[Onslaught/Swindle/Brawl, Fuka Japan, Nighttime] The Combaticons transformed, each one becoming a unique looking 30 foot tall mechanical humanoid. "I think this is too small for us to fit." Swindle pointed out. Onslaught nodded, "Brawl, carve an entrance" The Combaticon leader said, backing away along with Swindle. Brawl transformed into his artillery mode, ready to reduce the building to rubble. The plan was for Brawl's cannon fire to expand the entrance to the power source large enough that they could fit. Brawl did just that, making a pathway large enough for them enter in robot form. Scanning ahead, they made sure that there would be no surprises. They detected a canal, and started walking through it. Their sensors were now pinpointing the power source, and they headed right for it. "Be on guard, there might be all sorts of defenses" Onslaught said, and the Combaticons each equipped their weapons. [Vortex/Blast Off, Fuka Japan (high altitude), Nighttime] From the surface of where the structure had once been, a large plume of smoke was rising. It would be visible from miles, and no doubt someone would come and check it out. The Combaticon flyers decreased their altitude, and prepared to stall any intruders to their operation, They would not hesitate to shoot anything that came near, both combative intruders as well as bystanders.