[Lancer, Throne Room, Fuka Academy, Japan, Nighttime] Lancer re-materialized when the combaticons retreated. ...a chair? Those giant things came all the way here for a chair? No matter, they were gone. And another problem had just been solved, just as the cave collapsed from the grenade. However, much more was on his mind. This girl who had come to stop him. She had not fled, she had not cowered. Even in the face of a much bigger adversary, she had not cowed, but stood her ground. It was at this point that Vlad Tepes, the Lord Impaler, felt that he had found someone worthy enough to call "Master." Turning to the student council president, Lancer de-materialized his lance to show that he meant no harm. "...well," he commented, "that was quite eventful, to say the least." he then paused before continuing. "I can get us both out of here, but I would require... a commitment from you." he said with a slightly scary smile on his face. "it is nothing serious, of course. It's mostly just a formal agreement and will require little to no exertion on your part; all you will need to do is essentially acknowledge my existence as something of this world."