FIRST OOC POST ON DIS- oh, wait. [b]Name:[/b] Connor Stark [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Golem [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Appearance:[/b] Connor's height grew exponentially after his transformation, moving from 5"7 to almost 17". He is a large, bulky barrel-chested golem, who's body is mostly made up of various different sizes of rock. His limbs are made up of linking boulders, starting small and growing larger as they reach his hands and feet. Connor's feet and abdomen are smaller than his upper body and hands, adding to his already massive appearance. A light moss grows mostly along the rocks linking along as his hands and feet, and some around his back and head area. He has a protruding jaw, with seemingly dark grey areas for his eyes. Upon opening his mouth, he appears to have small, pebbly teeth. Due to being the size of a telephone pole, Connor doesn't wear clothes. In one hand, he usually holds some sort of a make-shift weapon, such as a small tree or a stop sign. [b]Bio:[/b] [b][u]I'm coming home.[/u][/b] Connor Stark's life was one of relative ease. He was born into a small, rainy coastal town, to two healthy parents and into a middle-class lifestyle. Never would Connor have to struggle with poverty, or live his life out with only one parent. He lead a quiet and polite life, as was the Stark tradition. Connor was home-schooled in a large, stark white house, rarely being exposed to other children or any of the like. Connor didn't have much experience with others around his age, so he didn't gain much social skills from his childhood, whereas he should've been talking and making friends around his age. He learned the fundamentals of physics, science, history, and other subjects. In other words, Connor Stark had a very average childhood. It would be the most boring childhood anyone would have to suffer through. Connor should've continued his sheltered life. He could've used his education to get to an average college, get a desk job, and continue on with a couple of kids and a wife. But the sheltered child decided he wanted to stray from his path, and become something else, moving on from the age old tradition. It would turn out to be one of the best decisions he could've made. Connor Stark graduated from the state college, and got his diploma and gained a degree in carpentry, moving on to become one. Connor never moved from the coastal town, despite some bad childhood memories there. When he started his own carpentry business, he struggled with money for a long time, before meeting his soon to be wife. After they married, she helped to support them, and allowed them to [i]just[/i] make it in the world. Together, they had two kids. A young boy, named Nathan, a big fan of baseball. And his older sister, Ellie, who was great with school. They made a great family together, even if they did struggle with financial problems. Connor Stark made sure to keep an eye out for any other business opportunities beside being a carpenter, to try to ease the load on his wife and bring in some cash. It was always tough for him, being self-employed. Connor Stark still remembers the night he got the family computer. He had been "discovered," apparently. He found a major job opportunity in the industrialism world that would greatly help him and his family out. The job had an absolutely great pay. It was for a company called Phonetix, and the work didn't seem bad. However, there was one main problem with the business venture; the city's headquarters were almost on the other end of the country. It would take ages to get there by car, which was more cheap, but shorter by plane, but much more expensive. Connor would have to be away from his family for about two months before returning for a week before going back to Phonetix. It would be a long trip there. For a while, he argued with himself on whether he should go or not. For one, it would greatly help the family out with all of their financial problems. But for another, he would only get to see his family once a week every two months. However, his family seemed to completely support his decision to go there. And after a while, he finally went. He packed up some valuables, he gathered some money and food, and tearfully headed off to the airport. Connor bought a ticket and hopped on. After a short while there, he arrived in the big city, where he could take his job offer. Connor would describe this as about the time things began to go horribly, horribly wrong. Within two days at the city, Connor learned of the impending apocalypse in a short day. Every channel was playing it. He almost immediately rushed to the airport, only to find all of the flights blocked. It seemed all of the attendants and pilots would rather stay home with their families than stay at work. After all, why would money matter when you would be reduced to ashes in a couple of long hours? Connor became depressed and just angry. Why did he have to be stuck