Chase woke to find himself in a dark apartment, surrounded by paper and empty instant noodle cups. He had spent another night up, researching for the thesis that he was putting together. He shook off his drowsiness and decided food would be a good idea right now. He checked the usual spots, the cupboard, the fridge, under his desk but e couldn’t find food anywhere. “Great…” He mumbled as he came to the realisation that he had eaten the last of his supply. That meant he would have to take a break from work to go shopping. Taking breaks was the one part of work that Chase didn’t like. He grabbed his coat and put it on as he threw things on the floor in an attempt to find his wallet. He eventually found it inside one of the noodle cups and made his way out the door, locking it behind him. After a few minutes of walking he had made it to the new part of the city. He found it more comforting to be around newer things, they seemed more natural. In order to retain his scientific mind while in the real world, he recited Newton’s laws in his head. Simple physics but enough for him to be pleased. He went through the usual routine that both him and his shopkeeper of choice had grown accustomed to. Without a word, she put several bags of instant noodles on the counter and held out her hand in anticipation of the money. Chase just smiled and placed the money in her hand. Sometimes people could understand how he did things. He wasn’t in any financial trouble, being a scientist may have been hard but he got paid a nice amount. He just bought food that didn’t take time to cook or to eat. His health may have suffered a little for it, but he didn’t really care, his life was about scientific betterment, thought and research was all he needed. For a moment, he stopped his mental reciting as he looked into the crowd. He couldn’t help but wonder if he knew any of these people, if they were his friends before he became who he is now. The pendant around his neck seemed to grow heavier as his thoughts wandered. He opened the small oval to view the face he had spent many an hour trying to identify. He let out a sigh as he faded back to reality, looking around and realising he was standing next to a fountain. “How the hell did I get here?” He asked as he scratched his head. He had a habit of spacing out, but usually he knew where he was. He may have lived in this city for a year that he could remember but he still didn’t know his way around most of it. Needless to say, he was lost.