[b]Jessalyn - Woods / House - Floyd[/b] Jessalyn's smile faded when Floyd acted so cooly towards her. She couldn't help but feel sad when he acted that way, especially when she was trying to get closer to him. They had been traveling and surviving together for quite a while now. She just kept hoping he woudld start treating her as more then a stranger, or a cute animal he had picked up and was caring for. She wanted to be his friend. She wanted to be... His words made her head snap up. Pack? Right, the house. Jess nodded without speaking and packed what little they had. She carried one of the bags while he carried the other stuff. She felt badly about him carrying the bulk of their things, but she really couldn't in her condition. The walk through the woods was silent. Jess felt the distance he purposefully put between them. It made her sad. She felt... lonely. It was a strange feeling, to be lonely with another person there. Well, two actually. The corners of her mouth turned up as she patted her stomach gently. The house was lovely in her eyes. A little dirty and unkept but that was to be expected. Once she got to work on it... she could already see it in her mind : a nice little home for the three of them. Because she refused to even entertain the possibility that Floyd would leave her and her baby behind. Entering the house, she brushed off the table and set her bag down. She began unpacking in the just-the-right-size kitchen, setting everything in a certain place and sorting things. She managed to find a rag in one of the drawers and started wiping the layers of dust and dirt off of the counters. She opened her mouth to break the silence, but closed it again when she couldn't think of anything valuable to say.