[Ruby Rose, Vale, Afternoon] The young leader of Team RWBY, Ruby Rose was walking in the city of Vale to do some errands for the team to prepare for the festival and tournament. She was excited to be matching wits hopefully with skilled opponents as well as the prospect of seeing new weopons. Drooling a bit she wiped it off as she began to head to the bakery to pick up some treats when she heard a ship was down in the docks bound for another place. She zipped along towards the docks hoping she could see this ship her tasks forgotten. [Shizuru, Fuka Gakuen,Japan, Nighttime] Shizuru paused in her studies hearing a alarm go off. "A intruder? At this time of night?" She said as she took it upon herself to deal with the matter at hand. The sound came from the way to Lord Kakoyu. It confused her why anyone would want to go to that place which held so many bad memories for her but she left her stuff then stood and headed to where the so called intruder was.