[quote=Holmishire] As a matter of pure curiosity, I would wonder as to what extent this dislike reaches. Whether you remember it or not, I used quite a number of LotR gifs back on the OldGuild, though it was most certainly not my unique method of communication. Is it solely the pointlessness of the gifs in question that disturbs you, or also the common and repeated usage thereof? [/quote] You have to ask? It's the replying to every thread and nearly every post with a very much so unrelated "reaction" picture just for the sake of posting a picture, especially when everything someone is posting is related to one singular thing. I don't care if people love something and often use that thing from time to time, but c'mon. Just go take a look at the past day's post history and see if you can't see why someone would say enough is enough. I haven't really seen you online the past couple of days, but do take some time to go back to Mummy's posting history and pulling up just about every Spam thread you can and see if you can't see what everyone else has. [quote=The Nexerus] What's a smoke monster? [/quote] I never seen the show myself, but I know of the smoke monster. It's basically this mysterious cloud of smoke that seems to be sentient and kills off random characters for a few seasons.