As he waits Alexi begins humming a little tune, his foot tapping in time to the beat. He relaxes his thoughts for a time, preparing himself for the upcoming conversation. It wasn't until he had begun getting ready for the day that he realized that he had as of yet to fill Joseph in, and with as much as he values the elder vampire he felt like perhaps this time he should be a little more cautious. [i]'Joseph would never betray me, I know this. There isn't a doubt in my mind about this, however. . . Would it hurt him more to know my intentions or to be kept in the dark?'[/i] Alexi knows full well that the old slave has no rights, and as such he doesn't have to tell him anything. However deep down he can feel it approaching. That all important moment in his life that most people die without knowing. That one thing that will make their life worth living. Finally the door opens to reveal the focus of his deep musings. His foot stops and he turns to gaze at the vampire waiting respectfully for his response. He remains silent as he move before the fireplace slowly. The flames leaping at his back casts his front in shadows hiding his expressions. He lets out a sigh, crossing his arms over his chest so he's gripping his elbows in opposite hands. A thoughtful expression crosses his face, still hidden by the shadows and he says quietly, “You were with Mois.” There is no question in his tone, just a simple statement of fact. Alexi would often send for one servant or another, forcing the message delivered on foot. His reasoning rather simple but one he feels no desire to reveal. [i]'If he had been in the house it would not have taken that long to get to this room. Joseph takes my summons seriously, and I know his walking speed very well from having spent days doing the math'[/i] Despite the pride he feels from the accomplishment, Alexi is ready to take it to his grave, or to award any who figure it out. It has always given him an air of mystery. Motioning to one of the tall backed chairs before the fire he waits for the slave to take a seat before speaking up again. “I'm curious. I have no doubt why he called you.” He shifts to the side, tilting his head with a faint smile. He knows Joseph may have a hard time seeing the smile itself, but it is a common stance he's sure the other recognizes as non-threatening. “I have not told him much, so I am curious what of that he's told you.” He shifts again, leaning back against the top shelf of the mantle. “I'd also like to know, what you think of the situation, with what you know so far. Come, be honest with me. I know it's bothering you as I have never seen you bothered before. . .” He waits quietly for a response from the other, making no motions to rush the elder. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Letting out a sigh as he closes the door behind the two slaves Mois covers his eyes with the palms of both hands and presses down. [i]'Alexi, you are insane, and if I have to lock you in a little box to keep you alive at the end of this, I will. Without hesitation little brother'[/i] Throwing his arms wide he lets out a little groan and stretches. The events of the day have exhausted him, so after consuming the rest of the sandwich and drinking a couple glasses of the wine, Mois retires to his bedroom to get some sleep. His bed, while large, is dwarfed be the size of his brother's up in the manor. However Mois has never felt the need for a bigger one. [i]'It's big enough for me, and that's just fine. I don't need room for two, or ten like Alexi'[/i] On occasion his own reasoning threatens to depress him, but then normally he drifts off to sleep comfortably and he avoids thinking of it for another day. This time however he lay awake for a long time simply staring at the blank ceiling, as if somehow the dark blue paint could give him the answers he seeks.