Name: Zack and Cloud | Location: S.S Route of Sunlight | Time of Day: Night BGM: [url=]Under the apple tree[/url] "I wonder if we are close to that city they talked about." said the Ex-member of SOLDIER, he and his Mako-Poisoned friend where hitch hiking on a Shinra Boat. "I said i would visit...but i had to made some change of plans..." said the Ex-SOLDIER looking at the 89th letter that his girlfriend sent him, and the only one that he actually recieved, Zack and Cloud were deemed KIA (Killed In Action) during the [url=]Nibelheim[/url] incident, and where experimented with Mako for 4 years, once they escaped, they were deemed samples that should be captured, or worse, killed. Flashback Location: Gaia, [url=]Midgar Wasteland[/url] | Time of Day: Morning "What's wrong? Why did you stop?" Zack asked to the guy to the of the truck they where hitch hiking, there was a Shinra Helicopter parked in front of them, two faces familiar to Zack dropped from it. "Yo, it has been a while." one was a guy with spiky red hair in a black suit, the other was a bald guy with shades, wearing the same black suit, they were the Turks. "Hey Reno, Rude, you wouldn't capture good ol' me right? I really don't want to fight my old pals." said Zack in a friendly tone. "Nah, at the moment we are acting on our own, we were sent here to save you from a suicide mission." said Reno, the spiky haired Turk. "But, i need to see her..." before Zack could estate more reasons he should be back to Midgar, Rude, the Bald Turk spoke. "Up ahead there's a massive army of Shinra troops, not counting the Helicopters armed with missiles, even if your a 1st Class SOLDIER, you wouldn't escape unscatched from a fight with them." Rude lecture. "To add, i doubt you friend over there will be much of a help." Reno mocked. "Well, what do you suppose you should do then?" Zack asked crossing his arms. "Well, they asked us to capture you two alive, but i don't think taking you to Midgar will be the most safe of the solutions, so, if you want, we can take you to [url=]Junon[/url] and ship you guys to Japan." said Reno. "To what?" Zack has never heard of such a place before. "We'll explain to you on the way, now get your friend and hop on the helicopter." said Reno smirking. "Okay fine, here's your pay Mr. Trucker, we'll be dropping here." said Zack, carrying Cloud to the helicopter. End of Flashback Name: Zack and Cloud | Location: Okimara Port, Japan | Time of Day: Night Sneaking out of the boat whithout being noticed, Zack looked at the city that was in front of him. "Hmm...seems lively..." he commented. Name: Shuren Kano and Main | Location: World Crossers Guild, Okimara | Time of Day: Night BGM: [url=]Main Lobby[/url] Shuren was doing one last check up on missions, she needed to make sure there where some requests for the members once the morning arrives. "Oy, you still in there, you need to sleep early sometimes Shuren..." said a groggy Main, he went to drink to some in the kitchen, but since he needed to pass in the Main Lobby first, he saw Shuren there. "Oh, i'm sorry, i'm just checking up on the missions, so far, no requests..." said Shuren with an apologetic face, with made Main ruffle her pink hair. "Nah, it's okay, you work so hard it makes me proud of you, just don't over do it." said Main leaving the Main Lobby. "Alright, let's check this E-Mail one last" The very last E-mail picked her interest, with was coming from an anonymous, but when she opened it, it had the Shinra Eletric Company emblem on it. "W-what is this?" she commented while reading the eletronic mail.