[Center][B]Tenshi[/B][/Center] --- Meanwhile, Tenshi was fighting the monsters "Come here!" she said as she ran around. She raised her hands, then the javelin that was thrown earlier returned to her "Heh! Let's try this trick." then she concentrated on something, and next she threw the javelin once more "Take this!" The javelin, midway, splitted into smaller versions. It rained on the wraiths, and there were several explosions "Woah. I'm good at this." One of the shades approached her. Quickly, she commanded the javelin once more and it flew straight to the shade before going back to its proper owner "How weak!" she called to them. "Iyaaaaah!!" then she splitted the javelin into two. "Come!" the monsters flew straight to her, but she spinned the javelins in front of her, shredding the incoming spirits continuously. "GRAAAAAH!" A roar came behind her. Out of instinct, she jumped to the side and a noise made by something that fell was heard. Quickly, she stood up and readied her split javelin "What is it now?!" A dust smoke in front of her had a shadow with the size of a tiger, no, a little bit bigger than that. As the smoke continued to fade, she continued to brace herself, then suddenly- "AAAAAAH!" she screamed, the creature jumped all of a sudden towards her. She managed to dodge then throw her javelin "W-What is that thing?!" it looked like a dog with scales and red spikes. The sight of it is intimidating, but she tried to push away her fear "C-Come pipsqueak!" She threw her javelin once more, the second explosion was sent to the dog "How do you like-" then seemingly out of nowhere, the beast was already in front of her "Eh? W-What...?" and the jaws of it locked on her "GAH! AAAH!! IT HURTS!!" She called the javelin back and exploded on the back of the beast "... AWAY! S..tay...!! Away...!!" she also sent kicks below it, but the beast just tightened the grip of its teeth on her more "GAH! NOO!!!" then all life left her with a fountain of crimson red liquid. --- [Center][B]Nikko[/B][/Center] --- 'Nothing... Nothing...' he spoke in his mind as he observed the surroundings with the grass, trees, and the ent. So far, there was nothing suspicious. He had kept his eyes closed, but he could hear some movements outside. Though, because nothing was happening, he fell asleep on his naginata, which made him look like he was still doing what he was doing. Rumble Rumble. He woke up after a couple of minutes as he sensed something rumbling 'Earthquake?!' he looked around him, but everything was fine. Hideki and Harashi was just chatting at the corner. 'That's really weird' he thought. Maybe it was just a dream, but he had to be sure. An idea came to him then. Closing his eyes to concentrate, he felt what the nature felt. Rumble Rumble RUMBLE RUMBLE! It was getting louder and louder "I knew it..." he mumbled. He opened his eyes "...Huh? You hear that sound?" and was about tell them "Cover yo-" A tremor started on the ground. Yoshimi and Yuriko woke up. Yoshimi grabbed Nikko and hid under a table. Hideki rushed over to Yuriko and protected her from falling debris. Harashi just ducked and covered his head at the middle. Soon enough, the rumbling stopped, but something weirder happened. A large sword emerged from the ground "Huh?" but he wasn't as surprised as he thought he would be, probably because of the naginata. Harashi went over to touch the sword and everything was fixed in the building. The sword turned out to be Harashi's artifact and everyone talked to him about it. They had calmed down and everyone just sat on the ground while waiting for nothing in particular. "Hmm. Maybe I'll go see that ent." then he went to check the window and he couldn't believe his eyes. The ent was breaking down as a huge dog continued to attack it "No..." he went back to the others "We have to get out of here!" he said to Hideki and the rest "Outside- !" Sound of wood breaking came from the door. The door's barricades cracked and snapped. It was being rammed by what he saw outside "Too late...!" Nikko readied his naginata and started thinking of what he could do. But his train of thoughts was interrupted as a huge canine broke into the shrine. He wanted to move, but he was too stunned to. Then he thought of everyone, and that's when he took action "Move everyone!" then he made the trees outside turn into ents by accident 'I can do that...?' he saw hope. Nikko called the ents and the two animated trees fought the huge dog "Let's go now!" he said to everyone in the room. However, the ents died early. "How...?" they were on fire. "Run!" the dog charged.