[quote=solamelike] Would you really go to WalMart for a gun?I would rather go to a gun shop where they probably no more about what they are selling and can help you if need be. [/quote] I try not to go to Walmart for anything, except maybe for socks and underwear. I do agree, that if you are going to get a "specialty" item, you should go to a store that is devoted to it: Audio Visual equipment? Go to the right store. The clowns at Future Shop, Best Buy, etc, don't know sweet fuck all. Computer Equipment? Computer store (Or buy the parts online and build it yourself you nancy!). Bike? Got to a fucking bike shop for fuck's sake (People building bikes in box stores do not know what the fuck they are doing)! Etc. Need a firearm? Go to a gun store. But finding it "wtf" worthy that Walmart sells firearms, I do not.