Here goes my app. Name: Elena Letendre Gender: Female Species:Dragon Age: 22 Appearance: Elena is a 2 legged dragon with dark blue scales all around her body, a large long tail with a spike at the end. She also have 2 front limb used for arms. She his about human size, just a bit higher. She had a large neck as well as 1 horn on her nose. Her eyes are of a deep light blue color, and her wings are rather large. Her underbelly has ligher blue scale coloring . She also has a half broken moon necklace around her neck. Bio: Where to start… Elena never knew her real parents. She had been adopted at a very young age by a loving mother and father. She never knew what happen to her real family, only that they supposedly were not ready to have a child yet and that she was put into adoption soon after because of this. So she had lived with her adoptive family for as long as she could remembered, thinking of them as her real family. In this family, there were her mother and father, as well as her older brother, who would always get trouble at school. He though that school was useless, and wanted to explore, live life to its fullest. Elena’s parents always tried to make him understand that he had to be good at school if he wanted a good way of life… but it was no use… He would not listen, and would cause quite some yelling and anger in the house. Elena, on her side, would always listen at school, be a attentive daughter, but was seeing more and more her brother hanging out with some shady characters. People that you did not want to mess with. That was when she was 14 and her bother 16. She was worried about him and would tell her parents, but this caused her bother to be mad at her, telling her to mind her own business and that it was his life. She only wanted him to understand also. Her parents always looked at her highly compare to her brother, and it seemed that because of this, his brother did not care anymore of what his parents though. Rebellious to say the least. Her life continued on normally until the age of 19, when her bother suddenly disappeared. They did not know what happen, or where he went. It was as if he had disappeared in thin air, no news about him or anything. Her parents tried to find him and talk to him, but with no luck. Because of this, Elena felt a deep concern. Even if he and her never really got along too much, they were brother and sisters, even if she was adopted… After this, day after day she searched, trying to find clues over the internet and such. She had to find him… she had to see what happen to him. She searched, did her own detective case, but with no luck. He was gone, and they did not know what happened… That is until the age of 21, when a mysterious package arrive in the mail for her. No address and no return postage. She opened it, only to see half a necklace, one that her bother made a long time ago, one of those days that he actually cared of his family when they were younger. Inside, a message saying that he was sorry, and that one day they might meet back again… She stares at the necklace for a long hour. He was still alive… but where was he... Her parents told her that it was no use even if he was alive, that he was lost, but she knew otherwise. After all the years of studies in tourism, she decide that it was time. She setted out, searching the world, going place to places, searching for her lost brother, necklace on her neck. One day… one day she might find him. Then… the day that everyone changed, she had been transformed into a dark blue scaled dragon… A beast of legends. She did not know how… she did not understand why… but when she saw the chaos that happened, she knew that the world if nothing were to be done. Then she was suddenly worried about her parents, and headed back home quickly, flying as fast she could, avoiding everyone she could. She was lucky cause work made her go somewhere close to her old home When she arrived though, the only thing she saw was her house in rubble, with strange creatures lurking, staring at her. She felt watched… and holded her necklace close to her. Something then walked toward her, but Elena was too worried, seeing the shadows moving towards her. She then instinctively let out a dark bolt and flew away from the place, too worried about what might happen if she stayed. The world had become too weird, and her mind was too confused. Where were her parents, what happen to them? She did not know, and flew away… She had to know what she would do next… Or else this new world might be the end of her Powers: Elena is able to use Darkness magic as well as Water magic. Currently she is able to make dark bolts as well as controlling shadows slightly entangle something, as well as creating water bubble shields and water jets. Weaknesses: Unfortunately for her, she is not very resistant to lightning, as well as being terrified of it. She also is not too strong with physical hits. Other:Nope.