[center] ++ KYUUBEE ++ Standing guard was one of Kyuubee's most hated responsibilities as Bellerophon's Protector. There was nothing to do but stare at the wall and twiddle your thumbs, both of which were boring as hell. He didn't even know why he had to look after the little golden prince anyway. Wasn't Kyuberos in the realm?? Wasn't this HIS responsibility? But nooooooooooooooo, he had something better to do with the King, because he was [i]important[/i]. " Give me a break," Kyuubee sighed to himself, rolling his eyes at the thought. This was supposed to be his time off, not time to be standing guard in front of a door while Bellerophon slept. What was the worst that could happen? If there was an assassin on their way to kill Bellerophon, the LAST thing they would do was go through the front door, so all this was useless wasn't it? This was all just so.... Suddenly, his ears perked up at the sound of Bellarino's voice calling out to him, eager to talk to [i]anyone[/i] right now, even the troublesome prince. He even went as far as to ignore the hurtful nickname given to him. He listened to Bellarino explain his plot to screw over his brothers and an excited smile spread across his face. He would jump at any opportunity to mess with the royal brats, and not to mention that it would actually give him something fun to do. " Sure! Whadda ya gonna do?" ++ BELLADON ++ " Yes, but make it anyone other than Trowa," He ordered Cordelia, taking a handkerchief from his pocket to press against Valis' forehead. His poor cousin was still dazed from banging his head and Belladon tsked loudly, abruptly turning his attention to Belisario, " You were with him weren't you?? How could you let this happen? Why didn't you [i]do[/i] something?" " I-I-I-I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to..." " Save it, I don't need to hear your excuses," Belladon cut off sternly as he helped Valis get on his feet. He put the blonde's arm around his shoulder to better support him and called for Cordelia, " Take his other side, we'll walk him to the infirmary." ++ BELVEDERE ++ Just as planned, Belladon was taking his concern too far and Belvedere had trouble hiding his gleeful smile behind his hand. At this rate Bellarino would have hours to set up his trap. It was great!! But he also didn't want Bellarino to be waiting around forever, " But brother," He chimed, placing his arms behind his back innocently, " what about Bellerophon? Didn't we have something [i]important[/i] to say to him?" This got his brother to stop and contemplate for a bit. " You're right, your repentance is important too." Belvedere brightened up at the sight of the flower emerging from Belladon's jacket, but his mood fell just as quickly when he handed it to the blue haired bastard instead. To their illegitimate, disgusting half-brother. What the fuck?? " Go with Belvedere to give this to Bellerophon since it's [i]your[/i] fault this happened. ++ BELISARIO ++ " W-What?! No! Please!" Belisario stuttered, his eyes darting back between Belvedere and the flower. " I'll take Valis to the Healers, please!" [i]Anything[/i] to avoid being alone with Belvedere. " Are you kidding me? You allowed him to get this way! Why would I trust you to protect him now?" Belisario felt his heart sink, not only at the harshness of his words, but at the danger of the situation. With Valis unable to protect him, how could he ever survive being with Belvedere alone?? And, of course, wherever there was Belvedere, Bellarino was guaranteed to be close by. He was probably waiting around the corner, waiting for the chance to pop out and begin tormenting him and calling him mean names! "P-Please, I can't go alone!" He pleaded with everything he could, but it just made Belladon's face grow darker, his annoyance showing clear in his features. He turned to Cordelia and tilted his head towards Belisario, " Go with him. His Protector is hurt and I can protect myself. Make sure he gets that to Bellerophon and not fuck it up." Breathing a small sigh of relief, Belisario watched his eldest brother leave with Valis. It wasn't the most ideal option, considering he still had to be around Belvedere, but maybe they would be less mean to him with Cordelia there....? She did help him off the floor afterall, so there was some hope.....maybe. With Belladon gone, he felt an arm wrap around his neck and bring him into a tight headlock. " Ahahaha, isn't this great [i]brother[/i]?" he spat the word like a curse, " Now we get to go visit Bellerophon together? Fun, right?" ++ NOVA && VALELEE ++ Nova already had Valalee restraints off by the time Tiaro finished his speech. He pulled the girl close to him and covered her with his cape, shielding her from the vicious drug lord. " I would