Like the title suggests, this is an RP taking place in the city my co-GM (Greengoat) and I designed; Gravetown. It's a city for the undead and for the undead only. That said, it's primarily a slice-of-life RP with a few wrenches thrown in here and there to keep things interesting. At the moment, we're (I'm) still working out the final details of Gravetown, but we already know a few things. It's a walled city, with literally nothing beyond the walls. It's home to a host of different types of undead, from zombies to mummies to yuki-onna to dullahans. The city is divided up into seven districts, which we'll get into later. Basically, it's exactly what I said; a slice-of-life RP taking place in the city of the undead. So, despite my crappy explanation of things, is anybody interested?