[center][b][u]Whimsical[/u] and [u]Titan[/u][/b] - The Hunt Never Ceases[/center] [hider=Friendship]Whimsical looked up at Titan as he replied; eliminating a young dire wolf with utmost ease with an incredible casualness, as well. The red-haired man eyed his axe over, dragging two slender fingers over it's handle; it seemed as if it was composed of bones, however, it was extremely resistant. It felt cold as well, colder than usual, but Whimsical had absolutely no idea of what the reason might be. When Titan landed onto the ground, the red-haired barbarian spun the axe around before slinging it onto his back, held by a leather cord. [b]"I got two of them."[/b] He spoke out, exhaling a sigh right after. [b]"As you know, I've been working on my blacksmithing skills too. I can't become dependent of someone to forge and improve my weapons and equipment."[/b] He paused, his right hand moving up, index finger clicking the air as if he was accessing an invisible touch-screen. Soon, a glowing, silver-horn appeared on his hand. He held it out to his friend. [b]"You can still have one, though. Say, how about we rest for a while? Perhaps we could even return to the nearest town, I just got 10,000col from this big guy, I'm sure I could afford a better equipment- at least a single piece."[/b] Yet again, he paused, opening a wide, flashy grin. [b]"The same dude who told me about this field boss- and that he dropped a rare two-handed axe item- also told me that he respawns every ten hours. The horns are guaranteed drops and once we refine it, we get at least two silver-ingots, depending on material refining ability, uh. I'm talking far more than I'm used to."[/b] Apparently talking was something that he either disliked, or something that exhausted him. He had to take a few, long deep breathes, even walking to the left, then to the right... then in circles. Finally, after at least thirty seconds, he began speaking again. [b]"Anyway. Four ingots in ten hours, eight in twenty hours. We will need at least fourty hours to gather sixteen- eight for each of us, which is more than enough to forge something good. It's not as good as going into the labyrinth and getting it there, but it's easier, since it's not crowded in here and we don't have to compete. At least not for now."[/b] Finally, he finished explaining all the unnecessary details. A low humming sound vibrated throughout the clearing as Titan quickly absorbed and processed the information. The tall player wasn't an idiot, despite the stereotypes most people have about 'brutes', and he quickly stored away all of the details for later use. [b]"No rest for the wicked,"[/b] the man's dark, gravelly voice cut through the air like a steel blade, [b]"But cooling off for a bit shouldn't be too bad."[/b] As he finished speaking, Titan slashed his finger through the air, hitting an invisible 'hotkey' that quickly unequiped his helmet, leaving his face in view. Despite aging being impossible in Sword Art Online, mostly because of the virtual pixelation that all players...are, well, are, a few more scars now litter Titan's face, due to him momentarily turning off the pain-negating option everytime he felt no challenge. One scar, an angry red, jaggedly cuts from his forehead and down through his nose, ending near his jaw, while another cuts over his eyebrow and eye, thankfully just avoiding his retinas and, therefore, blindness. He had recently cut and dyed his hair as well, leaving it short and black, sweeping backwards and only bolstering his already intimidating features. However, an easy-going grin was now on his face, instead of the scowl of hatred you'd expect from his appearance. Accepting the horn with a nod of thanks, Titan clenched his hand, bringing it up to his face and slowly unclenching it, a small pouch of col sitting in the middle. [b]"Recent grinding's been good. I'll give you 250col for the horn. Thanks."[/b] Although it probably wasn't necessary, Titan always liked to pay back his dues, even if it's over simpler things like glasses of ale or stale bread. Tossing the pouch at Whimsical, Titan turned around, stretching his muscular arms over his head with an echoing crack of bones realigning themselves. [b]"Oh...yeah. Shit."[/b] His hands moved nimbly through the menu, before clicking a button. [i]>>Pain Negation On<<[/i] His Perception skill suddenly blasted to life, and the scowl was back, Titan whipping around, spear clenched in his hand as if he was about to throw it like a javelin. A blazing crimson glow had surrounded the entire weapon, and his shield glowed a similar orange, both tools of war ready to slay a beast. It was only a fleeting figure, however, and Titan gave a small snort before sheathing his spear on his back, his shield resting over the spear's hilt and keeping it in place. He turned back to Whimsical as if he wasn't just about to completely curbstomp some random player or mob. [b]"Teleport Crystal, or do you want to walk the long way?"[/b] A Mutant Bat flitted from the cave behind the two, but Titan ignored it in favor of giving his attention to the smaller man beside him. When the intimidating man took his helmet off, Whimsical brought his hand up to feel his own face. Nope, no scar; his face was as beautiful as ever. He never understood why the man left the pain negation off when in combat, but he never asked, either. His business, after all- everyone had their own habits and ways of doing things. Titan's way as... brutal, to say the least. He had seen him fighting, it was always a good show, better than Whimsical himself- except for the outcome. A beheaded monster always proved to be awe-inspiring, at least to Whimsical. He couldn't help but grin at the first few words the man spoke, though; ah, these moments where he wasn't entirely serious were rare, but it wasn't like Whimsical didn't enjoy the man's seriousness. The two of them were similar, they were focused on surviving. Whimsical moved his hand up to catch the pouch with the col on it, which disappeared as the quantity was added to his inventory. He watched quietly, snickering when the man complained after stretching. And right after, he raised the spear- and his shield, both glowing as he apparently prepared to shoot his spear like a javelin, but simply snorted and sheathed his spear. The red-haired man exhaled a soft sigh, shaking his head slowly. [b]"One day, you'll end up killing someone on accident."[/b] He spoke out, his tone serious- even if he wasn't scolding Titan or something like that. [b]"We do you know any other high level location here in floor one? We need to find something exciting to do while we wait... ten hours to return here. Perhaps slaying some.. more difficult beasts."[/b] Titan brought his right hand up, tracing the outline of his trimmed black beard. He was well-aware of the bone-white and ashy gray forest that treads along the area past the intimidating bulk of Dire Mountain, and had even wandered a mile or so into it's depths, only to be occasionally bombarded by certain mobs. He cleared them out, of course, but it was really dangerous to venture in without backup. However, he was confident that he and his companion could pave a deep path of glory within the walls of Sword Art Online, so what was a little forest to their combined might? [b]"There's a location right pass the mountain. It's uncharted, as the Beta Testers couldn't get far into the forest without getting careless and dying. It's tough, but it should be worth it, if not for the experience."[/b] he spoke, taking out his own teleportation crystal and clenching the fragile glass between two fingers. [b]"Teleporting up the mountain would be stupid, however."[/b] A grin materialized on his face, and Titan slammed his fists together, giving his companion a challenging glare. [b]"Race you up the mountain."[/b][/hider]