[MIYU, Japan, Nighttime] MIYU was walking along the streets of the city taking in all the data she needed to learn more about this world. To others she would appear human but she was in actuality a android. [Shizuru, Fuka Japan, Fuka Gakuen Council Room,Nighttime ] Shizuru Fujino President of the Student Council was sipping her tea as she had stayed at the school late finishing some work she had to catch up on. She was also looking over some of the articles for a report she had to submit for her class....another reason she was staying. She hoped her girlfriend would not be too mad at her for staying a hour or so later then planned. [Natsuki, Fuka Gakuen girls dorm, Japan, Nighttime] Natsuki paced around. Shizuru had promised to be back to the dorms a hour or so ago. She wondered what was taking her so long to get back. Natsuki understood she was the President buy she wanted to spend some time with her "Shizuru where the hell are you ..!" She said a bit annoyedly.