"I would just like to take a moment to thank all of you for coming out this evening, with the donations we've collected over 450,000 dollars for the various featured charities. But not only that, all of your compliments on the museum have all been very much personally appreciated. This has been a personal project of love for me the last six months, and hopefully it all came through. Before though I say anything more, I would like a moment of silence. There are plenty of the heroes who this museum honors here tonight, but plenty more gave their lives protecting us all. Not only that but the firefighters, police officers, paramedics, just as important heroes who will be getting their own wing of this museum soon. For all those heroes who can't be with us I ask for a moment of reflection..." Those in attendance who were near Franklin speaking through the microphone or heard him through the speakers all did as Franklin lead. Finally Franklin brought a smile back to his face and the microphone back up. "Alright well hopefully I didn't bring things too far down after that. Please enjoy yourselves tonight, if you See Tony Stark be sure to show him some love too. As a lot of this was as much his work as mine. Thank you for your time..." Franklin awkwardly put the microphone down and stepped off the small stage at the entrance. Gesturing to the kind applause he got in response. As he strolled away and welcomed some of the guests in kind one of the officials in charge of security leaned in. "Sir, we're getting reports someone here is claiming to be Loki's kid." Franklin heard him whisper into his ear. Almost requiring Franklin needing a moment to decide if the idea was funny or very dangerous. "What has he done so far." "He was talking to Ms. Stark but his been hard to spot after that." "Have security keep an eye on him. Lets just assume his crazy for now." The security official nodded and left him to his work as he got a cup of water. Sighing and looking around a bit before Franklin's vision suddenly went dark with large orange rocky hands. "Hey Frankie guess who?" The large gravel like voice boomed out. Making the young man smile. "Is it my favorite uncle ever?" Franklin playfully asked. "HEY I THOUGHT I WAS!" Franklin turned and his neck stretched his head up over his uncle Ben's large hands. As Franklin's mom, dad, as well as Uncle Ben along with Uncle Johnny with his wife Lyja all came in. "No you guys are both awesome!" Franklin responded to his uncle Johnny and proceeded to get a hug in with all of them using outstretched arms. "Oh I'm so glad you guys could make it out." Franklin pulled back as he started to make small talk with uncle Johnny and Ben. Having not seen either of them in some time, as well as his parents. After a bit more of scripted conversation, Caiden departed from Peter and MJ, looking around the museum for a bit. The Superpower Simulator seemed cool, but he didn't want to be caught in there as Spider-Man. He already had superpowers, after all. As he walked, he caught sight of Tony Stark and his daughter, Phoebe. The Iron Maiden was getting wooed by someone... Caiden didn't know what it was, but something was off about him. He seemed... out of place. When he finished snooping around, Caiden concluded that the Museum would soon earn the Spider-Man Seal of Approval. Just add another section dedicated to a certain arachnid-like hero and it would be a done deal. Speaking of which, Caiden needed to find the head honcho of the place, Franklin Richards. A little business discussion wouldn't hurt... Would it? Right as that thought passed through his head, Franklin's voice blared through the speakers. Caiden respected the guy's wish for a moment of silence, and bowed his head low, holding his arms behind his back. Once it was over, Caiden resumed to search for Frank. His business proposal was very important, after all. As he walked towards the stage where Franklin had given his speech, he saw that the retired Fantastic Four were catching up with their nephew and child. Not wanting to interrupt, Caiden stayed back, observing the reunion. “We should have done some sort of crazy entrance like that.” said Lily as she watch Tony Stark enter along with another lady who both were wearing armor. Lily assumed the other lady was Tony Stark's daughter. On the bright side no one would really remember her dress with Tony making an entrance like that, hopeful more exciting things would happen to make everyone focus on something beside her. As Lily entered the building and look around, she saw a vast crowd, most of which she didn't recognize, yet there were a few that she did. She saw two X-men, who she recognize from school. Although Lily wasn't a mutant she did attend Xavier School for the Gifted. She wouldn't be surprised if none of them recognized her, she kept a low profile at the school. Among the crowd she noted other heroes such as the new Spider-Man but he seemed pretty busy at the moment. Before Lily could do anything else she suddenly heard Franklin and turned to see him speaking on the Microphone. He was talking about donation, Lily had heard of this and had even contributed a small amount of 50 dollars, though compared to the total it wasn't much. Yet when Franklin ask everyone to spend a moment of reflection for heroes who couldn't be with them, it just made Lily think about her good for nothing father. Lily utterly despised her father but decided to change her train of thought, she didn't want to dishonor Franklin noble goals with her petty hatred. Once Franklin speech had ended Lily moved to greet her old friend but found that he was busy with his security guards. Lily didn't want to interrupt but couldn't help but listen in the conversation. It seemed someone claiming to be Loki son had joined the party, though Lily enjoyed a fight and an adventure she didn't want to see Franklin party get destroyed. Once the security guard had left Lily was about to make her move only to find that Franklin was already talking to his relatives. Once he had finish talking to his relatives, Lily made her way towards Franklin. “Hi Franklin, I overheard you might have a security problem.” said Lily as she made a fist with one hand and place in her the palm of her other hand and crack her neck. Franklin chuckled as he let his family go check out the museum. As outside of his dad none of them had a chance to see it yet, and even then it wasn't much outside of the Fantastic Four exhibit. Franklin Franklin went to take another sip when he heard a very familiar voice behind him. "Hm? MMHPGGH!" Franklin felt the water running down his throat in a wrong way as he choked and coughed. His cheeks puffing out and his eyes going crossed for a second. It wasn't so much Lily overhearing his talk with the security as much as that dress. Holy crap THAT DRESS. He never had a clue his childhood BFF had such a thing in her, even with her fashion star of a mom. Lily face turned red with anger. She could tell what Franklin was thinking. “Say a word about this dress and I will make sure you don't see tomorrow. Do we understand each other?” ask Lily as she grabbed Franklin tie with an iron grip. As Lily grabbed his tie it caused his already sore throat to be squeezed tight. Making his head swell up as he struggled. "Crystal clear..." He struggled to get out. “I'm glad we came to an understanding.” said Lily as she let go of his tie and quickly patted his suit to fix it up quickly. “So tell me, what have you been up to, aside from this fundraiser. Have you chosen a field of science, I've gone with genetics.” said Lily who was now in a better mode. Franklin struggled to get air as his head shrunk back to normal. Franklin gasping like a fish out of water for oxygen before coughing for the last time. "Err well... I mean science isn't really my thing like it was Valeria's." Franklin reminded her as he shrugged. "I mean I have no idea what to do, I was thinking maybe just keep with this museum, do some more charity work on the side. I never really had much time to think about it lately to be honest." Lily gave Franklin a serious stare. "Nope, that won't do. I will not allow you to waste your gifts, doing so would be a crime. How about you apply to work with S.W.O.R.D. they could use someone like you, especially after all the adventures your parents have gone for. They would take you in a heartbeat. Just think about it, we would be working together, advancing science and saving the world from all sorts of crazy threats. Come now, lets go fill an application." said Lily in a manner that indicating she wasn't asking but telling him to do so before grabbing his arm and starting to drag him towards a nearby room with a computer. Franklin was about to try and tell her calmly that he wasn't a superhero. He didn't think he was needed as one and didn't want to try and emulate his family's life. Unfortunately he got about "Well actually Li..." into that speech when suddenly his arm was being yanked like taffy by Lily over to the nearest computer. "...Oh bother..." Franklin mumbled shaking his head before meekly catching up with Lily and his hand.