[b]"Ahahahaha, man!"[/b] Spinning his axe above him before bringing it down on a poor boar-pixel-creature, Whimsical laughed heartily, his long, black hair which reached the back of his knees moving with each movement he made- it was majestic as heck. Not only that, the man was burly, tall; powerfully built to be a barbarian. He carried the two-handed axe with such ease that one could assume that he'd carry it with one hand just as easily. [b]"Yoohoo!"[/b] Spotting another boar, he quickly sprinted towards the creature, holding the axe down before he leaped and brought it up, descending it into the creature with one powerful strike. The creature recoiled back and began to charge towards Whimsical, who side-stepped it, dragging the axe against it's sides; that was the last one. Quest completed. He couldn't explain how lovely this felt; he had got the combat down pretty well in the first few minutes of gaming and he loved it. Being... actually strong, different; being no match for a boar. ... And then, there was this odd, strange bell sound and before he could even take it in consideration; bam, there he was at the city- not only him, but everyone else. Whimsical glanced up at the sky, perking an eyebrow. [i]"Special event?"[/b] He whispered, mostly to himself, his green, sparkling eyes glancing towards the others. A hooded figure formed above them and began speaking nosense. [quote=Akihiko Kayaba][i]"Attention players. I welcome you to my world. My name is Akihiko Kayaba, and as of this moment, I am in control of this world. I'm sure most of you have already noticed an item missing from your main menues; the log out button. Let me assure you, this is not a defect of the game. I repeat, this is not a defect. This is how Sword Art Online was designed to be. You cannot log yourselves out of S.A.O and no one from the outside will be able to shut down or remove the nerve gear from your head. If anyone attempts to do so, a transmitter inside the nerve gear will discharge a microwave signal into your skull, destroying your brain and ending your life. Despite my warning, the family and friends of some of the players have attempted removing the nerve gear. An unfortunate decision to to say the least. As a result, the game now has 213 less players than when it began. They've been deleted both from Aincrad and the real world."[/i][/quote] "The fuck, honestly?" Whimsical once again glanced at those who were by his side, giving them inquiring, curious looks; some returned the same lost look, others were already on the verge of crying. Whimsical himself was barely understanding what exactly was going on... Or rather, he was having trouble believing and accepting this. No way... Trapped in this world? Really? [quote=Akihiko Kayaba][i]"It is important you remember the following: There is no longer any way to revive someone within the game. If your HP drops to zero, your avatar will be deleted from the system, forever. And the nerve gear will simultaneously destroy your brain. There is only one way for a player to escape; you must clear the game. Right now, you are gathered here on floor one, the lowest level of Aincrad. If you can get thru the dungeon and defeat the boss, you may advance to the next floor. Defeat the boss on floor 100 and you will clear the game. Last but not least, I've placed a little present in the item storage of every player. Please, have a look."[/i][/quote] Oh, now Whimsical could understand it. Basically, they were living in this world opposed to reality; and holy shit, how that sucked. How... The hell was he supposed to keep his cool with this? His hand slowly moved up to his face, as if he'd manage to hold himself up with this act. His eyes were widen, pupils dilated; the shock was too extreme for him. Moving the hand which was in his face forward, clicking the air; he accessed his item menu and noticed the mirror there. He took it, looking himself over. Hmm, not too bad- Wait, what in the actual hell? So, to better emphasise the fact that they were living in this world opposed to reality, that imbecile even turned their avatars into themselves? His hand briefly ran over his red hair, his amber eyes scanning around himself. How was everyone dealing with this, honestly? [quote=Akihiko Kayaba][i]"Right now, you're all probably wondering why. Why would Akihiko Kayaba, developer of Sword Art Online and Nerve Gear do this? Ultimately, my goal was a simple one. The reason I created Sword Art Online was to control the fate of a world of my design. As you can see, i have achieved my goal. This marks the end of the tutorial, and the official launch of Sword Art Online. Players, I wish you the best of luck."[/i][/quote] [b]"Yeah, thank you for granting us luck in not dying, freak!"[/b] Whimsical shouted, expressing how frustated- and somewhat scared he was, right now. But... He couldn't allow these emotions to overtake him, no. He'd need to become strong- so he'd never die, not even get anywhere close to it. This was the floor one, it was highly unlikely that they'd be facing boars all the way to the 100th floor. Rolling his shoulders, he moved towards a woman who previously handed him the quest to kill ten boars- turning it in, he received a bit of experience and money. [b]"... Damn, man. This is totally not my type of game."[/b]