Well this was going to be... Fun. Nathaniel had spent the last few hours trying to navigate the decks and create a mental map of all the things that he might need to use or work with. This proved difficult to say the least especially since Nate had been lost in the lower deck most of the time. It was hard to navigate and locate necessary items all at once in this unfamiliar ship. One of the things that he used as reference points were blood stains on the walls and pipes. Nathaniel tried to keep his distance from most of the crew, he knew little about what dangers they'd face. If the remains of the past crew were any indicator it could get pretty gruesome and the last thing he'd need is someone he cared about dieing. He knew eventually he'd get attached but the inevitable could be delayed for at least a little bit. After he got himself situated he just let his legs carry him around the ship and thought. He couldn't wait until he got enough money so he could quit this job and get back to the rebellion. He didn't know the crew very well. The members he did know seemed off, to say the least. However this was solely a lone operation in his mind, he just had to get the job done. The ship was in pretty great condition compared to the ships he was used to working on. The best part about it was there was so much to climb on down in the lower deck, it was a metal paradise. He could hop about and swing around corners, he could let loose and blow off some steam down there. He doubted he'd sleep in his actual cabin, all Nate needed was a nice pipe to lay on. Nevertheless he still went back to his room to relax, he had dropped his stuff off earlier and through his clothes and sheets on the bed. When he entered everything seemed to be in order. His bed wasn't made but this place seemed pretty spotless, almost clean. Nate began to make his bed and shift things around in the room. It was just the right size for him, all it needed was a hammock. But who was he kidding this wasn't a vacation this was work, all he needed was a cot like they had in the rebel barracks. However this mattress was softer had less broken pieces, and the sheets from rebel camp made him feel right at home. Then a ding sounded from his desk drawer, it was time for the meeting. Nate found the mess hall with no trouble at all, he quickly entered and promptly took his seat. The mess hall was set up like one of his group therapy rooms, he sat with his feet tucked up onto his seat. He watched Jane as she entered, he could feel the confidence and he was sure the others did too. Her speech was right to the point, he liked that. However he didn't need her to "have his back" he was far from helpless. She would make a fine leader however personality wise they would most likely butt heads. That's when Eckhart came in, he liked Eckhart immediately. The man had charisma, and a very free attitude. What was that he said about dieing? He'd catch him later about it, since the man seemed to be working at FTL pace. Nate decided he'd rather not engage in any conversation with his colleagues and would let them come to him.