Kezal nearly jumped at the sight of the lady awkwardly crawling out of the box. Something about her movements seemed unnatural, but Kezal chalked that up to her only recently waking up from a sleep that lasted who knows how long. He knelt slowly and made sure that he kept his own movements slow and gentle. He did not want to spook her and make the incident worse than it already it. Bad enough that he had a potential trafficking case to work on, there was now a crazy nutcase holding someone hostage over something as minor as pay. Kezal could not really understand that; according to Sera'Shuun culture, the ability to contribute something to the big picture was reward enough. Earning money was but a desirable side-effect. "Cargo Security busy. Get Hizaka'Tivakaz and Tabatier on it. They should be closest to botany storage." Kezal said over the security division's secure channel. He had bigger things to worry about, the biggest being the fact that the first words out of the lady's mouth had registered as untranslatable by the software installed in his suit. It was possible that she was speaking an obscure or relatively new language; Kezal had not updated the software for years. "Can you understand me?" He asked in the universal galactic tongue, then repeated the question in his native language. "[i]Mazikarik Ist konik zum?[/i]" It was a longshot; the Sera'Shuun language was not spoken by many people outside of Sera'Shuun space, but at least it was something. At the same time, Kezal ran his eyes over her body to check for any physical signs of damage. She seemed to be perfectly fine, but he was going to wait for the doctor to arrive to confirm his hunch. That was assuming he would even show up. Kezal could do the medical inspection himself, but his medical training was basic, and had been primarily focused on battlefield medicine. "I don't suppose anyone here has any medical knowledge?" Kezal asked the nearby dockworkers. He wanted to clear this up as soon as possible so he could get to figuring out just what was going on.