Yeah. The Deck I want to be able to play is a Shooting Star Dragon Deck to rival my brother's version of a Red Nova Dragon Deck. He actually used an impressive combination of Laval and Flamvell monsters in a way that was entirely unpredictable and lethal in summoning Red Nova (or sometimes not), as he could easily Summon monsters with high ATK and gain a direct attack at his opponent's LP. He also had ways to stop deadly traps like Mirror Force. It was lethal, but at least that Deck didn't negate the effects of a lot of my cards like his current Gravekeeper's one. (Stardust Dragon, Junk Synchron, Quillbolt Hedgehog, Shield Warrior, Herald of Pure Light, Call of the Haunted, Premature Burial, Decoy Dragon, Stardust Phantom, and sometimes Hieratic Dragon of Nuit) I know that the typical solution would be MST, but when the limit on any card is 3 and he has 3 Necrovalleys, 2 Terraformings and a Field Barrier... I don't see that coming out in my favor. Any advice? [hider=My RL Deck] Shield Wing (*2) Star Seraph Scout Magnum Shield Xyz Reception Barrier Wave Swords of Revealing Light Call of the Haunted (*2) Blue Thunder T-45 Draining Shield (*2) Mystical Space Typhoon (*2) Sonic Warrior Junk Synchron Elemental Hero Neos Alius Rescue Warrior Swift Scarecrow Skelengel Xyz Block Homunculus the Alchemic Being Divine Dragon Ragnarok Premature Burial Magna Drago Mirage Dragon Scrap-Iron Scarecrow Book of Moon United We Stand Reverse Glasses Frequency Magician D.D. Assailant Decoy Dragon (*2) Crashbug Road Shield Warrior Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke Beckoning Light Reinforcement of the Army Quillbolt Hedgehog Guardian of the Throne Room Miniaturize Lightning Blade Lightwave Tuning Stardust Phantom Mirror Mail Impenetrable Attack Mirror Force Rush Recklessly Hieratic Dragon of Nuit Rocket Warrior Herald of Pure Light Number 39: Utopia Number 102: Star Seraph Sentry Junk Warrior Stardust Dragon[/hider] (The reason for Premature Burial is that my siblings and I have an agreement that we can each use one copy of one forbidden card apiece while Dueling each other)