the Russian Armed Forces. Alexandra was trained by The Captain in this martial art. While far from an expert, she knows enough to be able to hold her own in a fist fight.

◼ Survival Training | Based in the far east of the Russian Federation, the Velikiye Volki camp was surrounded by the vast wilderness of the Siberian taiga. For this reason it was deemed essential that all of the recruits would be taught survival skills for if the worst case scenario came to be.

◼ Physical contact | Alexandra needs to make physical contact in order to be able to absorb the life force of whatever it is she’s trying to “feed” from. This mostly means skin to skin contact. All but the thinnest of fabrics will be able to stop her from absorbing the life force of whatever it is she’s currently targeted.

◼ Energy reserves | Alexandra’s body basically acts like a container for the life force that she absorbed. The more life force she has the more mass she gains, until a certain point when she’s reached her cap. Think of it like eating until you fill your stomach. Conversely, if she excessively consumes her energy through whatever means her mass will decrease, to the point where she’ll eventually look like a walking corpse.

◼ Physical Boost | The physical feats that Alexandra is able to perform would be just barely above peak human ability. Like being able to, with quite some effort, squat the weight of a horse. This is of course completely dependent on whether she has enough energy left in her reserves.

◼ Healing | While the healing of tissue damage isn't much of an issue, grievous injuries will be a much bigger drain on Alexandra’s reserves. Broken bones or damaged organs take a significant amount of energy and also concentration. She isn’t going to be able to heal a broken arm in the middle of a fight for instance, as she will need to fully concentrate on healing said arm. She is also unable to reattach dismembered limbs or regrow them in any way. Once they’re off, they’re off for good.

◼ Only human after all | Anything that kills a regular human is probably going to end Alexandra too. Bullet to the head? Yeah, that’ll do it. Falling off a skyscraper? Gonna end up like a pancake. Gas, drowning, decapitation… It’s all still gonna kill her as easily as anyone else.

◼ Energy starved | Alexandra needs a regular intake of life force as much as regular people need to consume food. If she is kept away from any living thing she will slowly wither away, becoming a frail and sickly individual until she eventually dies a painful death not too dissimilar to one caused by regular starvation.

▼ N O T E S:

Boris Ilyich Suvarov “The Captain” | “The father I never had. He taught me everything I know. I owe him my life, if it were not for him I would probably be dead in a ditch in Russia by now. His current status is unknown, but I pray to God that our paths will cross once more soon.”

Thomas Lynch | “My Aegis handler and a personal friend of The Captain. I am unsure how to feel about the man. He has been a helpful but distant man. Suits me perfectly.”

TBD | Test

Nikolai Ivanovich Kuropatkin | “Oh dearest father, I hope you’re enjoying the spoils of your deceit. Because it will make the moment all the sweeter when I take it all away from you. When we meet again - and it will happen - I will make sure to let you suffer as much as you made my comrades suffer. Just like how you leech off of our Motherland, I shall drain you of your last ounce of strength. This I swear, with the Almighty as my witness.”

◼ Russia | Primorye (Mainly Vladivostok and its surrounding areas)

◼ The Captain’s vodka flask | “A gift from the old man, a memento of better days.”
In Ju-V 11 mos ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

My vote would go out to option #2. It's closest to what we all joined and allows most of us to re-use characters from PRCU, which seemed to be a thing people wanted.

I had already discussed this earlier with Hound, that I'd rather do just an X-men academy style RP like we had initially signed up for. But if others would rather do something else then I'd be down to join that as I really like this group!
Location: Team Swap Ceremony - P.R.C.U. Campus
First Class #2.69 Touch Too Much

Interaction(s): Team Blackjack
Previously: No More Solitude

Katja realized that she might have come off a little bit too strong at the end. What was meant to be an invitation for dialogue at a later date might have come off to some as a threat. But she thought most would see it the way she intended it to be, considering she had just reached out with an olive branch to the people who were preparing to leave Blackjack for whatever reason. She figured that the offer of a clean slate would at least calm down the mood of everyone, giving people the chance to rethink or affirm their choice without any bad blood between them.

As it turned out, this was incredibly naive.

Iñigo made his objections heard, and the more he spoke the more frustrated Katja became. She hadn’t tried to shame any of them for instance and she had no idea how he got to that. The frustration turned into anger when Iñigo turned his attention towards Haleigh. She had just tried to apologize to all of them for her zealousness earlier in the day, and here Iñigo threw it back into her face. Not only that, he ended his preaching with an unmistakable threat.

And almost immediately after that the second whistle sounded and all efforts of repairing the broken bond were rendered in vain. Instead, it seems that more bridges were burned because of it.

Katja could barely control her anger at this point. Had she not stepped back in line earlier she’d likely have gone for his throat to make sure he’d never be able to speak like that to Haleigh, or anyone else for that matter, ever again. But as she got ready to storm at Iñigo someone else cut in front of her.

Out of all the people there it was Calliope who first stepped up for Blackjack. Her intervention came as a shock to Katja, who hadn’t expected Calliope to really care for them. Though in hindsight she figured that the signs had been there for a while. She realized that she’d have to adjust her earlier preconceptions about Calliope, preconceptions which Katja still had because of Calliope’s father.

Haleigh quickly followed up on it, giving Iñigo a piece of her mind as well. Both these girls’ interjections had the added effect of calming Katja down. There wasn’t any need for her to say anything that hadn’t already been said. The only thing she did was look Iñigo up and down for a final time before scoffing at the notion that he’d be able to make his threat a reality towards any of Blackjack.

Katja let her gaze linger on Trace for a moment, as while the pain of seeing them leave had been overwhelmed by the rage towards Iñigo, it didn’t mean it didn’t hurt at all. She bit her lip to prevent her from getting too emotional before looking away to the new Blackjack inductees. Rory seemed to be on the case of welcoming them and everyone looked to be more preoccupied with getting to their new Houses than to really make any small talk.

