[i]"Players, I wish you the best of luck."[/i] Titan's eyes widened, before blossoming into crimson slits. A grin, slightly unhinged, formed on his face. "I see your game..." A chuckle. "And I'll play it. For now." ----- [center][b]Floor 1 - Dire Mountain[/b][/center] There was no sun shining brightly over the sharp, rugged hills and incoves that dotted Dire Mountain. A constant ashy mist floats in from the surrounding forests, giving the large mountainous region a misty, intimidating appearance. Throughout the numerous ridges and caves, you could hear the occasional howls echoing, slamming against the stone caverns before releasing out into the dreary atmosphere, giving any players foolish enough to venture out this far constant chills. This is a location located miles away from the Starting City, and even farther away from the misc cities you would see after leaving the safety of your beginning spawn. It's recommended that players level 15 and plus hunt here, and even then, it's extremely risky without backup not too far away... - A large, intimidating figure made his way through the numerous paths and cave links that dots throughout Dire Mountain. He wore tight, mottled black steel armor that glistened slightly in the dusky mist that wisped throughout the leaking cave, along with leather-sewn steel greaves and boots. The figure had no face to speak of - only a deep black helmet that only revealed glowing crimson eyes, and a sinister, white-toothed smirk. In his left hand he wielded a large iron kite-shield, forged with spiked corners and edges that would allow the user to bash enemies into oblivion, while his right hand clenched the handle of a large, practical steel spear with a sturdy oaken handle. His name...was Titan. The man's armored form moved through the tight crevices, and leaky ridges with obvious ease, as the male was obviously used to this location quite readily. Crimson orbs constantly moved from left to right. "It should be...hear." He muttered. Titan's voice is what you would expect from someone of his stature and appearance - a deep, gravelly voice that seems to be used moreso for warcries and growling, rather than whispering acknowledgements. The thing he was looking for was quite simple - although there were numerous lethal mobs scurrying through Dire Mountain, a lot a lot, actually, there was a certain cave that triggered a Mob Trap. Basically, if you're stupid enough to step onto a stone pad, then a group of Mobs would fall from some sort of trap door above, while the stone cavern around you shut it's entrances in stone sheets of wall, leaving you trapped. It was a trap to quickly kill ballsy explorers, and if you survived you got the loot from the mobs, and the experience. In Titan's eyes, it was worth it. He slid a potion into his mouth, clenching the small glass bottle between his teeth before bringing his shield and spear to bear. A grin overcame his mouth over the poultice, and he clenched his teeth, activating the slow-moving, but long-lasting potion effect, before charging into the large, tall, and spacious cavern room that he oh-so-adored. His boot stepped hard into a stone switch, and then he was in the middle of the cavern, roaring at the top of his lungs, as numerous Dire Wolves, Dire Bears, and Mutant Bats swarmed from the above, screeching loudly. [b]"All...I see...is DEATH!"[/b] He charged into the masses. - The first thing Titan saw was a group of four Dire Wolves and one Alpha Dire Wolf lunging into his immediate vicinity, while two snarling Dire Bears juked to his right. The armored 'Spartan' charged into the Wolves' attack, slamming his iron shield into two of their snouts, tossing their paralyzed bodies to the side, before rolling his arm and bringing his spear high into the air, the tip glowing an ominous red. [b]"Weak!"[/b] His arms moved on their own accord, the spear being jabbed brutally into all three of the attacking wolves' snout before a booted foot slammed into the Alpha's chin, bringing him into the air while the other two burst into data. At this time the two Bears had gotten close to his back, releasing a barrage of scratches at Titan's back armor, but he ignored the wittling of Health, turning around on the spot and stabbing the leading Bear through the chest with his spear. Behind him, he heard the Alpha Dire Wolf explode into particles, while the two runts from before slowly stood up from the paralyzing bash that took them out of the fight first. [b]"This is what I'm talking about!"[/b] The two wolves leaped onto Titan's shoulders, clawing into the crevices of his helmet, while Titan quickly killed off the two Dire Bears with another >>Steel Barrage<< from his spear. Growling, he threw his two weapons into the air, piercing the hearts of three of the scavenging little Mutant Bats, before grabbing the two wolves' within his hands and throwing them into the air, as his two weapons began falling once more, killing the wolves and landing into his outstretched hands. The entrances and exits opened once more. "All for the glory..." he whispered, glancing at his health. Yellow. Snorting, Titan clicked through all of the menus, putting away the numerous hides, furs, corpses, meats, and gold before clicking out of the experience menus. A solid thumping erupted from the caves surrounding the one he was in, which was located deep in the center of Mountain Dire, and Titan held back a chuckle. "Whimsical." He headed towards the sound of battle. Most-likely the axe-wielding barbarian was taking on the Field Boss that protected the mountain from cowards and weaklings. Titan knew that Whimsical probably wanted to do it on his own, but he wanted to at least see his partner in crime behead the powerful beast.