[center]Nakamura proudly introduced herself, holding up a gang sign. [b]"I'm Nakamura! Nakamura Kiyo!"[/b] She pounded her chest and softly yelled. [b]"I hope we can all get along!" [/b]Her eyes followed the floor as she bowed down, showing a sign of respect. Before Nakamura could say anything else, the lunch bell rang. Everybody soon got up and rushed over to their friends. Nakamura stood there, slightly surprised. [b]"U-Uh."[/b] She awkwardly walked over to her seat next to the window. Staring out the window, her stomach began growling. [b]"Damnit!"[/b] She yelled standing up, not a care in the world that half the people stared at her. [b]"I FORGOT MY LUUUUNNNNCCCHH!!"[/b] She cried out, touching her head and panicking. She started crying as snot reached down her mouth, [b]"I-I'm an idiot!"[/b] She roughly brought her head down on the desk and softly cried. [/center]