[center]~One month later~ Floor 1[/center] Kiyomi crouched behind a tree in the west fields of floor one. She glared with a cold look at a man she'd been following for a week now. She was waiting for the right time...to return a favor he'd done for her the second day she was in the game. A few ways out of the third town on floor one, this man named Shougo had attacked her, beaten her senseless until she was nearly dead. All in an attempt to get her items. Even after she'd handed them over, he had left her in an alley to die. If not for a man with short black hair who had come along to heal her before running off, she would have died. Now 14 levels stronger, she was here to take this guy down and repay him for teaching her a lesson in fear. Shougo had his back to her and she silently walked over to him. She initiated a duel and he looked confused before turning to look at her. "Hello there. Remember me?" she said with a cold look. He smirked, and she knew he recognized her. Clicking accept, he shook his head. "Come here for another beating, bitch?" he said as if not surprised. He knew she would find him, and he seemed ready. Not answering, she took out her Rapier and he did as well. He had a Saigo. Not rare, but not too common. No doubt stronger than hers, but she had learned a new skill and she was sure she'd win. Charging at him, they exchanged a few cut and blows to eachother. Her dodging abilities were superior to his, however, and soon he was in the lowest part of his green zone. Her anger was fueling her, and that was something he wasent ready for. Activating her Quadruple Pain skill she just learned, she attacked him. "Haaah! Take this you bastard!" he tried to block but once the attack hit, his HP dropped to yellow and he fell back, paralyzed. The winning screen popped up and she accepted the exp and money. Kiyomi closed her eyes and sheathed her rapier before pulling out her two throwing picks and kneeling on his chest. She drived her picks into each of his hands, pinning him to the ground. He looked panicked as she did. "What do you want from me!?" he yelled, obviously afraid as his HP dropped more. "You left me for dead. Why?" she demanded him to answer. "I'm sorry, i was just desperate. Please let me go." he begged. "I wont. You left me to die so i will return that favor to you. I was lucky someone came by to save me." she leaned her face close to his and whispered menacingly. "Let's see if your [i]desperation[/i] saves you tonight before that poison on your hands kills you. I wonder if you wont be so lucky." she hissed before standing and moving away from him. His HP slowly declined and he simply lay there, mortified. "If your lucky, someone will find you." she said walking away. "And one more thing. If you live, here's a piece of advice. If you plan on pissing off a girl, make sure she's dead or she will hunt you down to the other side of this world." Smiling, she crossed her arms behind her back and walked back to the nearest town. She went into a restaurant and sat to get some food. An hour passed before she left and went to roam the streets, as she walked a screen popped up in front of her. It was an items list and a load of money. One of the items was a Saigo Rapier. Smirking she equipped it along with a white hood that changed to her green outfit color. It fell to past her ankles because of her short height. "Poor Shougo. Guess no one found you." she murmuredto herself as she continued walking. Her cursor turned to a light orange one. Kiyomi knew she had just become one of the orange players everyone would avoid.