love to stay and chat but I do believe I have somewhere to be!" He laughed easily, his hand shooting out, throwing a single red rose and Tiaro. As expected, Tiaro and his lacky were momentarily distracted as he caught it, and Nova took that opportunity to escape. He and Valalee both disappeared into thin air, leaving Tiaro standing with the flower that had been enchanted to turn into a bouquet of roses in a few seconds. Back in the Main City, he and Valalee materialized in an alleyway, different to the one Valalee had been taken from but not that far. " AhhhhH!!!" Valalee screamed out of surprise, pushing away from the masked man once they were on stable ground, " H-How did we get here so fast? Weren't we in the Under?!" Even the best wizards, including her Grandpa, weren't capable of passing so freely between the two cities. From what she learnt from the Academy, multiple magic blockers had been set up to stop transportation spells from working, helping to keep those in the Under [i]in[/i] the Under and not in the Main City. They had wizards from all over to test the blockers out and not one of them had been able to penetrate it. So how could this masked man do it so easily?? But instead of answering her question, he knelt down to inspect her burnt face, " Nevermind that, are you okay? That bad man didn't hurt you anywhere else did he?" Valalee shook her head and pushed his hand away, taking more steps back to create some distance between them. The man was standing between her and the exit, so there was no way for her to leave other than to run around him, and she knew that it was useless to try. " No, I'm okay, it's nothing!" She lied, trying to hold her tears back once more. " Just take me home! I want to go home!" " Easy, easy, it's okay, I'm a good guy remember? I'll take you home!" The top-hatted man laughed, leaning past the wall of the alley to glance at the busy street, " Infact, your ride should be arriving soon!" Valalee was about to ask what he meant by that when he took a step forward and approached her. Before she could move away, he knelt down again and bought out some bandages from the sleeve of his arm, unwrapping them to put them over her dirty knees, " These should hold you over until you get some medicine. Your grandma will have something to heal these scars at her shop, so make sure to ask her. There should be some remedies for burns too." " How do you kno-" " Now listen to me," He cut her off, picking up his head so that he could stare into her eyes. There was nothing but seriousness there and she gulped audibly, " It's very important that you listen to what I'm about to say. The man you met is a very bad man. He can do alot of bad things to you and your family, so you can't tell anyone about what happened today. Say that you ran into some kids from your class and got into a fight with them. Don't give out any names and eventually they'll forget about it." He put his hands on her small shoulders and squeezed, " You can't tell anyone about today. Not your brothers, not your uncles, not your grandparents, and especially not your mother. You got that?" Not knowing what to say, Valalee simply nodded, staring at him with slight fear. " Great! Well, it seems that your ride is here so I'll get going. Stay out of trouble and be good." And with that, he gave her one last affectionate look before vanishing. " H-Hey!" She called out, running to the place where he was standing to look around. The masked man was no where in sight and she ran out into the street in hopes of catching him as he ran away. But as she did, she collided with a body and bounced backward, barely managing to keep on her feet. About to apologize, she was surprised to find that it was her brother Valexander of all people. " Brother!" She cried, leaping forward to hug him. It had only been a few hours since she left home to go to class, but with everything that had happened, all the dangers she had faced, it had felt like it had been forever. And there was no one she would rather see than her older brother. ++ PEPPA JACK ++ With Charlotte's confidence in her duty, Peppa, himself, felt confident that this mission would really work and that they would bring Adonis back safe. " That's a good girl," He praised warmly and then addressed the other three with a smile too, " Peppa will come get you when its time. You're dismissed until then." Sancha and the girls nodded and left him to finish his work. Peppa sent a text to Seraphion that the mission was a go before sending another one to Valereon to bring him the box of different wigs and clothes that they had. A disguising spell would take too long and they needed to get out there fast, so there was no other choice but to go the old fashion way.[/center]