The Houses! With all of the commotion happening around the teamswap Katja had completely forgotten about the Houses! Opening her envelope she quickly read through all of the invitations. She honestly hadn’t thought of which House she’d wanted to join, but as she read through her options it was one invite in particular that caught her eyes.

Greetings and Salutations Katja,

We are pleased to announce that after review, we have found you to possess great gentleness, a trait that we truly hold dear and revere in House Alces.

We hope that you'll make ours your House of choice upon receiving your offers.

Anthony Strum


It made her pause for a moment as she kept re-reading that word for what must have been ten times. Katja had never considered herself gentle, most others hadn’t as their first impression either, and she couldn’t blame them. But here was one of the house leaders who did.

Looking up at the different Houses, it seemed like Alces was one of the less popular ones. From what she remembered it was them that had the least House Laurels, i.e. none, and they seemed to be considered as one of the passive Houses around. Not really a house where you’d go if you want to compete in a bunch of things. The corner of Katja’s lip curled into a smirk. That is of course, unless you see that as part of the challenge.

Approaching the House representative of House Alces with that smirk still plastered on her face, Katja extended her invitation to him. ”Katja Kruger reporting for duty! So euhm, you need me to bend through my knees or do you want me to put the cloak on myself” she said with a playful wink.

Location: Team Swap Ceremony - P.R.C.U. Campus
First Class #2.51 No More Solitude

Interaction(s): Team Blackjack
Previously: Flight From Formation

The despair Katja felt only grew as Makenna and Iñigo stepped forward as well. Both had been amongst the moderate voices in the team, urging restraint instead of a blind pursuit for vengeance. Now all that was left of that faction was Rory and perhaps Trevor. And herself. The darkness that seemed to envelope her mind grew thicker every second.

Suddenly, a ray of light emerged from the unlikeliest of places. The newcomer, Suzanne Poots as Jim introduced her, walked up to Trace. She spoke in favor of Blackjack, offering a lifeline for them to at least bring Trace back into the fold. Katja felt ashamed that it was an outsider who displayed the courage to say something while Blackjack, who should have been fighting for their teammates to stay, remained quiet. While she remained quiet.

But the act of the good samaritan was about to be smothered before it could produce any results. Makenna replied to the transferee with her usual snark, shooting the plan for recovery down for herself. But that wasn’t as bad as what followed when Iñigo replied. His was a much more aggressive reply, telling this Suzanne to stay out of others business and basically cutting the lifeline between Blackjack and its wayward members.

Katja balled her fists and straightened her back. Her eyes were still mostly covered by her hair but if anyone caught a glimpse of her bright blue eyes they’d see that they were no longer filled with sadness and despair. They were filled with rage.

She wanted to step forward and give Iñigo an earful, for starters. But before she could do that another development took place.

Haleigh stepped forward.

It took a second for the significance of the moment to register to Katja.

Haleigh stepped forward.

Katja looked on in surprise, almost shock, as she recalled Haleigh’s story at the campfire. How she had been dealing with trauma after her powers had nearly killed her and how she had been wheelchair bound ever since. The fact that she was walking here and now showed how sincere she was with whatever she planned on doing. A wave of relief washed over Katja when it turned out that Haleigh did this to apologize to anyone she might have driven away with her harsh words earlier in the day.

Perhaps, Katja thought, this is still salvageable. Perhaps Blackjack would save some of their members. Perhaps she would get them back.

That thought, that illusion, was broken when Rory stepped forward. Rory, the lovable teamplayer. With his little playbook noting down facts about his team. Who’s cheeks flushed red at her suggestion that they’d train together. Rory, the one who seemed almost as distraught at the thought of the team breaking up as Katja was.

That Rory now stepped forward and dashed her hopes right in front of her. While there might have been some truth in what he said, Katja would not accept it. Her mindspace would not allow it. The rage that had subsided with Haleigh’s shocking act flooded back. But this time she would not stick to the sidelines.

”Enough of this.” Katja practically growled as she took a step towards the group. Though it was more of a stomp, as her anger had made her lose control over her abilities, with each step causing a light tremor around her and leaving deep imprints in the field. Normally she’d try to mask it as quickly as possible, try to regain her composure and control.

But not today.

Brushing her hair aside as she got close to the group, the expression on Katja’s face was obvious for all to see. There was no calming smile, no awkward smirk. The only way to describe her expression was pure, unadulterated rage.

“You don’t get to make that decision, broer.” Katja hissed through clenched teeth at Rory. ”You don’t get to decide whether their choices are final or not. Perhaps Haleigh’s apology made them reconsider. We’ve already said goodbye to one member of Blackjack today, I’ll be damned if I’m not fighting to keep it to just that one.”

Katja let her gaze fall on the wayward Blackjacks, her expression softening as she looked at Trace. Taking a deep breath, she addressed them next. ”No matter what might be said here, or what might have been said earlier today, I will welcome any of you back with open arms. No question of loyalties, no hard feelings. If anyone gives you a hard time just come to me and I’ll have your back.” The more she spoke, the more mellow her expression became. She suppressed her powers again and even smirked a little before continuing. ”We’re all brothers and sisters after all, and what kind of big sis would I be if I didn’t stand up for you?” She looked at Haleigh and Rory, putting a hand on both of their shoulders. ”That obviously applies to you as well.”

Tapping them both on the shoulder, Katja stepped back into the Blackjack line. Folding her arms, she looked to her teammates to the left and right. “And if anyone has any problem with that, you can take it up with me. After we’ve finished this whole farce of a team swap.”

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