Hanzō cleared his mind as he took a deep breath. The stresses of the new environment and strange living conditions were washed away as he relaxed himself into meditation. It was calming for the short time it lasted, behind him the others had begun arriving in the Barracks and had begun to help themselves to the luxuries. Exhaling his breath as he opened his eyes to the view of the beach, he stood up and looked around. Everyone seemed to be getting along nicely for the most part. He caught a glimpse of the fridge when one of his new dorm mate opened it to make himself a meal. It seemed fully stocked, [i]So meals must be up to us to cook for ourselves it seems...[/i], cooking was a skill he had picked up relatively early, making the best out of the meager edible foods that could be attained in the mountains. When the TV switched on, he was taken aback, it has been a while since he had seen something like it. He watched as the man with the sandwich struck up a conversation with the disheveled looking guy watching TV. The shorter man must've startled him, because the other let loose a slip of some kind heat-wave. It appeared he lacked control and spatial awareness, as did the short man make the mistake of startling someone who could have potentially killed him. Removing his hand from Koga's hilt, he let it return to its place on his back. That could've gone badly in many ways.