[center][img]http://i947.photobucket.com/albums/ad316/LaXnyd/LancerVladtheImpaler_zpsfa127f60.jpg[/img][/center] [Vlad/Lancer, Fuka Gakuen, Japan, Nighttime] The Heroic Spirit called to answer the wishes of the world itself walked on a land that was unheard of to him during life. Walking down the dark, barely lit paths of Fuuka Academy, Lancer, the heroic spiritual manifestation of the infamous Vlad the Third of Wallachia - or rather, as he was more widely known Vlad the Impaler - headed towards his destination. The underground of Fuuka Academy; the last location of the HIME star and the chamber of Lord Kokuyou which was to be his observation place for the HIME festival. However, as it stood now, it was now simply a spot of unclaimed magical energy comparable to a Ley Line. Unclaimed by the association or any single mage or family - as far from Romania as it was, Lancer still found it the perfect place to set up operations and secure a Prana source. Stopping in front of the main director's building, Lancer materialized his lance and smashed the door open easily as if it was made of paper, not wood. Descending, Lancer crossed the great floor clock that would never move again and entered a canal which would lead him to what used to be Lord Kokuyou's lair. He had no idea how many of those modern security systems he had triggered when entering and, in all honesty, he didn't care. The humans of this land, teenage students, were quite unlikely to have discovered this place, so Lancer assumed that they would come in, investigate, see no one and assume that the intruder had left.