Seraphina was glad that her father was taking her suspicions about the minstrel seriously, he even brought other points to light that she hadn’t considered. As she was dismissed from her father’s side, Seraphina could not help the small scowl that crossed her face. She knew it was a common idea about the artful nature of women, how men would speak of their wiles. It seemed her father was not above tarring her with the same brush. Seraphina felt a little disappointed that even she was not above such stigma. However she gave herself the smallest of shakes, almost like a swan in it’s before flight preparation and making her way down from the dais she watched with a calculating gaze as the cuckoo made his outrageous speech. For a few minutes she stood off to the side of the circle watching the sparrow prance around in her circle, the girl seemed giddy as attempted to entice the men around her. Seraphina allowed the smallest of smiles to touch her lips as her violet eyes sparkled coldly, she was careful to make sure not a hint of emotion showed on her face. All the while she watched the girl perform her dance, it was true what they said, country dances really were the pale imitations of their courtly origins. Seraphina had seen this sort of behaviour before, a young one at their first ball, overwhelmed by the attention; it tended to go to their heads. Her eyes flashed over to the cuckoo as he continued to play and she was not surprised to find his eyes fixed on her, inviting her to join. With a shake of her silver ringlets Seraphina timed her entrance perfectly, striding out to the open area of the circle as the sparrow was opposite her, just as the music quivered on a high note she struck her pose and began. She joined in with the Sparrows dance, each step matching, each dancer moving perfectly across the circle from her counterpart. However there was a distinct difference in their dancing, one was light, carefree and wild, the other graceful, extravagant and refined. The Swan did not try to catch anyone’s attention for the confidence of a queen is in knowing she already has it, knowing that without effort all eyes were on her. Despite this she did not try and out match the girl or upstage her, instead she worked hard to keep them in harmony. As the music progressed the dancers got closer and closer, each move made by one flowing easily into a reactive move of the next. Their styles were different it was true but it worked under the cuckoo’s clever influence as he worked to keep the music suitable to both ladies styles. The tempo increased and they spun in a whirl of wings and feathers, copper and ebony, simple and elegant. At last they reached the final dramatic note, which filled the silent hall with its echoing vibrations. Both ladies had finished back to back, the tips of their wings just touching. The Sparrow had dipped into a neat and business like curtsey to complete her dance while the Swan Queen was arched in a graceful curve one arm outstretched in front of her the other to her side as she crossed one leg behind her in a sweeping gesture. For a moment there was a reverberating silence around the hall as all gazed in wonder at the two dancers, both of whom stood as still as if carved from marble. It was then that the first pair of hands came together in applause, which was quickly taken up by all, their tumultuous clapping filling the air as the Sparrow and the Swan unfroze and returned to their full height. As the clapping finally came to a end and people began to break from the circle the Swan and the Sparrow turned to face one another. Seraphina was a bit taller than the Sparrow, as she was accustomed to, her eyes raked over the girl in an appraising manner. Under the cool gaze of the Swan the Sparrow began to squirm slightly. Seraphina just exuded a calm and sophisticated confidence that few could mimic and even fewer had truly obtained. For a couple of heart beats they looked at one another until Seraphina gained the reaction she wanted, the girl dropped her eyes and offered a curtsey to her which after a moment she returned although hers was smaller. However her face quickly broke into a warm smile and relaxing her posture slightly Seraphina spoke gently. “You danced most beautifully my Sparrow Maid, it did indeed bring to mind the bird you are dressed as tonight, so bright and quick.” Her voice was calming and soft though loud enough to be carried easily over the humdrum background noise. “Your teacher must have been very good indeed; I doubt I can think of half a dozen others who can dance so well.” They spoke idly for a few more moments, their conversation never more deep than of dancing steps or of the beauty of the hall. Watching carefully Seraphina took note that soon the Sparrows posture had copied her own, she had relaxed in her presence and spoke more free and easily. As she relaxed Seraphina noted several important things, how she held her shoulder, arms, position of her hands, how she involved herself in conversation, these were all details she could read from her. “So who is your partner my Sparrow, will you not introduce me to the one who provided us with such bright music?”