[center]South West Chris[/center] His eyes darted quickly left and right, the gun always facing a different direction to his head so as to maximise his reaction times. The fog was rather cloying, though with only fifty feet separating him and the APC he could clearly see, and hear, the wolves tearing apart the bonnet. He knew the fog was dangerous; he couldn’t afford to hang around in some long-ass firefight. More importantly, those wolves made him want to turn and run, which wasn’t a familiar feeling for a mercenary as hardened as him by war. Then, the crazy Australian did him the favour of alerting him to more of the wolves, and he turned around quickly to make sure he wasn’t being snuck up on. Regardless, he swerved away from his position and further away from the wolves at the front, keeping his shotgun trained for the smooth-man with the chainsaw who had been hacking away at the backdoor only moments ago. If they were going to secure these VIP’s before- Chris was suddenly taken aback by a reckless sprint executed by the music-blaring Mech driven by the insufferable Aussie. He could no longer hear particularly well, which was always nice to have when fighting in fucking fog. He swore under his breath and watched the flames roll out from the Mech’s weaponry, preparing to bathe their foes in fiery death. It was very nice and all, but Chris would have preferred it if he had moved –away- from the target with the squishy, valuable VIP’s within. Daniel echoed these thoughts perfectly, and left Chris staring in bemusement at the irrational act that followed, even as he approached the APC at a far slower rate. Conceivably, he could protect the Mech from some foes should they dive towards it on this side of the APC, though he wasn’t particularly suited to the job with his shotgun. “Let’s get the VIP’s and get the fuck out of dodge before these lunatics burn us to death.” Chris spat out quickly to Nathaniel, strafing as far from the flames as possible while making a beeline for the back of the APC. If anything didn’t have its attention on the mech clambering atop the APC and sending flame in every god damn direction it was a miracle, and Chris knew this as he skirted wide around the APC. With one quick look behind him, he dropped a hand to his left hip while his right arm strained to hold his shotgun ready to shoot anything which popped out behind the APC. Then, with the practiced ease of someone who trains with using weapons and equipment without looking, he popped out the flash bang and threw it up and over the APC, where it bounced down just on the other side. He raised one hand towards Nathaniel to halt him, provided he had decided to join Chris in actually completing their objectives here. When the flashbang popped with the noise loud enough to be audible over the damn soundtrack blaring out of the mech, Chris could swing round about ten feet from the back of the APC (his mind still thinking back to that vicious looking chainsword) and prepare to put a whole lot of holes into the smooth man to secure the back for evacuation of the VIPs.