[Lancer, Fuka Academy, Japan, Nighttime] Lancer stepped off of the final canal and walked towards the throne that Lord Kokuyou once sat upon. It was, to his surprise, a rather nice defensive location. Taking a moment to admire the place, he chuckled at the thought of comparing it to his high summit castle he once had in Wallachia. With it being the centre of the HIME festivals that had occurred every 300 years since untold times, it held quite the magical power. Yes, this place would do nicely. While in most cases Demonic Defender of the State would take two months to establish, Lancer had found a shortcut to the effect. Reaching into a coat pocket, Lancer tied one end of a string to a stake on the ground and began letting the string into the canal surrounding the central throne in a circle to establish an inner territory. The rest of the academy could come later.