[Kirby, Dreamland, Kirby's House, Morning] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6ZRpMegVik]BGM - Green Greens[/url] As the morning sunlight peeked into the window of his [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090730070041/kirby/en/images/f/f3/Kirby%27s_House.jpg]house[/url], Kirby slowly woke up and yawned. Jumping off of his bed and slipping off the sleeping cap he wore, he was excited to see what today has to offer. Usually nothing much happened in the Kingdom of Dreamland, but there always a certain chance that an adventure would occur. Considering all of the stuff he has gone through, from defeating the source of Dark Matter to simply playing around with his friends, Kirby still didn't fully understand much things. Nevertheless, Kirby exited his house and at first, almost forgot that there was this huge beanstalk right next to his house. It wasn't long until Kirby finally remembered that he helped out the citizens of Floralia, and that huge beanstalk is now a landmark in Dreamland, called the Dreamstalk. After remembering that the Dreamstalk would just become a normal thing to see in this everyday life in Dreamland, Kirby dashed through the fields of Green Greens, hoping to meet up with his newest friends Aege and Saito. Despite all of the happenings that occur in Dreamland, Kirby was completely oblivious to the merging of other worlds, it wasn't like he would understand that at least. [Quote, Dreamland, Green Greens (near Kirby's house), Morning] Well, this is a bummer. Humiliating as it sounds, Quote was just returning from a fight that took place near the other side of Dreamland, and boy did he lose pretty badly. Hard to say, since Quote usually wins his fights, and now his reputation... Ugh, he did not want to think about that at all. His mood was quite upside down, to the point where he didn't even make himself a faster type of transportation with his magic paintbrush, and actually walked the whole way here. "I bet sometime soon, when people start talking about that fight, I'm going to start sneezing....like....right....now..." Quote said to himself, waiting for himself to sneeze because he knew that by now people would know of the fight. Apparently, no sneezes...weird huh? The blue Kirby sighed and continued what he would consider a "walk of shame." Then...just then, he managed to get a glimpse of Kirby heading across the fields of Green Greens and towards where Float Islands would be at. Wait a minute, Float Islands? "Uh...what was important of that place again?...uh...uh...." Quote scratched his head, and surprisingly Kirby did not hear Quote from here. "Oh yeah! Kirby probably has a Warp Star there...I haven't actually made a master copy of that thingy yet, so if I beat Kirby there...I can always have a Warp Star at my side and I'll have some first-class transportation anywhere!...time for Quote to step up his game!" Quote exclaimed, and it was almost unbelievable that no one nearby happens to hear him. Sure, he could always create a plane with his magic paintbrush, but he just felt like a Warp Star was more fitting to his likings. Of course, he knew Kirby was probably ahead of him at this rate, so, he swiped the air with his paintbrush, and a [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110911085053/kirby/en/images/2/23/KSSU_Wheelie_small.png]Wheelie[/url] appeared in front of him. He hopped onto the Wheelie, and the Wheelie speeding up for the take off. "Don't need a helmet, let's go!" Quote said, and immediately he sped off towards Float Islands. [Aege and Saito, Dreamland, Float Islands, Morning] "Sooo....any idea on where we're going with Kirby?" Aege brought up as they waited for their pink companion to show up, lying down on the grassy island while Saito happened to be floating in the water with a inflatable tube. "Dunno, but Kirby's the one handling the Warp Star driving. Since...you know, I don't need to know because of my flying skills and that you can't drive a Warp Star," Saito said with a shrug, and there was a period of awkward silence until the yellow Kirby felt something flick him at the head. "Oww....what the heck Aege? It's true..." Saito whined, rubbing his head as he knew that Aege probably stopped time and hit him on the head. "If we are going somewhere, it does bring up the question if Kirby knows about the other places outside Dreamland..." Aege suddenly moved on to the next subject, completely ignoring Saito's whining. Before Saito could respond, both heard the sounds of a Wheelie coming near. Their first thoughts was that Kirby probably inhaled a Wheelie and used the copied Wheel ability to get here faster, but that was changed once they saw Quote on a Wheelie. "Er....does he know that he's about to drive into the water?" Saito blinked. With that said, Quote drove off of the cliff of Green Greens, and crashed the Wheelie into the water, destroying it as well as falling into the waters of Float Islands. "Gonna take that as a no," Saito sweatdropped, while Aege was completely quiet. These two knew Quote quite well, and this was a perfect example of Quote's awareness most of the time. --- [Penny, Vale, Port of Vale, Afternoon] It had been only a day since the events with the White Fang occurred, and that Penny had revealed her weapons during that fight. Sadly, even if she did all of that to protect her friends, Penny had to face a punishment from her superior from the combat school she came from. Today she wasn't actually supposed to be outside her temporary living quarters here in Vale, but she had managed to sneak out and explore some more. Maybe she'll make more friends today, or even meet up with Ruby and her friends. When she thought of Ruby, she was reminded of that combat tournament that was soon to come, and wondered if she would have to face Ruby or Ruby's friends. Penny only wandered through the city, and stopped by the Port. She could hear the crew of a Dust supplier boat talk about how the White Fang would always try to steal their shipments of Dust. That wasn't new, but the next topic was what caught her attention. She only got the words "new nearby countries" from it, and she perked up a smile. As much as she didn't want to leave since she did make her first friend here in this city, Penny couldn't help but think of what possibilities of meeting others would be. Of course, she would have to sneak and stowaway at the boat, since it had plans to go to different countries. Her naive thoughts got the best of her, and she waited for the right moment to sneak onto the boat before it departed...