[quote=The Nexerus] Use deck B to read my love life. [/quote] [Hider=shalalalala dont be scared][Img]http://i1185.photobucket.com/albums/z345/ImANargleHunter/IMAG0012_zpsdvuezshi.jpg[/img][/Hider] Once again, we have the fool. This time I believe it's more implying never-ending possibilities. New beginnings and growth. The ten of swords implies that in the past either you or the person you have in mind has been burdened by different worries and anxieties that they need not be concerned with. They need to relinquish these weights and take action. The lovers is very much what it sounds like. It represents relationships and sexuality. Look into deepening or beginning sympathetic relationships and consider the direction you want them to go. The sun recommends that you have faith in your own abilities. Speak the truth and remain confident and things should start looking up.