Miss.Anastasia called me here, and allowed me to make a CS hence i will! [hider=CS] [center][I]''In the name of our king''[/I] Name/title: Sir. Apollinaris Age: 45 Appearance (In armor): [Img]http://www.google.se/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&docid=78geAJt05omNNM&tbnid=gRJbxllrGgeYuM:&ved=0CAUQjBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Ffc01.deviantart.net%2Ffs71%2Fi%2F2012%2F261%2Fd%2Fa%2Frussian_knight_by_luillo-d5ev78n.jpg&ei=QLV7U-yLDqiO4gSt94DADA&psig=AFQjCNHbDxwxUpqjQYLX6TPvNUtQ0o6Kyg&ust=1400702656311900[/IMG]. Appearance (without amror): [img]http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/07/12/article-0-1AA9CEFA000005DC-642_308x425.jpg[/img] Bio: His home is in the east, in the old world mountains is no more. His castle was raided by filthy pagans, his wife and old child killed in the end, driving this knight to take up new vows. Before the collapse of his small voivodeship he was one of the many petty nobles of the east who thought himself indestructible. Raised by his father to be a lord, a champion and a axe master, he was learned from the age of 6 several ways to deface, kill, ruin or otherwise remove his foes from power. This was damn useful since his father had several bastards who tried several times to take his life. This, the constant warfare and drilling made Apollinaris in to a dangerous and slightly unhinged man. If not for the fact he was a honour bounded knight he would have indeed been a ravening madman. As the ages passed he married only once to a fair maiden (his father's final wish) and he did indeed bring one son in to this world. That was some years ago...now he is a knight of the English court. Besides his strange sounding name and perhaps his ascent few things hit at his origin. He however dreams of becoming what he once was...then his vows weigh him down again, reminding him that his place is at the king's side...not in his place. Personality: Several years of fighting has left Apollinaris tough. Very very tough and willing to exchange words of harsh tone. His world view is harsher then most, since he in his own eyes is a knight. Knights have vows to follow, honour to uphold and of course must be the example in all things. When he swears a oath he will die before breaking it. Its the only way he can cope with his fall from his old life. He speaks in slow methodical pace.[/center][/hider]