Phoebe was surprised by Faen's response to her offered hand. What had been intended as a hand shake was instead taken to his lips, causing her to reveal the smallest of blushes before she quickly recomposed. He was definitely charming but she wouldn't allow herself to fall prey to such chivalrie that easily. "You're too kind, but thank you" she replied modestly. She would have spoken with him further had he not pointed out her fathers behaviour as he made his way to her. Her brows knitted together as she waited for him to reach her, turning to ask Faen about it before she noticed he was no longer there. She looked around her at the crowds of people but saw no sign of him. "So" said Tony as he reached her, "Looks like you made a new friend" he said as he too looked around for what she assumed was the same person. She nodded "Well, he certainly was charming if not a little strange" she replied as he turned to face her directly, "What did he say to you? What was his name?" He asked, earning a suspicious look from his daughter. "Just a few compliments, his name Faen and small talk. Nothing out of the ordinary... You're acting a little strange, what's wrong?" She asked before Tony took a pause as exhaled deeply. "That boy could be trouble, and I'm not talking trouble like when we went on vacation to Europe. I mean 'big' trouble and I don't want you to get involved" he said in a serious tone. Phoebe paused herself before looking past him for a moment. "Let's just enjoy tonight, we can talk about this more latter" she said eventually as she looked back to him. Tony gave a single nod, placing his hand on her shoulder as he smiled before the two would seek te host of the event.