The wind rushed past, lights streams flying by in the side of a visor as the black and read motorcycle leaned avoiding cars on the free way heading into the city of LA. "I can feel them" the voice inside of the mind of Victor Faust spoke. Victor himself was quite as he passed cars. People that were on their way home from work, going out for the night, going to parties and living their lives like nothing was wrong. Most of them will die this night. Victor was deep in thought as he rode through the night. "We are not alone in our Hunt" that voice spoke to him once more. "I know" Victor said before turning, veering onto an off ramp he rode down off of the free way descending down into the city streets. Victor's eyes glowed with a dark light as he started to speak, chanting as the voice of the demon overlaid his one. This chant would call out to the Demon Souls, would fill their ears. Soon he was pulling off into a parking lot, slowing down and killing the motor as he ran a hand through his long black hair. "lets hope the children know to answer the call." Though it didn't take long, soon they were not alone though it was not the Demon's they waited for. falling from the skies descended mortals, possessed by demons five in total as a tall man walked out front. "So the first Demon Souls shows himself, Tell me how did you learn that spell" Spoke the tall man, looking with eyes of pure black. "The time for subtlety is over" spoke Victor Faust, he could feel the demon in side of him smile and laugh as soon dark black smoke poured from his body. Dark lightning arching in those clouds as his laughter cut through the night as the demon's eyes went wide. Stepping back. "What, you should not have awoken yet, it is not time" spoke the Hellspawn acting as the voice. Out in into the World Tenebrae laughed as dark energy erupted around him licking at the at the night air. The dark energy behind that helmet glowed out. "And yet Here i am" spoke Tenebrae in his dark terrifying voice. Towering over any mortal he stepped out around that human on a bike. The ground burned with his steps as the sound of armor clanked and chains rattled. "How short sighted are the Minions of hell" he spoke as that walking armor filled with energy moved toward the small group "make it quick Tenebrae" Victor spoke sitting up and looking down at his watch "the others should be near by, I can feel them. It shouldn't be long now." he said. "He has only just awoken, he is still weak kill him" shouted the demon as all five of them moved to attack. With out hesitation they charged forward as Tenebrae only laughed and with a swipe of his claws ripped the first of them down as blood and gore flew out, his eyes glowing shooting out a light as the demon soul inside perished. Turning he punched his hand forward with claws out reaching though it's chest and ripping out it's hear as it fell over with that same glow of inner light of a demon's demise. Those chains flashed to life flying out catching one in the air, another going through the gut of the other as they were suspended in the air. Crying out in agony as they glowed Tenebrae walked up to the last of them "And so your torment ends" as that large hand grabbed his head squeezing it down and crushing his skull. "Hide your self, we don't want to spook our guest" Victor spoke as Dark clouds sprouted out of the back of Tenebrae as wings formed. Launching into the air. Victor was left alone now to his own thoughts. Raising his watch he looked at the time. "two more hours till the end of the world, " he said crossing his arms and leaning back "and for two ours they are defenseless." he added on. As he sat on his bike. That spell would call out to the demon souls, drawing them to this spot, hopefully before any possesed find them.