John's day had gone rather swimmingly. His mother's class had been amazing. She held almost everyone's attention but no surprise there. She was a bit of a celebrity in the Wizarding World. In all his classes there was a lot of talk about OWLs and the amount of studying that they would have to do if they wanted to get an OWL in the class. John shivered at the thought of failing to obtain an OWL in DADA or Potions. John had dreamed of becoming an Auror since he was old enough to talk. His father had explained that it was a lot of work, although he wouldn't know. He had been awarded the position after the Second Wizarding War. But he had heard that those were important classes to get OWLs in and the thought of failing...well it haunted his nightmares. He oftentimes dreamt that he would end up old and shriveled selling potion ingredients to Dark Wizards in Knockturn Alley. The dream would always end with John waking up in a cold sweat and was a primary reason for his diligence in school. The day came and went until it was eventually time for his last class. He walked across the green with James and another Gryffindor, Regina. They were some of the first to arrive to the class and so they talked about the new keeper and an assortment of other Quidditch related topics, looking to the woods when a soft whinny was heard.