[center][b]Floor One- One month Past[/b][/center] ------------- He could still hardly believe it, he could see! Yet another thing he could hardly believe was that he had been stuck in this game for a month, a bittersweet moment for Jack. On one side he regained his sight, and the other a very high chance for death at any moment. Still, he had to admit to himself that he was slightly happy he couldn't leave the game, it just meant more time being normal again. He didn't have much of a life outside the game anyways. No friends, no purpose, not much of a life worth living. Although still lacking a group of friends, he reattained his sense of purpose through SAO. His goal for this game was to save as many people as he could. The past month had went by in a blur, with all the new experiences and places to see for himself. He had spent the majority of the time just walking around and taking the view of Aincrad in. He couldn't wait to see more of this beautiful, dangerous world he had been forcefully immersed in. Unlike most, the combat wasn't one of his favorite parts of the game, but it was necessary to accomplish his goals. He couldn't help but feel a little self righteous and remorseful, he wanted to clear the game more for himself and to see as much as he could, rather than help the others make it out alive. That's the way he has always been though, wanting to change and help other people outwardly, but deep inside, it was all about Jack. A nearby yell broke Jack's concentration. [i]Might as well see what the noise is about,[/i] Jack thought as pushing himself off of the bench he was resting on. It was strange that even in a game they could program how his knee always seemed to click when standing up. The strangest part to him was that it felt more like real life than outside the Nervegear. [i]No, no, no[/i], the voice in Jack's mind yelled as he turned toward the source of the sound he had heard before. He brushed himself off and began walking.