Couple Ideas to throw out. A few of these I pitched awhile back on oldguild but got to busy to actually do any of them, and some are just old ones I never bothered with until now. Probably work through them at some time ot another but want to see which one has the most current interest. [hider=1. Post-apocalyptic Dragon Slayers-]Working title: [b]Project: SLAYER[/b] In present day, dragons are considered to be just myths until a unnatural event causes them to swarm across the entire globe and decimate the human race. Humans are left with no choice but seek refuge in the few remaining cities that have been fortified into anti dragon strongholds. The remaining governments; desperate to find a way to fight the dangerous creatures, create the SLAYER program. A grueling and life threatening process of implanting a normal human being with dragon DNA which grants the subject enhanced strength, speed, durability, senses, as well as greatly changing the subject body makeup to the point of their bones being as hard as that of a dragon's, tougher scaled skin( a trained subject cam control the scales at will) as well as giving the subject the fire glands that allow a dragon to breath fire. Those that survive the procedure join a special group known as the Slayers who travel around slaying dragons.[/hider] [hider= 2, Nazi Zombies Inspired Idea-]Working Title: [b]Fabrik der Toten[/b] it's senior year, and you and the rest of the senior class are taking the senior trip to Germany. While the group is touring a old factory that was occupied the Nazi's during WW2 , and discover that the Nazi's under Hitlers orders were researching ways to make German soldiers immortal during battle but instead discovered how to reanimate the dead bodies but after realizing that the zombies couldn't be controlled the factory was shut down and now the group has reappeared them and must now fight there way outside.[/hider] [hider= 3. Supernatural Hunters-]Working Title:[b]The Family That Slays Together[/b] In a world where the creatures of the supernatural pose a real threat to a world that labels them as fiction, the only defense against these threats are Slayers, skilled warriors who hunt supernatural creature who are a detriment to human lives. A veteran hunter with no family of his own decides to adopt a group of orphans and train them in the ways of the Slayer. Now the the kids are in High school and must deal with hunting creatures of the occult as well dealing with the trials of High school.[/hider] [hider= 4. Magic Users]Working Title: N/A Inspired by a combination of the concept of Magic in the Dragon Age franchise as well as Soul Sacrafice. Basic idea is that A person gains the ability to use magic by fusing with a demon. The inner demon functions like a battery and works in a sort of symbiotic relationship with their human host. The two bargain on the use of energy for each spell and the human gives something to demon in return. Don't really have a plot worked out yet but probably a typical monster fighting sorta thing.[/hider] [hider=5. Vigilante group]Working Title: [b]True Justice[/b] In a crime infested city people who are fed up with the criminal activity and the laws ineptitude in handling them , band together into a vigilante group hellbent of wiping out crime by brutally hunting down criminals.[/hider] [hider= 6. Lost Planet inspired RP]Title: [b]Wasteland: Frozen Struggle[/b] Old RP I did a long time ago that I thought would be fun to bring back, The basic idea is that for whatever reason the world goes through a second ice age. Well scientist saw this coming and were able to build these generators to keep a climate warm. A city is built upon the location of the generators and encased in a dome. The very rich and powerful are then moved to the dome and the poor are forced to live in colonies outside of the dome forced to scrap out livings in the frozen wasteland and practically treated as slaves by the inhabitants of the city. This continues for a decade or two until a rebellion group suddenly appears. The group known as "Asgard" is a guerrilla attack group that attacks and steals from Capital trade routes, attack their military outpost using their knowledge on the waste to their advantage.[/hider] [hider= 7. Different version of 6.]Working title: [b]Wasteland: Blood Sand[/b] Back when I first did Wasteland and was rebooting it a couple of us thought it would be cool do it in the opposite setting. Plot would be same as above except that instead of a second Ice Age covering the world in ice and snow, Extreme global warming would turn the world into scorched desert and the group would be based of Greek mythology instead of Norse, Calling themselves Olympus.[/hider]