[center][b]~Daisy~[/b][/center] [b]"S-Sorry..."[/b] She whimpered as she tried to get up, trying not to look at anyone. She thanked the waitress as she helped her up to her seat and once she was settled, she stay deadly still, for fear of falling again. Her butt already hurt as is. [b]"I'll... uhm... have a water."[/b] She told the waitress tentatively, too frightened to do much of anything. [b]"Sorry... I've always been easily frightened..."[/b] She said, turning to the girl. [b]"So... Uhm... What's your name?"[/b] She continued, still watching her. Daisy's eyes were wide, alert to everything, or at least trying to be. She did jump slightly when the waitress gave her her drink and very nervously, she pulled the glass up to her lip. It shook a bit and her her upper lip a bit wet. She wiped it off and then turned back to the pretty girl to wait for a reaction.