[Red, Unova Region, Skyarrow Bridge, Afternoon] "Thunderbolt." Red commanded. A thunder cloud formed up in the sky as Red's Pikachu started to gather electricity in It's cheeks. "Piiiikaaa....CHUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!" the opponent's Pokemon, a Mandibuzz was desperately trying to dodge it in the air, but it was too slow, unfortunately. The Thunderbolt struck down on the flying type, and after It finished, It was down for the count. Wordlessly, the Pikachu returned to Red's side and crawled up his shoulder. His opponent, a male Bird Tamer, sighed in defeat. "As expected of the Kanto League former Champion. I guess that settles that then. You did your best here, Mandibuzz. Return for a rest, I'll take you to the Pokemon Center." The Trainer pointed his Pokeball and the Mandibuzz went inside. The Bird Tamer walked up to Red. "Here's your payout reward for winning. Thanks for the battle, Red." The Tamer said, handing over Red's victory money. He nodded and put the Pokedollars away. And with that, the two Trainers parted ways. Red continued his walk to the other side of the Skyarrow Bridge. Unova certainly was a different place then Kanto or the Johto Region, who that Gold kid had came from. It was a long walk, on this bridge. Red turned his head, trying to see if there was anything out on the water. There was some type of Cruise ship or something that was off in the distance, a few fishing boats. The ship reminded him of the S.S Anne back in Kanto. Suddenly, a girl Cyclist stopped in front of him. "I challenge you to a battle, trainer!" she exclaimed. Red turned around, and Pikachu got off his shoulder, onto the bridge. She tossed out her Pokemon, and the battle had begun. [Kogoro Tenzai, Japan, Kogoro's Office, Night] Work. Kogoro really hated working. He preferred to just laze around and do nothing as much as possible. Honestly, he would have taken training Mii over work right now, but she was sleeping back at the mansion. Cheerleaders needed there beauty sleep, after all. And, he was a "Detective", no? he had to work sometime. Now here he was, looking over files for various cases instead of out drinking somewhere or doing [i]anything[/i] else other than work. Some were simple, some were pretty complex. But, honestly if he applied himself none of them were really that hard to figure out or piece together. He had been doing this for quite awhile now, after all. "Meh, fuck it. I'm going out for a drink. I deserve it anyway. I work too hard, honestly." Kogoro decided, and left his messy office behind. He went out the door and down the long elevator to the entrance. "I wonder what place I should hit tonight.." he asked himself during the elevator ride. Then, he left out the door, outside. Street lights and shop lights were all that illuminated the streets. "Let's see now, there's that place with the booth girls, or that regular bar down near there..hmmmm..or maybe that other place I found that one time.." Kogoro scratched his head, trying to decide the place of choice to get drunk as he walked down the sidewalk. "Being merged with other worlds has It's perks, I guess." Kogoro muttered to himself, still deciding.