Hoorah! Glad to see a post from you, Bella! Like I said in our message, I initially thought 'what a lame excuse' but I totes understand the Once Upon a Time feels. *Loudspeaker* She was watching Once Upon a Time everyone! It's okay, go about your business! Haha but yeah, anyway my post is going to end with Terence fluttering off to find Iona. I had thought about jumping ahead, making the post include Terence flying around and actually locating Iona but I'm trying to leave posts shorter and more open ended for the responses of your characters at key points rather than dragging characters along for the ride with longer posts. So don't feel bad, Rex and Bella, if your next posts are fairly short, I just want to give you guys more options on how to act. Raptor, hopefully we'll locate Iona soon OR you could initiate and just post Iona bumping into Terence or one of the others right away, whichever works best for you, it's been a while since you got to post.