here, in this stupid city, trying to scrounge out a living for himself when none of it even mattered? The worst part was that when the meteor hit, he wouldn't get to be with his family to experience the world's end with them. Connor spent his last hours pondering life, sitting on a grassy knoll in a nearby park, hidden under a tree's shade. Connor remembered his last few moments well. It was roughly midnight, and the dark city sky was cloudy and plain. Not a single star was visible. But Connor knew that somewhere in the dark knight sky, hidden behind a cloud, the meteor was rushing forth at that very moment to decimate them all. And Connor felt at peace. And then a great light flashed out and a massive sound broke the silence and Connor was knocked out. When Connor awoke, he was surrounded by strange creatures. A scaly, emerald reptilian beast, with ruby eyes snorting smoke. A small raccoon, with a green light playing around it's eyes. An amorphous, blue, transparent blob. Connor screamed and backed up against a wall, but he noticed something was odd with his voice. It felt lower, and more gravelly. It had more of a rough edge to it, and he sounded more gristly than he should've been. Something was wrong with Connor's hands, too; rather than flesh and muscle, there was rock and moss. Connor soon learned of what had happened, according to some of the still sentient beings roaming the area. The meteor was detonated; however, a great shroud of mist had set in over the land, causing all humans and animals to morph into strange mythical beasts. Dragons, Chimeras, and many other species had taken over the land. Apparently, most electrical items had been completely broken due to the explosion of the meteor, too. Connor's mind immediately raced to his family, still waiting in their town, still waiting for him. What did they think? What would happen? Were they still..? Connor decided on one thing, however; he would find them. Connor began his long journey home the same day he morphed into the golem. He would have to travel across a country filled with anarchy, and depression, and madness. However, Connor swore one thing, that kept him going. [i][b]He would come home.[/b][/i] [b]Powers:[/b] Strength - Connor's durable, rocky surface and great size allows him to be much more able than the regular man. He has great strength; he can rip certain from the ground with relative ease, and shove cars aside as if they were tumbleweeds. His durable, dense outer body is extremely tough, withstanding to most simple claw and tooth attacks. It seems almost all physical attacks slide off of his body. Flexibility - Despite Connor's dense, rocky exterior, his limbs are surprisingly flexible and fluid. This is due to him having numerous rocky joints in his arms and legs. His arms are longer than his legs. Using this to his advantage, he can swing them into his foes when they can't reach him, similar to that of a gorilla or a monkey. When moving from place to place, he moves relatively like a gorilla, using his arms and knuckles to propel his body forward. Ordinary - While Connor is not too experienced in the realm of magic, he does have one type that he uses often. Ordinary is Connor's most basic form of attack, which is essentially all the physical ones. Kicking, punching, smashing, and the like fall under this category. While Connor does have few basic spells, he has yet to learn them, instead preferring the more brutish, simple physical attacks. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Water - Water is Connor's Achilles' Heel. His great strength and durability have several great downsides to them - one in that they greatly add to his heaviness. In water, Connor will sink like a stone, which he technically is. He can't even go near most forms of large bodies of water. Rain is not a problem, but massive, great spurts of water can cause him much pain. He also has a great fear of water; if he had to cross a bridge to get over a river, he'd go around. Slow - Connor is extremely slow. At his fastest sprint, he can go at about the same pace as a light jogger. The slowness results in a lot of problems. For one, Connor can't escape a battle as easily as he would be able to do before. He can't run away. He has to face whatever challenges him. For another, it greatly gets in the way of him journeying home. It's almost impossible to walk miles upon miles to get home when you can only walk slightly less than a mile per hour. Heavy - Connor's heaviness is a great problem to consider. Most small, wooden bridges he can't cross without completely breaking them. Sometimes, while walking down the road, he treads on a lighter chunk of asphalt. The lighter chunk of asphalt usually leads to his foot smashing into the road, and him being unable to get it out for several minutes. In reality, his heaviness is actually most of his water problem, but he still has a unshakable fear of water. Other: Connor's Theme - "Kill me." - Disembodied Spy Head