Flint followed President Kiri into the other room, staying by her side as per usual. Flint didn't recognise the unconscious man, Flint wasn't very social after all, and so would have no qualms in hurting him if he attempted to hurt Yuki or Kiri. His grip on his handgun grew slightly tighter. “Marius is coming up.” Kiri stated allowed Flint felt hurt at the new mans arrival "What can he do that I cant.,.." Flint thought, annoyed as he tried to not show it on his face. "Im here baby sitting some new recruits.." He continued in his head. In the corner of his eye he spotted someone walk down the corridor and into Kiri's Office. Flint recognised Marius and internally judged him. "Taking any job for the money... makes me sick." Flint thought the irony being the only difference between the two was that Flint only followed one persons orders. He hoped he wouldn't be meeting him.