Just as he turned the corner, Jack spotted a small crowd gathering, and heard a higher pitched yell than the original he had heard earlier coming from the middle of it. Quickening his pace from a slow walk to a moderate jog, the gap between himself and the crowd dissipated. [i]I didn't think it'd be this far...[/i] Being closer, he could make out more of what was being said, "YOU DON"T EVEN KNOW WHAT HE'S DONE!" The higher pitched voice sounded more feminine as the distance reduced, she or what sounded like a she, was to say the least, upset. He needed a closer look. Approaching the edge of the crowd, he tried to look for a spot to squeeze through, a difficult task for someone of his proportions. Managing to spot a passageway into what seemed to be a labyrinth of people, Jack nudged through, close enough to see the argument unfold. The feminine voice originated from a skinny young girl with long brown hair drawn out into two ponytails. This woman was staring at a younger blonde man with what seemed to be pure hatred. This must have been the source of the other voice he had heard earlier. Finishing her vocal explosion, the woman wandered off to "Dire Mountain", leaving Blondie awestruck and mouth agape. [i]Is that girl going to be ok? Or... No, no, I best see to it.[/i] He had felt an urge to help the girl, what she had done shouldn't have branded her permanently in this game, or at all even in Jack's mind. "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets", or so the Bible commands. [i]This will be my first damsel in distress! Helios, off to save the day![/i] With his heroic internal monologue, he set off after the mystery girl, who liked to bathe in blood and thought people were monsters. The thought sent a chill down his spine, [i]I should really rethink my strategy of how to talk to this one[/i] Tracking the girl all the way from town to Dire Mountain proved more difficult than expected, more than likely because his tracking skill was next to zero, one to be exact. To find her he mainly asked other players who happened to be coming from the other direction if they had seen her. Most had, leading him steadily closer to the girl he had hoped to connect with. The woman seemed like an outcast, a role that Jack Fischer was all to familiar with. Being a fellow outlier to society Jack felt an odd sort of kinship with her, although having never actually spoken to her. This feeling drove his false sense of bravado to a peak, leaving aside all doubts, he needed to speak with her and express that she is not alone in the world. The figure in front of him started to clear up and come into focus, upon further inspection it had two long swinging tails. [i]Ponytails?[/i] Quickening his pace yet again for a complete stranger, the distance closed at an exponentially greater amount. After closing the gap he fell in stride beside her. She didn't even look at him, must have been in deep thought. [i]Might as well let her finish her thoughts..[/i], but that was only an excuse, for he choked up. The social skills he had once had years ago were rusty, and had no idea what to say. His excitement and bravado were gone and replaced by anxiety and cowardice. He managed to stammer out, "[b]Y-you were r-ight you know, n-not entirely[/b], he felt more confidence in the words he spoke, [b]but from what I heard, he had it coming. Don't worry about it alright?"[/b]